Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,961 to 13,980 of 58,960
  1. Olga Gelb school photograph

    Consists of a posed school portrait of a group of girls, taken in Budapest, Hungary, in the mid 1930s. Included among the girls is Olga Gelb (now Mrs. Paul Weinstein), the donor's mother. On the back of the photograph are the signatures of the girls pictured.

  2. Bukspan family photograph collection

    The collection consists of five photographs relating to the experiences of Shmariyaho Charles Bukspan who survived the Holocaust in hiding in Belgium.

  3. Bronka Rezak papers

    The papers consist of two manuscripts written by Bronka Grynglas Rezak [donor] for her grandsons, Avi and Ronnen Gruber, and a newspaper article. In the manuscript, titled "The History of our family," she describes the history of her family in Poland before World War II, their experiences in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, and various concentration camps during World War II, and their immigration to Australia after World War II. In the manuscript, titled "My experiences during the War, 1939-1945," she describes her experiences in the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz concentration camp, a factory in F...

  4. Yaakov Borenstein collection

    The collection consists of a prayer-book found by Marguit Loewy Borenstein [donor's mother] in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1945 and a photograph of Marguit and her sister, Terka Loewy (b. 1928), taken in Nové Město, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), during the summer of 1945 soon after their liberation from Auschwitz.

  5. Theodore Frankel collection

    This collection consists of correspondence to Theodore Frankel from friends and family after his emigration from Danzig to New York City in 1939, to attend Yeshiva University. Included is correspondence from his parents, Erna and Max Frankel, who remained in Danzig and perished in the Holocaust as well as correspondence from his brother Harry Frankel and other family members in Israel, the Netherlands, and England. Also included is a Danzig souvenir photograph album containing photographs of the family and of friends and copies of articles written in "Commentary," by Theodore Frankel in the...

  6. Mauthausen liberation photographs

    Consists of photographs taken upon the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp; includes photographs of prisoners standing outside barracks as well as photographs of corpses.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Sumner Welles at the Inter-American Conference

    Sumner Welles, the United States Under Secretary of State, at various meetings that took place during the Inter-American conference in Rio de Janiero. A large, crowded room with delegates around a large table. Photographers and journalists are also present. Sumner Welles first appears at 01:35:33. He is balding and wears a dark jacket and white shirt. Other attendees listed on the dope sheet are Argentina's Enrique Ruiz Guinazu and Alberto Guani of Uruguay. The debate appears heated at some points. Sumner Welles speaks at 01:41:30. The conference was convened to determine the appropriate re...

  8. Transcripts of oral histories of Ukrainian Jews from the project "Jewish Fates-Ukraine-20th Century"

    The collection includes the oral history transcripts of Ukrainian Jews who were born between 1894 and 1949, recorded by the staff of the Judaica Institute of Kiev, Ukraine, for their project. Transcripts have detailed information about the daily life, religious activities, family life, education, and survival through pre-war pogroms, and survival during the Holocaust and after World War II.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Von Brauchitsch and Rommel; German troops in action (captured film)

    Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and a contingent of officers inspect coastal fortifications in occupied France (?). The men walk across a beach toward a large buliding. The camera pans across a line of barricades. Large guns are shown in their emplacements. German soldiers in action: firing guns from camouflaged positions, explosions in the distance. Closer shots of the men using field telephones and consulting maps. Low aerial shot of a group of soldiers; they move out across a field. More shooting. Soldiers advancing through heavy cover and across a river...

  10. Koch/Pistreich family papers

    Contains documents, correspondence, and official papers pertaining to the Koch and Pistreich families of Vienna, Austria. The collection focuses on papers and correspondence regarding the successful attempt of Salomon Koch and Camilla Pistreich Koch to emigrate from Vienna to the United States in 1939. Also includes a history of the Pistreich family as well as extensive information about the Holocaust and emigration experiences of family members.

  11. Eiland family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence between Rudolph R. Eiland and his family in Austria and Hungary relating to his attempts to assist them with affidavits to come to the United States as well as a photograph of Karl and Gertrude Stiassny [Rudolph Eiland's niece and her husband].

  12. Volary burial of Nazi victims

    (LIB 6585) Reburial of Atrocity Victims, Volary, Czechoslovakia, May 11, 1945 SEQ: Prayers for the dead are said by a Jewish chaplain of the US 5th Inf. Div. at ceremony. Civilians unload coffins from truck. SEQ: French, Belgian, and US soldiers and civilians watch burials. LSs, MSs, CUs, one woman and two men remove corpses from shallow graves. MSs, women survivors, emotionally moved by the corpses. LS, women and children walk past a row of corpses lying on the ground. LSs, MSs, two US soldiers watch German civilians exhume the bodies of the dead and place them in coffins. LS, women carryi...

  13. Lev Aronson collection

    Contains of one copyprint of Lev Aronson playing the cello as a young man and numerous articles about Mr. Aronson's career as a cellist and experiences during the Holocaust. He was born in Munich Germany, and raised in Riga, Latvia, where he became the principal cellist of the Riga Symphony before World War II. Mr. Aronson spent four years in various German and Soviet concentration camps before emigrating to the United States in 1948 and settling in Dallas, Texas.

  14. Fred Weinman: A Biography

    Consists of a memoir, 55 pages, entitled "Fred Weinman: A Biography," by Lois Weinman Roberts. Fred Weinman (Fritz Simon Weinmann), originally of Magdeburg, Germany, emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1939. The memoir describes his pre-war experiences in Germany and his emigration experiences. Includes copies of photographs from the life of Fred Weinman.

  15. Ohrdruf liberation photographs

    Consists of photographs taken upon the liberation of the Ohrdruf concentration camp. The photographs were taken by Thaddeus Gutkowski, a member of the 89th Infantry Division, which participated in the liberation. Also contains a CD-ROM of the scanned images.

  16. Ehren-Chronik

    Consists of a black book illustrated with black-and-white photographs of Nazi leaders and propaganda events. It also contains forms pertaining to family genealogy and personal history, which have not been filled out. In tissue paper, book contains one triangular cloth patch and one b&w photograph of a woman feeding geese, dated 1958.

  17. German-American Bund at Madison Square Garden

    Exterior of Madison Square Garden with police lining the street. The marquee reads: "To Night: Pro American Rally." The German narrator notes that the German-Americans are celebrating the memory of George Washington but that Jewish and Bolshevist elements tried to disrupt the celebration. Shots of protesters holding signs and being pushed by police. Interior of Madison Square Garden showing a huge crowd. Fritz Kuhn, head of the German-American Bund, which organized the event, speaks from a stage in front of a huge poster of George Washington. Kuhn pledges allegiance to the US flag, in Engli...

  18. Selected records from the Reichskommissar für die Preisbildung (R 26 II)

    Contains records related to price regulations and price fixing in Nazi Germany as well as records related to the Aryanization of Jewish property.

  19. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Loire-Atlantique

    Consists of a variety of files pertaining to the civil administration of the Loire-Atlantique, a department in France, together with documents related to the administration of the camps housed there, anti-Jewish legislation, and documents related to the assassination of Lt. Col. Hotz (Feldkommandant of Nantes) and subsequent German reprisals.