Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,421 to 17,440 of 58,960
  1. Headband

    Headband worn by Eva Charlotte Lehmann (donor's niece); Eva Charlotte was born on September 26, 1936, the only daughter of Gertrud Elias Lehmann and Siegfried Lehmann. They lived in Mallwischken, Germany. Siegfried fled Germany July-August 1939 to England. Gertrud and her daughter, Eva, moved to Berlin. Gertrud died of pneumonia contracted during forced labor on November 7, 1942, in the Jewish Hospital in Berlin. Eva Charlotte was deported to Auschwitz on December 14, 1942, where she perished.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 75 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The video begins in the middle of Session 75 with Eichmann testifying that there were bureaucratic problems which hindered attempts at mass emigration of the Jews. Eichmann goes on to explain the role of Hinckel, the Reich cultural administrator in the Reich Ministry of Propaganda, in the promotion of Jewish emigration (00:07:27). This entire segment duplicates footage found on Tape 2096 (beginning around 00:28:45). After a cut, the footage resumes with some confusion about the next document to be presented. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius reads from a document (in English) which indi...

  3. Starzynski family collection

    Contains Judal and Szajndla Starzynski's legal documents pertaining to their Holocaust experiences and health problems for their restitution claims.

  4. Third Congress of the Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone of Germany

    INT, meeting of the Third Congress of the She'erit ha-Pletah in Bad Reichenhall, Germany. Shots of Jewish DPs (orthodox and secular) in attendance, the press, voting, speakers, and the stage with featured participants. Spectators touring a photograph exhibition. 01:02:53 Short dark sequence of Yizkor ceremony, followed by more images of the exhibition, including CUs of dolls. 01:04:18 Participants at Congress lunch, large round tables with white tablecloths, waiters serving food, DPs eating, CU of "Bar" sign. 01:06:17 City street scene with DPs, cars. MS, building with US and Israeli flags....

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- End of Eichmann's testimony and affidavits from abroad

    Session 107. Tape begins midsentence with Eichmann explaining the circumstances of his being awarded a medal. (Duplicate material on Tape 2195.) The Attorney General Haunser asks a last question about a segment of the Sassen memoirs that was previously read. He asks Eichmann to read the sentences following what he previously read concerning Eichmann's zeal to complete his orders dealing with the Jewish people being a "guest nation" inside the German "host nation". Dr. Servatius ends his questioning. 00:11:26 Court adjourns for a 20 minute break. Various shots of the crowd milling about. 00:...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 14 and 15 -- Testimonies of Z. & M. Grynszpan, B. Cohn, A. Lindenstrauss

    Sessions 14 and 15. Witness Zindel Shmuel Grynszpan is called to the stand. The story skips after a blip at 00:02:13. Witness Mordechai Eliezer Grynszpan, son of prior witness Zindel Grynszpan, is called to the stand. Assistant State Attorney Gabriel Bar-Or questions Mordechai about his brother, Herschel Grynszpan. After a blip, Mordechai explains his reservations for writing to Herschel in France as the Nazis occupied. Mordechai details his actions during the 1940s and describes his search for his brother after the war. The witness is dismissed. A blip at 00:06:33 backtracks to Hausner rea...

  7. Saender family photograph collection

    The collection consists of three photographs of the Saender family while in the Bad Harzburg Displaced Persons camp.

  8. Pomyślna poczta

    Contains a copy of "Pomyślna Poczta," an antisemitic newspaper from Lwów, Poland (Lʹviv, Ukraine).

  9. Roza Ayzenberg photograph collection

    The collection consists of two photographs of Roza Aizenberg in Kiev, Ukraine, one taken before World War II and one after.

  10. DP Camp Neu Freimann

    DPs in the street at Neu Freimann, automobiles, bus, traffic, soldiers. Sign: "IRO Area Team 1055 / Neu-Freimann / Siedlung" Winter. Groups of men at gate of the camp.

