Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,121 to 12,140 of 58,959
  1. Antisemitic signs during an NSDAP gathering

    Streets in Merseburg bedecked with swastika flags. Two signs hang above the streets. One invites citizens to come to the Party gathering to be held on the 24th and 25th of August. The other, larger, sign states that anyone who buys from Jews is a traitor. In the next scene, several people stand in front of a Der Stuermer kiosk, reading the newspapers posted inside the case. Another sign hanging over the street: Ein Jud und ein Laus ist wie die Pest im Haus [One Jew and one louse is like the plague in the house].

  2. Fran Prager photograph collection

    Seven staged images of Adolf Hitler speaking, taken by Heinrich Hoffmann in the 1920's. The photographs were entrusted to Fran Prager by an employee who worked as a secretary to Ms. Prager.

  3. Hungarian-Italian Bank, Secretariat (MOL Z 77)

    Records relating to the implementation of anti-Jewish laws, reports about Jewish employees, name lists, files of office of personnel; exemption issues, records of laborers liked or had disappeared, cases regarding employees, drafted into the army and/or labor companies, post-war compensation issues, re-admittances, and retirements, etc.

  4. Edmund Glaser collection

    Consists of two programs for Nuremberg Military Tribunal Case No. One (U.S. vs. Karl Brandt, et. al) (The "Doctors Trial") and Military Tribunal Case No. Two (U.S. vs. Erhard Milch), which took place between 1946 and 1947. Each program lists the counts charged in the indictments of the defendants.

  5. "The Man of a Thousand Faces: The Story of Tibor Slezák"

    Consists of a Hebrew copy and an English language translation of "The Man of a Thousand Faces: The Story of Tibor Slezák," 124 pages, by Avivah Even Hen. Tibor Slezák was a medical student and member of the Czech resistance in Brno at the beginning of the war, assisting those attempting to flee Czechoslovakia to Palestine. After the German invasion, he returned to his hometown of Źilina briefly before escaping over the border to Hungary. He lived in Budapest and was able to acquire the stamp of a military officer which allowed him to create false orders to be able to save people from dep...

  6. John R. Rice collection

    Consists of nine photographs taken by John R. Rice, a member of the 40th Engineer Combat Regiment, in the Dachau concentration camp in 1945. Includes photographs of mass burials and of soldiers standing near buildings in the camp.

  7. Regierung Posen-Westpreussen in Schneidemuehl Rejencja pograniczna Poznań-Prusy Zachodnie w Pile (Sygn. 307)

    The collection contains records from offices of the following places: On Noteć́ county, Piła town, Wałcz county, Człuchów county, Złotów county, Strzelce county, Choszczno county, Drawsko county and Szczecin county. The collection consists of the files of three departments: General Department, Department for Education and Church Affairs, and the Department of Forestry and Domains. Many files relate to the Jews, Jewish communities and synagogues, as well as to the World War II period-orders of the German authorities and seizing of the Jewish property.

  8. Regierungsbezirk Posen Rejencja w Poznaniu (Sygn. 300)

    Contains records from the Regierungsbezirk Posen offices of the following places: Chodzież, Czarnków, Gostyń Grodzisk, Jarocin, Kościan, Krotoszyn, Leszno, Miedzychód, Oborniki, Poznań, Rawicz, Szamotuly, Śrem, Środa, Wolsztyn, Września.The files that survived include the office internal organization matters, the book-keeping, reports of Landrats, the reports concerning the supervision of prices, the matters of housing, schooling matters and school files and files of the private properties.

  9. Boycott of Jewish businesses in Halle

    Pedestrians on a very crowded sidewalk. SA men hold signs reading "Die Juden sind unser Unglueck", although the signs are very hard to read. Another shot of SA men with signs. The camera pans up to show that the name on the shop is "Sobel." A large number of pedestrians pass in front of a business named "D. Hammerschild." The signs the SA men hold read, "Die Juden sind unser Unglueck, kauft nur bei Deutschen." Another sign reads, "Keinen Pfennig dem Judenkapital, kauft nicht in Warenhaeuser und Einheitspreislaeden." SA men with signs stand outside Wohlwerth (Woolworth's), Sponner, and the f...

