Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,601 to 11,620 of 58,959
  1. Second Unger family visit to Polish village

    The Unger family and townspeople stand around a car in the village of Niebylec. They stand in a group with Yankel; Morris sports a straw hat. Sitting in a car, Ethel poses with Kalman. The family departs in a buggy to visit friends in the countryside. The family is greeted by their friends. CU of Kalman and his friend conversing. 01:12:19 HAS, people gathering to go to synagogue. Men dressed in religious garb. Little children stand in the courtyard looking up at the camera, shooting from inside the window of a house. Ethel in a long dark coat and light dress and Sy stand together and look u...

  2. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Haute-Marne

    This collection contains documents concerning the Centre de rassemblement de Langres (Center for grouping together “enemy aliens” at Langres during the “drôle de guerre” 1939-1940); internment camp at the Fort of Peigney, for Roma; Camp de Chalons; and Camp de Germaines. Also included is the transfer of Roma from Peigney to Arc-en-Senans (Doubs), and when that was closed, to Jargeau (Loiret). It also contains documents from a Special Department concerning Jewish Questions including: census, special inquiries, mandatory wearing of the Jewish star, the Group of Foreign Workers (GTE), Aryaniza...

  3. Selected documents from the Departmental Archives of the Hérault

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn35834
    • English
    • 1936-1958
    • 41,779 digital images, JPEG 8 microfilm reels, 16 mm 7 CD-ROMs, 4 3/4 in. 1 DVD-ROM, 4 3/4 in. 33 pages of photocopies,

    Contains documents pertaining to the systematic persecution of Jews in the Hérault, the creation and operation of internment camps for foreigners at Agde, Ceilhes-et-Rocozolos, and Olargues; documents pertaining to foreigners, particularly Spaniards; the dissolution of secret societies, notably the Freemasons; name lists of laborers, including Jews employed by the Ministry of Labor; documents concerning forced labor of North Africans, foreigners, and Jews; roundups and arrests of Jews with expropriation of their property and Aryanization of their businesses; information on the Cambous child...

  4. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of Réunion

    This collection comprises several administrative documents concerning anti-Jewish measures that the Vichy regime applied in the overseas department of Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

  5. Meir and Paula Stein diaries and photographs

    The Meir and Paula Stein diaries and photographs consist of three diaries written by Meir Stein and five diaries written by Paula Stein while in hiding in Białystok, Poland describing their experiences from 1941-1944. Also included in the collection are photographs from the Białystok Central Committee and pictures of Meir and Israel, Meir and Paula’s son. Meir Stein wrote four diaries while in hiding in 1944, but the first diary was lost after the war. The diaries are written in German and describe his experiences in the Warsaw and Białystok ghettos and the time his family spent in hiding f...

  6. Suzanne Weil collection

    Collection of photographs and documents pertaining to Suzanne Weil's pre-war and wartime experiences in Slovakia and Hungary. Ms. Weil [donor] was in hiding in the countryside in Slovakia using a false identity and in 1944 escaped to Budapest where she was sent to Bergen Belsen on the Kasztner transport. Included is a pre-war photo album which belonged to Jan Weil, a photocopy of a list of Kasztner Train passengers, photocopy of a report of testimony of one of Kasztner's witnesses, daily report of what happened in Bergen Belsen (in Hungarian) by Eugene Kolb, and a photocopy of "accusations"...

  7. De Gaulle's inspection tour; honoring heroes of Warsaw; V-2 rockets in Cuxhaven; Dachau orphans

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 25 (part) Title: Inspektionsreise General de Gaulles [General de Gaulle's inspection tour]. General de Gaulle tours the French occupied zone of Germany, beginning in Saarbruecken. The general rides in an open car and crowds line the streets. Many of those in the crowd wave French flags. De Gaulle greets French troops (some of them colonial troops) and inhabitants of Mainz. Shots of destroyed buildings in Mainz. His car drives past the Westwall fortifications. De Gaulle greets women dressed in ethnic costume. On the third day of his journey de Gaulle reaches the city ...

