Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,281 to 19,300 of 58,960
  1. Transcript of interview with Eva Weisz

    Testament of Eva Weisz's experiences during the Holocaust.

  2. Sobibor - Wlodowa (SOB)

    Interviews with local Polish people around Sobibor, Poland, including long sequences of a Catholic mass in Wlodowa. Lanzmann asks about the Jews in Wlodawa before the war and inquires how non-Jewish residents got along with the Jews. Includes shots of the Sobibor camp and environs. FILM ID 4674 -- White 15 Sobibor Gare CU, elderly woman and man sit indoors at the Sobibor train station. “Sobibor” sign. Local people sit on benches outside waiting for train. A train pulls into the station. End clapperboard: SOB 1. 01:03:03 Passengers look out the windows of the railway cars as the train depart...

  3. Chaim Piotrkowski collection

    The Chaim Piotrkowski collection consists of a photocopy of Piotrkowski's personal narrative about his experiences in the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Lieberose, written in English; a photocopy of Hercko Ciesluk's personal narrative about his experiences in the Bialystok ghetto, Bliżyn labor camp, Lieberose, Gross Rosen, and Mauthausen, written in Yiddish in 1947; and Piotrkowski’s English translation of Ciesluk's personal narrative.

  4. Benjamin Murmelstein - Theresienstadt Judenaelteste

    Benjamin Murmelstein, a rabbi and intellectual, worked closely with Adolf Eichmann in Vienna and became the last head of the Jewish Council in Theresienstadt. He defends his behavior against the many who have criticized him since the war and provides important details about the functioning of Eichmann's Central Office for Jewish Emigration. The sound on these tapes is problematic. Claude Lanzmann's questions are sometimes inaudible (they often do not appear in the transcripts). The audio sometimes outlasts the video image. The first few tapes show Murmelstein and Lanzmann outside on a balco...

  5. Military government concentration camp questionaire with photograph

    Photocopy of Arnold Wachtel's postwar Concentration Camp Inmate Questionaire with his photograph.

  6. Oral history interview with Tsilya Radovolsky

  7. Judith Bihaly collection

    Fragment of receipt, 6 June 1945. Original Catholic conversion certificated for Andras Bihaly, the twin brother of Judith Bihaly [donor], 29 December 1940. Original marriage certificate belonging to donor's mother, 29 January 1934. Original "Igazolvany" (ID card) for Mrs. Karoly Bihaly, no date. Original birth certificate for Andras Bihaly, dated 1934. Original birth certificate for donor, dated 1934. Photocopies of 13 photographs.

  8. Society of the Survivors of the Riga Ghetto Conference (New York)

    Lanzmann films at a New York conference for survivors of the Riga ghetto in 1978. Includes an interview with several former Jewish policemen from Riga, Latvia who describe the division of the ghetto into sections for Latvian Jews and German Jews, dealing with the Nazi discovery of a secret weapons cache, and responsibilities as Jewish police. Lanzmann raises the question of collaboration and acknowledges the survivors’ openness as they talk. He also interviews veteran frontline soldier, Friedrich Baer. The reels also generally show the conference proceedings inside the New York hotel. FILM ...

  9. Betty Weissberger Lauer papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Betty Lauer (born Berta Weissberger), originally of Hindenburg (Zabrze, Poland). Consists of an identity card (kennkarte) issued to Krystyna Zotkos, the false identity Betty used in the Generalgouvernement in September 1942. Also included is a document, dated October 5, 1937, confiscating the property of Oskar Weissberger, Betty's father, who was able to immigrate to the United States, and a good conduct certificate for Berta Weissberger dated January 4, 1939. Also includes a story entitled "Friends 1940-1942" written by Betty Lauer in 1...

  10. Oral history interviews with the Laquer/Laqueur family

  11. Judenaktion

    Poem describes the destruction of the creators hometown of Kuty, Poland.

  12. Selected records relating to safehaven, restitution and other related subjects

    Contains mostly information relating to Safehaven and restitution.

  13. Paula Biren

    Paula Biren was a young Jewish woman living in Łódź, Poland when the Germans invaded in 1939. She survived the Łódź ghetto and Auschwitz. In her interview with Claude Lanzmann, Biren describes the occupation of Łódź, ghettoization, the children's Aktion of September 1942, and her deportation to Auschwitz. FILM ID 3105 -- Camera Rolls #1-4 -- 03:00:09 to (03:00:09) Biren and Lanzmann are seated outdoors. Lanzmann begins the interview by asking her to start at the beginning, the moment the Germans entered Łódź, what her feelings were, and if she knew at that time what would be at stake. She s...

  14. Sketch

  15. Richard Rubenstein

    Richard Rubenstein, an American professor, relates his position on stateless people, bureaucracy, and the role of churches during the Holocaust. FILM ID 3871 -- Camera Rolls TALA 1-5 Allies CR1 Professor Rubenstein begins the interview by describing the beauty of Wakulla Springs, near Tallahassee, Florida, where the interview will take place. Lanzmann asks if it is a fitting place to talk about the Holocaust, to which Rubenstein answers it is as fitting as any other place, as the Holocaust was so unnatural and destructive. 01:02:22 CR2 He implies the similarities of the sanctuary in which t...

  16. Nazi feature film on espionage, British agents, German rearmament

    Plot summary: In this feature film set in 1936, Mr. Morris operates a British espionage ring based in Berlin that is eager to receive information about secret German rearmament plans. He is successful when he bribes a broke engineer involved in the construction of a new artillery cannon and places an agent in a military airport testing a new type of bomber. However, when Morris deliberately makes the acquaintance with the girlfriend of Hans Klemm, a soldier running in new tanks, he encounters trouble. He initially makes some progress by utilizing the soldier's friendliness and naiveté, but ...

  17. Poster

  18. Jane Keibel memoir

    Contains a testimony, typescript, four pages, about the experiences of Jane Keibel (born Inge Goldschmidt), originally from Duesseldorf, Germany. Describes the family's journey on the MS. St. Louis, return to Europe, how her family sent her to be sheltered by OSE, and how the family emigrated to U.S. later in 1939.

  19. The Jew Connoisseur Der Judenkenner (Berlin, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Benjamin and Sophie Esterman were American citizens who were traveling in Europe, and visited Germany in order to see for themselves and to inform others where Nazism was going.