Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,341 to 11,360 of 58,933
  1. Clips from the propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    01:04:00 to 01:05:27 Clips of party leaders giving speeches. There are a few different clips but they are cataloged here as one clip. The name of the party leader appears on the screen, followed by an excerpt from each man's speech. The following leaders speak: Fritz Reinhardt, Robert Ley, Joseph Goebbels, Konstantin Hierl. 01:05:30 to 01:05:44 Brief CUs of men from the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service) who are lined up in formation in front of Hitler at the Nuremberg rally grounds. This clip cuts off the first part of the scene, in which one of the RAD men asks another, "Woher stam...

  2. German occupation of Jersey and Guernsey

    Scenes from the German occupation of Jersey and Guernsey. The narration does not specify which island is being shown. A Nazi flag flies over the former headquarters of the Royal Air Force on either Jersey or Guernsey. Scenic shots of the town followed by a shot of a car pulling up outside the office of the German commander. An English policeman gets out of the car and opens the door for two German officers, who enter the headquarters building. Street scenes featuring shops and a double-decker bus. German soldiers walk down the street and talk with the English policeman from the earlier scen...

  3. Franco with de Arrese at El Escorial

    Ufa logo onscreen. Francisco Franco visits the royal palace at El Escorial. General Franco is met by Minister of Party Juan Luis de Arrese. Franco arrives at El Escorial and greets the troops and officials there to meet him. Wide shot of a large contingent accompanying Franco across a courtyard. Franco greets a bishop. Shots of the interior of a tomb, followed by some still photos of the tomb. With Franco, although hard to distinguish, are Minister of Party Juan Luis de Arrese and Minister of Foreign Affairs General Count Jordana. Arrese was an admirer of Hitler and German fascism. Franco a...

  4. Selected records from the Ghetto Fighters' House (Beit Lohamei Haghetaot)

    This collection contains records relating to Jewish underground organizations in ghettos in occupied Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, France, and many other countries, Jewish participation in partisan movements against the Nazis and their allies, as well as Jewish life generally before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes testimonies, correspondence, documents of ghetto councils, German and Judenrat edicts, memoirs, biographies, documents of the rescue and aid organizations, underground proclamations, meeting minutes, personal papers, commendations and decorations, research papers,...

  5. Trial of Bernard Natan

    Scenes from the 1939 fraud trial of Bernard Natan, who took over Pathe in 1929. Natan is shown in the dock trying to hide from the cameras, first with a newspaper over his head and then with his hands. Natan, a Romanian-born Jew who became a French citizen, was convicted of fraud and sent to prison. He was released in 1942 and sent to Auschwitz, where he died.

  6. Judith Fierst Hemmendinger collection

    Contains a photo album of children's homes Ambloy and Taverny, established by OSE after the war. Judith Fierst (donor) was the director of Ambloy, which cared for child survivors of Buchenwald.

  7. Averbukh family letters

    This collection contains photocopies of the personal letters, newspaper clippings, and postcards of Deborah (Nina) Iakovleva Averbukh, who survived the early German occupation of Kharkov in 1941.

  8. Goebbels' Total War speech

    List of PK cameramen. Wide shot of the huge crowd in the Berlin Sportpalast gathered to hear Goebbels' Total War speech. In the speech, Goebbels made repeated reference to the Jews and the danger they supposedly pose for Germany and Europe, but none of this language appears in the newsreel version of the speech. The first part of the newsreel has a voiceover that summarizes what Goebbels says, over shots of people in the crowd listening intently and cheering enthusiastically. Excerpts from the narration include (not a word-for-word translation): The Wehrmacht serves as the only protection f...

  9. Gesundheitskammer in Generalgouvernement Izba Zdrowia w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie (Sygn. 251)

    Contains questionnaires filled out by Jewish medical professionals in the Generalgouvernement when they registered with local Gesundheitskammern (health departments). The four-page questionnaires contain information about and photographs of individuals and their families.

