Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,981 to 14,000 of 58,960
  1. Fred Salomon photo album

    Contains a dark green photo album with photographs pertaining to Fritz (Fred) Salomon's experiences in Montintin, Villa Helvetia, and Home de la Foret (Switzerland) children homes, operated by the OSE (Oeuvre de Secours Aux Enfants).

  2. Rabbi Dr. Jecheskiel Lewin collection

    Rabbi Dr. Jecheskiel Lewin collection consists of copies of articles, documents, and correspondence written by and about Rabbi Dr. Jecheskiel Lewin, the last chief rabbi of Lwów (now Lviv, Ukraine). Rabbi Lewin was killed in 1941 after refusing the shelter offered to him by Metropolitan Andrew Szeptycki (Sheptytsky), whom he asked for assistance in protecting the Jews of Lwów. Also contains two rolls of microfilm containing issues of "Nasza Opinia," from 1936-1938. Rabbi Lewin was the last editor of this publication, and wrote many articles dealing with scholarly, sociological, political, a...

  3. US Army 31st Tank Battalion soldier's wartime movies in Europe and Washington, DC

    Silent amateur footage taken by Stephan Minovich, a US Army soldier and member of the HQ 31st Tank Battalion. Footage shows homefront scenes in Minovich's hometown of Washington, DC with his wife and family, wartime scenes in England, Germany, and possibly France and Czechoslovakia circa 1944-45, and the liberation of a concentration camp. Minovich family posing for the camera with pets, various shots, in a snowy yard; celebrating Christmas in Washington, DC in 1942, dancing, cameraman can be seen in mirror in BG; playing ping-pong. Child and dogs playing in the snow. Tourist shots of DC mo...

  4. Jack Caminer photographs

    Consists of 40 photographs taken by Jack Caminer [donor], a member of the United States Armed Forces, in the spring of 1945 as his unit traveled through Germany and Austria. Many of the photographs are of the destruction in Nuremberg. Includes one photograph of the donor, described as "Crossing the Rhine; 29 March 1945", taken during the holiday of Pesach. Also includes photographs of Jack Caminer (originally Hans Wolfgang Caminer) as a child in Berlin with various family members. His paternal grandfather, Max Lang, who appears in the photographs, perished of natural causes in Theresienstad...

  5. Rabbi Bernhard Brilling collection

    This collection contains extensive correspondence files from Brilling, documenting his role as an archivist and historian of the Jewish communities in Silesia, and in particular in Breslau, during the years prior to his own emigration to Palestine in 1939. Also included are correspondence files pertaining to Jewish genealogy in those regions, collections of printed materials collected by Brilling from the German Jewish diaspora in Palestine during the early 1940s, documents collected by Brilling about the Jewish community of Breslau, as well as documents he collected about the deportation o...

  6. Miscellaneous records relating to prisoner of war camps in Germany

    Contains prisoner of war (POW) camp reports prepared or collected by the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) regarding Allied POWs in German captivity. Most pertain to the needs and available supplies of religious, cultural, and recreational materials and facilities. Also contains correspondence of the German Red Cross that relates to various Allied civilian and military personnel held as political prisoners in German concentration camps and the mail that they were permitted to receive. Included is correspondence exchanged with other national branches of the International Red Cross and...

  7. Ernö Goldstein papers

    The papers consist of a photograph of a group of men seated outdoors wearing uniforms (Ernö Goldstein [donor's brother] seated first from right wearing an armband), five postcards written by Ernö Goldstein to his wife, Elisabeth, postmarked 1944, two newspapers, "Párizsi Magyarság," dated November 25, 1934, and "A Magyar Zsidók Lapja," dated March 18, 1943, and one 14-page handwritten manuscript by Ernö Goldstein. Accretion: Copy print: 8th grade middle school class picture from Orthodox Jewish school DOB Street 35, in Budapest, Hungary; donor standing top row, 6th from right; origina...

  8. Prewar Czech Jewish life in Prague and Southern Bohemia

    Home movies of the Lederer and Bruck families in Prague, Plana Nad Luznici, Pacov, and Stechovice, Czechoslovakia [Southern Bohemia]. (color) Landscape, family outside home in the mountains, Peter and Nina Lederer in a field of flowers, VAR shots of family members walking towards the camera, eating oranges, CU Ivan Rechts (cousin) squatting near house. 01:05:29 (black and white) Family swimming, tubing in the water. CUs, Nina and Peter. Family walking down road, stopping to pose. Eating at picnic table. Nina pushes Peter on a swing. 01:11:05 (color) Nina and an older girl jumping rope in a ...