  8. Selected records of the Holocaust in Nógrád County, Hungary

    This collection contains three group of records: I: Records of deputy prefect of Nógrád County, 1934-1944 (bulk 1938‒1944); mayor of Salgótarján city (1939‒1944); people's court (no date), and lawsuits (1945‒1946); government commission for "abandoned" properties in Balassagyarmat; commissions of Nógrád-Hont county (1945‒1949) and Salgótarján city (1945); political screening committees of Salgótarján, Szecseny, Nógrád-Hont, and Szirak counties, and of Salgótarján city; orphans court of Nógrád county (1940‒1943) and Nógrád -Hont county (1946‒1948); deputy prefect of Nógrád -Hont county (docu...

  9. Schwarzhaupt family collection

    Consists of correspondence regarding the Holocaust experiences of the family of Albert and Hella Reinhold Schwarzhaupt. Consists of pre-war postcards, the 1921 marriage certificate of Albert and Hella, and the birth certificate of their fourth child, Ruth Schwarzhaupt. In 1935, Albert and Hella managed to secure passage to the United States for their two oldest children, Rosi and Hanni. In February 1939, the two youngest children, Max and Ruth, sponsored by a Swiss Jewish Relief Agency, entered Switzerland, where they remained during the war, joining their siblings in the United States afte...

  10. Veszprémi Érseki Levéltár, Veszprém Holocaust-era records from the Archives of the Archbishop of Veszprém, Hungary

    Primarily records of individuals seeking to convert to Catholicism, related correspondence among Church authorities, documentation of conversion, documents of name changes. Postwar administrative and political documents mainly related to adaptation to the new government and circumstances, for instance defending priests and defending church property.

  11. Large-sized site plans and building plans or drawings of the KL at Auschwitz and Stutthof

    Contains 18 reproductions of large format-plans and drawings for Auschwitz and one reproduction for Stutthof.

  12. Peter Kauf collection

    Contains thirty-eight original photographs of the Kauf family before the war in Berlin, during the war in Belgium, and after liberation. Peter Kauf survived the Holocaust in hiding; his older brother was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and murdered upon arrival; his parents were hiding most of the time, but at the end of the war, they were arrested and imprisoned in a transit camp in Belgium.

  13. Aerial views of postwar Paris

    Aerial shots of Paris and the Eiffel Tower. U.S. Air Force soldiers stand and kneel together posing for a photo. More aerial images of Paris neighborhoods, destroyed bridges and Notre Dame Cathedral. Aerial views of the French countryside.

  14. Lt. Col. Casimir M. Mieszkowski (Casimir M. Mize) collection

    Consists of nine cigarette cards manufactured and distributed by the Nazi German Eilebrecht cigarette company. The cards, which depict propaganda images of Nazi leaders and wartime scenes, were collected and annotated by Lt. Col. Casimir M. Mieszkowski (Casimir M. Mize), who was a squadron intelligence officer with the American Army Air Forces 391st Bomb Group and who was the paternal grandfather of the donor.

  15. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Bratislava

    Trial and investigative records of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the District People's Courts (Okresný ľudový súd) and the Local People's Courts between 1945 and 1947 for collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of political defendants. Features survivor and eyewitness testimonies describing the persecution of Jews and crimes committed against J...

  16. Buchenwald and Gardelegen photographs

    Consists of one leather photograph album containing photographs taken in May 1945 of the Buchenwald concentration camp, as well as signs for the Gardelegen cemetery for victims of the Gardelegen massacre. Captions are written under each photograph.

  17. Hirschhorn family collection

    Collection of letters written by members of the Hirschhorn family during the war. Included are letters written by Kurt Siegfried Hirschhorn (donor's brother) to Hermann and Hedwig Hirschhorn (donor's parents), letters from the parents to both sons, a letter from Kurt to Richard, and a letter from Richard to his parents. Hermann, Hedwig, and Kurt Hirschhorn did not survive the war.

  18. Paul R. Brown collection

    Collection of photographs of unidentified camp. Acquired by Paul Richard Brown (donor's father) while serving with the US Army in Europe during WWII.