Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,941 to 18,960 of 58,960
  1. Folio

    Folio cover for a collection of 7 print reproductions of drawings by Henri Pieck, a survivor of Buchenwald concentration camp, of daily life in the camp.

  2. Nazi anti-Soviet propaganda

    Reel 3 This feature film dramatizes the evils of the "bolschewistische Weltvernichtung"[Bolshevik destruction of the world] using the tools of the Soviet secret police GPU and the Comintern to spread anarchy and chaos. Peter Assmuss, a Baltic German student in Riga in the summer of 1939, is innocently drawn into the net of a high-ranking GPU agent Nikolai Bockscha and forced to participate in killing a dissident Armenian national leader in Kovno. Peter hides in Rotterdam with the ethnic German Irina, the secretary of the killed. Eventually they are caught and tortured by the GPU in the cell...

  3. Larry Kowalsky papers

    Contains a VHS video cassette of donor's return to Lithuania in July 1989, a written testimony, photocopies of printouts from Museum of the Diaspora (Tel Aviv) and Yad Vashem (Jerusalem), and a extract from a book in Lithuanian titled "Nenusigrezk nuo saves."

  4. Jan Karski

    Jan Karski tells of his capture and torture by the Gestapo when he was a courier for the Polish underground. He also describes his clandestine visit to the Warsaw ghetto and his meeting with Szmul Zygielbojm, six months before Zygelbojm's suicide. See pages 491 - 494 of the English translation of Lanzmann's memoir The Patagonian Hare (March 2012) for a description of his interactions with Karski after filming this interview. FILM ID 3133 -- Camera Rolls #1-5 -- 01:00:33 to 01:32:10 Karski tells of his first missions as a courier for the Polish Government in Exile. [No visual until 01:01:56]...

  5. S. Podlaski letters

    Contains two letters, with an envelope, sent from Auschwitz concentration camp to Warsaw by S. Podlaski.

  6. Oral history interview with Samuel Stern

  7. Selected records of the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast

    The collection contains various documents of the Soviet government and Communist Party regional administration related to the history of Jewish communities of the Khmelnytsky region (formerly Kamenets-Podolsky region) before and after WWII. Included are statistical information, family lists, documents about Jewish schools and reading rooms, the promotion of literacy and vocational training, bylaws of Jewish religious communities, Jewish collective farms, files on Jews who appealed for the reinstatement of their electoral rights, files of Jewish owners of businesses, and inventories of synag...

  8. David Shtambrandt memoir

    Contains a testimony, typescript, three pages, describing David Shtambrandt' experiences in Odessa and surrounding region during the Holocaust. Three other copied documents include a Russian certificate certifying that people named in document (Raisa Turchina, V.G. Mamchur, A. Kashuk) lived in Domanovka in 1941; a document related to Claims Conference hardship payment given to Shtambrandt; and a letter from Yad Vashem that acknowledges the memoir he sent to them in 1990.

  9. Charles J. Fiore collection

    A memoir in Italian and English with copies of publications, etc., which relate to the Holocaust-related experiences of Father Sam Bartoli while he was a prisoner in the Fossoli and Mauthausen concentration camps.

  10. Book

  11. Indictment of Milch at his trial; high presusure experiments

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1946. LS members of the tribunal enter. President states that the prosecutor may begin reading the indictment. MCU, defendant Gen. Erhard Milch. Unidentified prosecutor reading part of indictment which refers to Milch. Pan of Tribunal. Voice of prosecutor is heard speaking of the deaths of concentration camp victims in the high pressure experiments. Gen. Milch pleads not guilty. CU of Taylor and unidentified civilians.

  12. Faivel Ziegelbaum

    The story of Szmuel (Artur) Ziegelbaum through his brother, Faivel. Faivel reads his brother's letters and occasionally offers his own reflections. This interview took place in Tel Aviv. FILM ID 3882 -- Zygielbojm Camera Rolls 1-11 In Israel, in several takes, Faivel Zygielboim reads a letter which his brother, Szmuel (Artur) Zygielboim wrote, preceding his suicide. In the letters, Artur describes the powerlessness and guilt he feels at the conditions his family and thousands of others live in back home in Europe. After Artur wrote letters to Churchill and other leaders of Allied countries ...

  13. Sager, Simon

    Health Card issued to Simon Sager.

  14. Postage stamp

  15. Oral history interview with Stefan Petri

  16. Jean Pictet - Red Cross

    A leading member of the International Council of the Red Cross, Jean Pictet was responsible for the preparatory work which led to the conclusion of the four Geneva Conventions in 1949. FILM ID 3444 -- Camera Rolls #1-3 -- 01:00:08 to 01:27:25 Roll 1 Jean Pictet sits in his office in the International Committee of the Red Cross (Comité International de la Croix-Rouge). Pictet began working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1937 when he was twenty-five years old. He started as a legal secretary and worked closely with the President of the ICRC, Max Huber. In 1946, Pic...

  17. Sketch

  18. Rudy Hooremans memoir

    Testimony: Typescript (31 pages), titled "I Am Still Here!", by Rudy Hooremans, dated July 1995. Consists of an account of a number of elderly relatives sitting on a back porch in Connecticut in 1995, reminiscing about their wartime experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium, and a meeting at the end of the war between American relatives in the U.S. armed forces and the Dutch relatives who had survived the Holocaust in hiding.

  19. Birthday card from Peterswaldau camp

    Birthday card made by prisoners of the Peterswaldau concentration camp for a fellow prisoner, Rose Hersz (later Futter). Inscribed; translation, recto: "From early morning we have carried the sweet obligation to congratulate you on your birthday. What should we wish you? If you were to have a little chocolate cake today instead of the nuts and bolts [of the workshop] that would improve your spirits. Oh, now we know [what to wish you]! We wish that one week from today you will be with your loved ones and in your own place; that you will be able to be happy and free and to live a renewed life."

  20. A memoir

    Contains a photocopy of a typescript memoir (4 pages, English) and manuscript (7 pages, Russian).