Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,321 to 16,340 of 58,960
  1. Time (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    One copy of Time Magazine; dated October 11. 1943. Cover has drawing of "Himmler, Police Chief of Nazi Europe, The dead do not revolt." Portrait of Himmler in front of a pile of corpses.

  2. Prewar Lviv (Lwow, Poland) and the first days of German occupation

    Prewar scenes in Lvov (Lwow, Poland, Lviv, Ukraine). VS, parade, floats with people and agit prop puppets, etc. Scenes after the German invasion. Nazi flags flying from buildings, etc. Crowds of civilians, peasants, women and children, in the streets, soldiers milling about. CU of military officer. In the first segment, the narrator speaks in Ukrainian over images of prewar life with shots of people (possibly in some sort of pageant) dressed as priests, bourgeois capitalists, and nuns in order to explain how the notion of "enemy" was created. There is a stall with a game allowing players to...

  3. War Crimes Trial, Tokyo; Nuremberg Trial

    18:41:14 War Crimes Trials, Tokyo, Japan, May 3-6, 1946 (English). HAS, judges' bench with court recorders and prosecution in FG. The defense lead Sir William F. Webb argues that the court should recess and be reconstituted. Webb announces adjournment. The audience rises as the judges file out. 18:46:21 (Munich 111) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 18, 1946 (German). LSs, Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hans Frank, questions Frank on the stand. CU, Dr. Seidl questioning the witness. CU, Frank giving details of his early career.

  4. Schellenberg and Hoellriegel testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 483) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 4, 1946. Walter Schellenberg, Chief of the Security Police and SD, takes witness stand and testifies. CU, Schellenberg on stand. MLS, Justice Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko (Russia) questions the witness. MLS, Schellenberg is questioned by Von Papen's and Rosenberg's attorneys. LS, attorney for SS and SD questions Schellenberg. LS, MSs, SS member Alios Hoellriegel is sworn in and testifies. The witness studies a photograph supposedly taken near Mauthausen concentration camp. NOTE: Rear views only of attorneys questioning the witnesses.

  5. Slovakian newsreel: Fascist youth at camp in Slovakia

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Representatives of the Croatian Ustashe Youth during a visit to Slovakia in Piestany, escorted by the leader of the Hlinka Youth, Alojz Macek.

  6. Hans Richter testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 272) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1 and 29, 1946. Hans Richter is sworn in, identifies himself, and starts testifying. Russian counselor is heard asking questions; witness answers in German.

  7. Fascist racial theory and health

    Roll 1: Title: "Filmarchiv der Persoenlichkeiten" Title: "Reichsgesundheitsfuehrer Dr. Conti" Profile of Conti at desk with two phones and lamp. 23 (date) on lamp (23 Nov 1941). Maps in background. Conti speaks, dressed in uniform with braid. ...seine erbliche Angabe...Die Erbgesundheitspflege und Rassenpflege muessen die Grundlage der Volksgesundheit sein...Nothing like this existed before 1933. Kriegsausbruch. Polnisch.

  8. POWs at border crossing at Elbe River

    (LIB 7089) "France Returns," Dessau, Germany, June 7, 1945. SEQ: US, French, and Russian officers question war prisoners who claim the right to cross the Elbe into US territory. Two young Frenchmen, formerly SS men, are questioned. Their papers laid out on a table are examined and one of them is taken away. MCUs, ex-political prisoners and French political deportees are questioned. LS, MS, ex-prisoners enter and leave gate at interrogation area. An American MP guards the gate.

  9. = Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church = Свети Синод на Българската Православна Църква Sveti Sinod na Bŭlgarskata pravoslavna cherkva (Fond 791, Opis 10)

    Collection consists of protocols of meetings of the Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

  10. Intl Conference; Hitler's photographer Hoffmann sentenced

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 89 01:01:02 International Conference in Minden, Ruhr District, Germany. Gen Robertson, Dep British Commander in Chief, Lt Gen Lucius D. Clay and Maj Gen Frank A. Keating at International Economic Council. Dr. Agartz, Director of German Bi-zonal Economic Office, addresses the assembly. Cut-ins, various delegates at the conference. 01:02:13 Today's Activities and Plans for Tomorrow, Emden, Germany. Pan, bomb wrecked buildings. LS, pan from giant cranes at dock to windmill. Locks, canals, dockyards of city. LS, loading coal in gondola. HS, ships at piers and moving out ...