  10. Oral history inteview with Morris Salzberg

  11. Guta Dafner Frydenzon collection

    Collections consists of photographs and correspondence relating to donors family before and during the war, including their time in the Łódź ghetto.

  12. Choir practice in the New Synagogue in Berlin on the night before Yom Kippur, 1932

    LS of Cantor Leo Gollanin as he sings the Kol Nidre in front of a choir on the evening before Yom Kippur in 1932 in Berlin's New Synagogue. Closer views of Gollanin and the female choir behind him.

  13. Bernard A. Grossman collection

    Consists of one typed report, two pages, describing life in and the liberation of the Barth concentration camp. The author is unknown. Also includes two letters, written in 2007 by Bernard Grossman, describing his memories of life in Barth (also known as Stalag Luft I), in which he was imprisoned from December 13, 1943 - April 30, 1945, after being shot down from a B-17 airplane over the North Sea.

  14. Knobler family collection

    Collection consists of documents, photographs and a newspaper clipping which document the experiences of Szaja Aron Knobler [donor] and his experiences in Poland and Germany during the Holocaust. Collection includes a letter stating he was a shaliah (or agent) for a youth movement.

  15. Franklin Horowitz collection

    Collection consists of a photograph that was taken on May 18, 1948 in Philadelphia pertaining to founding of the State of Israel. Included in the photo are Mayor Bernard Samuel; George Louis, holding the flag; next is donor's aunt, Ann Sebotnik; and behind Levinthal is the donor's grandfather, Lawrence G. Horowitz.

  16. Regierung Kattowitz Rejencja Katowicka (Sygn.119/0)

    Contains selected records of numerous official correspondence among the Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz and the subordinate authorities as: landrats, communes, towns as well as superior authorities. The files of the Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz contain numerous circular letters “Der Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern”, most of the documents were signed by Heydrich - the Chief of the RSHA. The Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz was in existence from October 26, 1939 to January 26, 1945. The Regierungsbezirk Kattowitz included the following towns: Bytom, Katowice...

  17. Klara Süss papers

    The collection includes a journal and accounting book kept by Klara Süss. Klara began her journal in 1941 while aboard the SS Navemar, waiting to immigrate to the United States. In the journal she recounts her experiences being forced from her home and sent to Camp de Gurs, living in Marseilles, and the process of obtaining visas. The collection also includes a translation of the journal, a German passport issued to Klara, American citizenship papers issued to Klara and her husband David Süss, and the leather wallet the certificates were housed in.

  18. Shoe Factory in Radom Radomskie Zaklady Obuwia (Sygn. 344)

    Contains all files of 841 Jewish workers of the Shoe factory in Radom. Each file makes an original carton envelope, which was a personal form at the same time. The information on an envelope contain: the family name, name/names, date of birth, place of birth, address in Radom, marital status, and profession. In most files there are photographs of the workers. Some other information is included on an envelope back as “dismissal”, with dates that correspond with the dates of liquidation of the Radom ghettos in Gliwice district and downtown (particularly the information like “After the Gliwice...

  19. Collection of testimonies relating to Hungary, YV O15E

    The collection contains approximately 5,000 statements recorded by a Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (DEGOB), a special documentation department set up by the Jewish Agency in conjunction with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC or Joint) .

  20. William Gallagher photographs

    Consists of 212 photographs taken by a Nazi German press officer. Includes photographs of Hitler and other members of the Nazi leadership, photographs of ceremonies and rallies, and photographs of German soldiers during the Soviet invasion. The donor, William Gallagher, a member of the United States Army, discovered these photographs in a newspaper office in Cologne, Germany.