  9. Leon Rajninger collection

    Consists of six photographs of members of the Reininger family of Czernowitz, Romania, taken in the displaced persons camps of Hofgers, Landsberg, and Kassel, and one book, 91 pages, entitled "The Rajninger Tree of Life and the Jewish Faith," by Leon Rajninger, 2000. The book traces Mr. Rajninger's family through the war to the present day and includes family trees, photographs, copies of historical documents, stories, and maps.

  10. Baldur von Schirach speech

    Title on screen: "Eine Million deutscher Jungen und Maedchen beteiligten sich am Reichsberufswettkamp, den der Reichsjugendfuehrer im Transformatorenwerk der A. E. G. eroeffnete." Baldur von Schirach, leader of the Hitler Youth, speaking at a podium in a factory. Views of uniformed boys and girls standing at attention while he speaks. Schirach ends his speech with three "Sieg Heil" salutes.

  11. Jakub Müller papers

    The papers consist of two photographs of images of Jakub Müller's cousins in Nowy Sad, Poland, and two newspapers that relate to Müller's life before and after the Holocaust.

  12. Wilfrid J. Michaud photograph collection

    The collection consists of two photographs taken post-liberation at Buchenwald concentration camp in Weimar, Germany, in 1945. The images depict a temporary monument erected immediately following liberation honoring those who perished in the camp and a mound of ashes and bones of those whose remains were cremated.

  13. Armaments officials, Nazi leaders at conferences, weapon inspections

    1941-1944 Armaments specialists at conferences and weapons demonstrations, including Armaments Minister Albert Speer, Hitler, Himmer, military and industrial leaders. Reel 2: Events of 6 and 7 June, 1943, in Hillersleben, Germany. Participants in front of the conference building, talking to each other and posing for the camera. Goebbels, Speer, others, exit the building. Conference participants watch a demonstration of flamethrowers. Interior shot of men eating in a large dining hall. Porsche waves to the camera. A large group of the participants, in uniform and civilian dress, stand outsid...

  14. Returning from a Camping Trip with My Boy Scout Troop, May 1945 Cartoon of a chaotic train station created soon after the war by a former hidden child

    Cartoon created by Simon Jeruchim, 16, in Paris soon after the war ended in May 1945. He drew it for his brother Michel, 8, who was still in Normandy with the Leclerc family that hid him during the war. Simon had joined the Boy Scouts and he wanted to show his brother the mad scene at the Montparnasse railroad station in Paris after the troop returned from a camping trip. Transportation was not yet back to normal in Paris, so trains were often ridiculously overcrowded. Simon lived in hiding in Normandy from June 1942. He returned to Paris to live with family friends, the Bonneaus, once it w...

  15. Patti Goldfarb papers

    The papers consist of 13 documents relating to Helena Krystyna Singer, originally of Drohobycz, who worked as a bacteriologist during the war. In 1936, she married Marian Fruchtman and emigrated with him to the Soviet Union in 1941. After Fruchtman's death in 1942, she went to Tehran and married Edmond Herman; the marriage was annulled in 1946. She emigrated to Kenya and worked in a military hospital in Tanzania between 1945-1946 and then emigrated to the United States in 1948. Collection includes pre-war photographs of Helena and her immediate family and documents related to her marital st...

  16. Fanya Portnoy photographs

    Consists of mainly pre-war photographs and copyprints of the Szuster family, originally of Vilnius, Lithuania, and of the Portnoy family, originally of Odessa, Soviet Union. Also includes photographs of the Vilnius Jewish community.

  17. Daniel Cohen papers

    The papers consist of four photographs of prisoners killed by the SS in a barn outside of Gardelegen, Germany, and a written testimony by an American soldier who interviewed prisoners in Kaufering concentration camp immediately following liberation.

  18. Paul Sanders liberation photographs

    Consists of 15 photographs taken upon the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Includes photographs of corpses and of railcars used to hold dead bodies.

  19. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities

    A propaganda film which laments the waste of money and other resources spent on caring for the mentally disabled and ill, at the expense of the "healthy" population. German intertitles describe the scenes. Film opens with busy street scenes, people going about their daily lives in the city. Switch to rural scenes, people farming, manual labor. Scenes of a Nazi parade and crowds at a huge outdoor rally. Flags flying, people saluting. A shot of the entrance to the "Silberhammer" mental institution; camera pans briefly around the surrounding countryside. The exterior of the institution, which ...