  11. Race and heredity

    A Nazi educational film (propaganda) regarding questions of race and heredity of national/political value. [Aufklaerungsfilm ueber Rasse- und Vererbungsfragen / Praedikat: staatspolitsch wertvoll] Title on film: Kulturfilm-Abteilung Atelier 2. Woman calls on professor to show him what the beetles are doing. Additional colleagues join; a cameraman films them. Professor explains beetles' behavior - woman should not be sentimental. The weak are naturally destroyed. He finds it odd if cats and mice (and other pairs) live together. The professor takes a phone call. They watch a film about sunflo...

  12. Council of Ministers records

    This collection contains the protocols of meetings of the Council of Ministers, arranged in chronological order.

  13. Ajke family collection

    Contains photocopies of legal documents and genealogical information for Marek and Susana Ajke, copies of 27 black and white photographs of prisoners in Camp Beaune-la-Rolande in France, soldiers in the French army, and a memoir written by Marek Ajke entitled, "Memorias De La Rebelion En El Ghetto De Varsovia Y Del Holocausto."

  14. Holocaust-era records of the Jewish Labor Committee Child adoption case files

    The collection consists of 13 linear feet of Child Adoption Case Files (Sub-series of the Holocaust-Era Record of the Jewish Labor Committee), arranged alphabetically by name. Files were created by the Child Adoption Program of the Jewish Labor Committee between 1946 and 1960. Size and contents of individual files vary greatly; contain brief biographies and photos of the children, as well as correspondence, memos, and other documentation relating to the support of each child. Some of these children were living in the Jewish Labor Committee-supported children's homes in France, Belgium, Pale...

  15. Streicher's lawyer speaking at Nuremberg Trial; Palace of Justice; Dostler execution

    23:00:40 (Paris 387) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 15, 1945. HS tribunal. MHS, Dr. Hans Marx, Julius Streicher's lawyer, speaking to the court. MLS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle on the bench. 23:01:54 (Paris 388) Aerial Shots of the Court and MP Block, November 19, 1945. LS, M-18 tank traversing its turret in front of the Palace of Justice. MS, two men in tank turret; one speaks over radio while the other traverses. LS, MPs directing traffic near Palace of Justice. MS, MP at detour barrier speaking over phone. CU, sign, "Detour." CU, sticker o...

  16. Peter Stern memoir

    Contains a memoir written by Peter Stern about his Holocaust experiences.

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Sweden

    1021 E (04:00:40): View of Swedish Foreign Office in Stockholm. Christian Gunther, Swedish Foreign Minister, in his office at the Swedish Foreign Office, smoking, looking at papers. Various shots, CUs. VS Por Ablin Anson, Prime Minister, in his private office in the Kanslihuset (slightly underexposed). Looking at papers on desk, CU, Anson. Cabinet meeting in Kanslihuset, Stockholm. Members of the Swedish cabinet with the Prime Minister as president. CU, Swedish Foreign Minister (Gunther) on the immediate right of the Prime Minister (Anson). LS and CU of the cabinet, ministers in council. 10...

  18. 1936 Olympics: aquatics

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 8: Japanese swimmers triumph in aquatic events.

  19. Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko addressing Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 545) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 8, 1946. Rear views of Chief Russian Prosecutor Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko addressing the courtroom (in Russian). Note: There are no shots completely showing Rudenko's face.

  20. War Crimes Trial, Ludwigsburg; Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    05:18:52 (Munich 56) War Crimes Trials (Borkum Island), Ludwigsburg, Germany, March 12, 1946 (silent). AVs, castle in Ludwigsburg where the trials are being held. POWs who had escaped were not taken back to the camp but were retained by the police, according to the witness. 05:19:55 (Munich 59) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 22, 1946. British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe cross examining Goering. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence at bench. MLS, US prosecutors at table. Maxwell-Fyfe reading from document, "where the Jews were left to themselves, as for instance in Poland...