  10. Goebbels visits troops in the last days

    Goebbels visits the front town of Lauban (Luban, Poland) on March 6th, 1945. He meets with General Ferdinand Schoerner. Goebbels greets troops, including 16 year old Hitler Youth member Wilhelm Huebner, on the market square of the town. View of the square shot through a broken window pane. Goebbels speaks to the soldiers. Graphic shots of dead civilians from the same area. The narrator describes the perpetrators as Untermenschen and the associates of Roosevelt's Christian soldiers. Original sound of Goebbels giving a speech in Goerlitz. He says that the German soldiers will show no mercy to...

  11. Six clips from an anti-Jewish Nazi propaganda film

    01:12:05 to 01:12:20 Onlookers watch as Jews with horse-drawn carts full of belongings enter Stuttgart after Suess has convinced the Duke to reverse the ban and allow them into the city. A man leading a horse sings the song Shir Hagamal (Song of the Camel). This and many other scenes in the movie were filmed in Prague and Harlan coerced some Jews into performing in this scene and in a later scene set in a synagogue. [This information comes from Susan Tegel's article - see Notes field for citation]. 01:12:26 to 01:12:39 Suess pulls a frightened Dorothea away from the curtain by the window in...

  12. Anti-Polish propaganda just prior to outbreak of war

    Excerpts from the last newsreel before the outbreak of war. Women and children who have allegedly suffered at the hands of the Poles are interviewed in a German refugee camp. A weeping woman tells her story. The ship Schleswig-Holstein arrives in Danzig harbor. Joyous civilians and members of the Kriegsmarine wave to the the ship from the shore. Men in formal navy dress uniforms leave the ship and review sailors lined up on the dock. A banner reads "Wilkommen Schleswig-Holstein". German draftees, still wearing civilian clothes, stand at attention at roll call, then are issued shoes and unif...

  13. Weinstein family papers

    Contains photocopies of personal letters, a report card, and school compositions of Vladimir Weinstein from an orphanage for gifted children in postwar Kiev. Also included is a photocopy of an unsigned, untitled drawing and a (later) undated clipping about Vladimir’s brother and renowned painter Mikhail. While their father fought in the war, the Weinsteins were evacuated to the Urals with their mother, who died shortly afterwards.

  14. Judith Korot collection

    Contains documents, letters, and photographs illustrating the Grunberger and Freimann families in Slovakia during the Holocaust.

  15. Children ski outside their vacation home in prewar Poland

    Winter scene, snow covers most of the ground. Hanna is bundled up. She and Thomas strap on their snow skis. They get some help from her father Benedikt. Slowly they work their way along a path and down a slight slope, falling once.

  16. Cases of the victims of Nazi pseudo-scientific experiments (MOL IXI L BEG 01)

    Contains legal claims, questionnaires, medical documentation, and administrative records of victims of Nazi pseudo-scientific experiments.

  17. Lieberman family welcomes newborn Babeta

    A new baby (Hanna's cousin Babeta) is in a carriage drinking from a bottle. It is held up by its mother Nelly and father Emanuel (with glasses). She is played with, diaper changed, and fed.

  18. Military personnel in Vienna

    Bus with German military personnel, inscription "Goeppingen" (a town in Baden-Wuertemberg where an air training ground and airfield was situated). Military vehicle. Austrian soldier greeting Germans in Goeppingen bus.

  19. Denmark general election

    A report about the March 23, 1943 general election in Denmark. Men on bicycles exit a building (holding bags of ballots?). Montage of Danish pamphlets and newspapers about the election. A sign announces that it is election day. Flags in the streets of Copenhagen. A crowd of people outside a polling place (?). A woman affixes a badge with a Danish flag, presumably an indication that he has voted, to a man's lapel. A horse-drawn taxi drives down the street. Citizens enter a polling place. Overhead shot of people in voting booths. Boxes of ballots are emptied and sorted at tables.

  20. Croatian labor service

    CU of a member of the Croatian Labor Service blowing a whistle. Uniformed men run out of barracks onto a field. A man hands out shovels to the workers. Various scenes of labor: digging and constructing buildings. Pan over newly constructed buildings.