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. Hausner gives examples of instances showing that Eichmann was in control of the fates of the Jews at Auschwitz (Duplicate footage from Tape 2220). This includes his visits to Auschwitz, discussing how they would be unnecessary if he was only in charge of getting trains there. He says that the requests to Auschwitz for skeletons for medicinal and educational use went to Eichmann. Everything points to Eichmann as the leader, not a follower, and that his office was in fact directly related to Auschwitz. 00:14:09 Tape cuts out. Judges enter the courtroom. They read the schedule for...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 43 -- Prosecution submits documents: foreign relations, deportations, legal matters

    Session 43. The Prosecution submits documents to the court, beginning with a letter concerning a citizen of a neutral country wanting to emigrate, a case which Eichmann denied. Another about the treatment of Jews of foreign nationalities, along with the decision to work towards the Final Solution, including dealing with mixed marriages. Another describing a deadline in 1943 for the deportation of each nation's Jews. Also, a preface of the Reich's Foreign Ministry discussing the pressure placed on foreign nations to return their Jews. 00:05:50 A summarizing report of the Gestapo office. A me...

  13. Sewing, laundry, dentist, carpentry, trains at Camp Westerbork

    CU, wooden table covered with buttons. CU of man's and woman's hands covering buttons in leather, putting it through a press. 02:04:05 Pan of a large working hall with people sewing. Laundry room: MS of women in white overcoats putting white sheets through a press and folding sheets. Men pulling out clean laundry from large washing machines and separating them into tall wooden crates. Row of women behind table ironing. 02:06:38 MS, chemical lab. Men and women in white coats mixing chemicals. Shelves with bottles filled with chemicals. CU of man looking through microscope. 02:07:40 MS, sign ...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 110 and 111 -- Hausner sums up for Prosecution

    Sessions 110 and 111. Judges enter the courtroom and open Session 110 of the trial (duplicate footage on Tape 2211). 00:02:07 Hausner begins summing up his case. He says that this is the trial of one of the ghoulish personalities which history will forever remember. He reminds everyone of the struggles of the witnesses, of Auschwitz, of religious leaders being degraded, of torturous activities, of murder. He says that man cannot create a nightmare so terrible, and yet it happened, created by Eichmann. He says that after hearing all this, Eichmann got his turn, and 16 years later he does not...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 27 -- Testimony of Abba Kovner

    Session 27. Witness Abba Kovner, Vilna Ghetto leader. Kovner was commander of the partisan underground organization, founder of the "Bricha" (escape), poet and writer, and activist in Israel's cultural and public life. Abba Kovner is standing in front of microphones, testifying to the court. He is midsentence when the tape begins. He talks of the various efforts to inform the world and the other ghettos of the purpose of their ghetto. He is stopped before he discusses too much. 00:02:01 The court asks him about a German non-commissioned officer named Anton Schmid. Kovner responds that he wa...

  16. Josef-Frances Feiler collection

    Contains two identification cards for Josef-Frances Feiler from Berlin, a picture postcard of Josef-Frances Feiler in Poland in 1942, one photograph of Josef-Frances Feiler in 1946, a photograph of Josef and Frances Feiler in the Linz Bindermichl Displaced Persons camp, and a photograph of the first anniversary of liberation in Linz Bindermichel.

  17. Roma Nitkowska papers

    The collection consists of a false birth certificate purchased by Michal Holzer for his daughter, Roma Drzewiecka Nitkowska as well as three copy photographs.

  18. "Why I Love Azaleas" manuscript

    Contains an English translation, 92 pages, of the German book entitled, "Warum Ich Azaleen Liebe" about Sister Mary Imma (Josefa) Mack, a postulant in the community of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Freising, Germany, who traveled to concentration camp Dachau between May 1944 and April 1945 to bring food supplies, medicine, and letters to the prisoners.

  19. Maria Kauderova-Fordham papers

    Contains mainly post-war documents regarding the personal history of Maria Kauderova-Fordham, originally of Czechoslovakia. She was liberated from Auschwitz at the age of 20 and eventually settled in Spain. The collection was donated by a woman who helped to care for Mrs. Fordham in the last months of her life, and therefore the life story of Mrs. Fordham is difficult to determine.

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Defense alleges court's lack of authority

    Session 1. Film ID 2005 is a combination of the end of Film ID 2001 and the bulk of Film ID 2002. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius states his first concern to the court. The defense suggests that an Israeli court lacks sufficient objectivity due to biases produced by the circumstances for which Eichmann is being tried. The defense claims that any judge with a personal connection to an individual(s) and/or event(s) involved in the Holocaust would be unable to maintain impartiality when making a decision on Eichmann's involvement. As Servatius begins to express his second concern, Judge ...