Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,241 to 11,260 of 58,931
  1. Philip W. Porter collection

    Consists of articles and clippings from various newspapers and periodicals, in German, which were discovered at the German Propaganda Ministry in July 1945. The clippings, collected from American and British print sources, have handwritten annotations and were organized alphabetically by subject, generally related to Jewish themes. Also includes one bound book entitled "High Life de Belgique," published in 1937 and consists of names and addresses of the Belgian upper class, with handwritten annotations, seemingly identifying those sympathetic to the German cause. The materials were collecte...

  2. Book

    Children's book, Der Struwwelpeter, read by 11year old Beatrice (Trixie) Westheimer when she was a hidden child in German occupied Belgium. It was originally written in 1945 and is a series of illustrated rhymes that tell fables about the unfortunate consequences that befall ill-behaved children. Trixie and her family fled Germany in 1939, joining relatives in Belgium. In May 1940, Germany occupied Belgium and in July 1942, the family went into hiding. Trixie and her cousin Henri were hidden on a farm and baptized as Catholics. In February1943, her parents Julius and Meta were deported; her...

  3. Hitler parades in Vienna

    Schupo police handing out Nazi merchandise to crowd. Bread being handed to young adult men. Schupo. CU, man eating bread. Crowd at "Sirk-Eck" opposite Opera house on Ringstrasse watching parade. Man with hat identical to earlier shot at 01:03:56 (?). Parade. Hitler passing in car. Hitler's car from behind. Filmmaker appears to stand in front of police line (?). Parade, crowd of spectators, tanks. Crowd saluting, CUs of man with hat. More of military men and vehicles parading. Crowd lining Ringstrasse. Spectators sitting on a tank. CUs of parade. Wehrmacht infantry. More shots of the parade....

  4. Selected records from the city of Liège, Belgium and Environs

    The documents concern the Jews of Liège and contain their records as pre-war immigrants, the files on wartime refugees with press clippings giving the temporary wartime addresses of those who fled Belgium to the non-occupied zone in France, the aryanization of businesses, the Jews sent to the Dannes-Cammier internment camp, and correspondence with the elected head of the city government, the bourgmestre, during the war.

  5. Selected records from collections of the Ministry of Interior, Administration of the State (Administratio de Stat)

    This collection covers topics such as the “Jewish religion,” converted Jews, internment of Jews in camps, deportation of Jews to Transnistria, Jews accused of communism, the Jews of Czernovitz (Cernăuţi), and repatriation of deported Jews.

  6. Liberation of Belgium and capture of collaborators and POWs

    Civilians gathered in a city plaza welcome Allied soldiers arriving in trucks. A joyful crowd of Belgian men, women and children ride on a tank and wave Belgian and American flags. Interior shots of German soldiers and Belgian collaborators kept in animal cages lined with straw at the Antwerp zoo (shots are dark), including CUs of a German officer looking through the bars. Belgian collaborators are led down the street by armed Belgian resistance fighters, members of the L'Armee Blanche. German soldiers are escorted to waiting trucks by troops from the 4th Battalion King's Shropshire Light I...

  7. Selected records from the Vatican Archive collections

    Contains records from pontifical representatives, the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, and the archive of the Vatican’s Secretary of State. Includes records representing the Vatican communications with Church representatives in numerous countries, as well as materials from Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, later Pius XII.

  8. Records of the Association of Jewish cooperatives in Poland, Lwów branch

    The collections includes bylaws and other documents of the association, minutes of the meetings of the board of the organization, correspondence with cooperatives and Jewish organizations in Poland and abroad, financial and bank records, various reports, and records related to the activities of the agricultural coops in Eastern Galicia.

  9. Monsieur Patrick Borensztajn collection

    Contains two form letters written by a woman in the Malines (Mechelen) internment camp in Belgium to Louis de Kort (donor's step-grandfather), requesting food to be sent to her; dated 1941 and 1943.

  10. Commemoration of the death of Milan Stefanik

    A ceremony commemorates the death of Slovak general Milan Stefanik, who was an instrumental figure in the cause of Czechoslovak sovereignty. Crowds gathered on a hilltop near a memorial tomb for Stefanik. Shot of soldiers standing watch at the memorial, looking down at the crowd. A minster speaks to the crowd as soldiers stand at attention. CUs of officers and civilians. Shots of women in traditional dress as planes fly overhead. Portrait of Stefanik fades to reveal shot of the memorial tomb.

  11. Garden of the family home in Olomouc, prewar

    Pan of the surrounding area, large houses and a large garden. A woman and the girl rake the soil. Cut to numerous people walking in a field, Hanna runs about and walks with her parents. She stands again in the garden, raking.

  12. "Memories of World War II and the Holocaust"

    Consists of one memoir, "Memories of World War II and the Holocaust" by Ralph W. Tews, a member of the 113th Cavalry Mechanized Reconnaissance, a unit of the Iowa National Guard. He describes his training, his experiences on D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge, and the liberation of Buchenwald. Also includes a collection of short anecdotes and stories he remembers about his wartime experiences.

  13. Helen Lewi Martel collection

    Consists of one memoir, 19 pages, entitled "My Story," by Helen Lewi (later Helen Martel), originally of Sosnowiec, Poland. In the memoir, she describes her childhood, the invasion of Poland, the 1942 deportations, life in the ghetto, her deportation (without her family) to a labor camp in Zillerthal-Erdmannsdorf in 1943, deportation to an unknown concentration camp in 1944, and deportation to the Gablonz concentration camp in 1945. She was liberated there by the Red Army; she returned to Sosnowiec and discovered that almost her entire family had perished, except for her brother and a cousi...

  14. Mendel and Helen Polak papers

    Collection of documents, photographs and correspondence relating to the Fuchs and Polak families of Wulchovce (Vilkovtsy), 133 km WSW of Chernowitz, and Solotvina, 157 km WSW of Chernowitz. Helene Fuchs and her sisters Sara and Rachel were taken to Kolomyja ghetto in August 1941; in April 1943 they were taken to Munkac labor camp, and in April 1944 they were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In October 1944 they were transferred to Gelsenkirchen, and later to Sommerda, both subcamps of Buchenwald. The Fuchs sisters were liberated after a death march. Helen met Mendel in her hometown and the t...

  15. Fritz Hippler's marriage ceremony

    Fritz Hippler, the head of the film department in the Propaganda Ministry and director of Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew), gets out of a car with his bride and two men. Inside the registry office a man behind the desk greets them with a Hitler salute. The clerk or judge performs the marriage ceremony and Hippler and his wife sign documents. Smiling, they exit the building and depart in their car.

  16. Anti-Jewish sign and Le Juif Suess marquee in Paris

    Men fish off the quay in Paris with a view of Notre Dame in the background. A large group of German officers walk down the street. They salute the tomb of the unknown soldier and look up at the Arc de Triomphe. View of a building with a sign reading Kommandant der Stadt Paris. Soldiers go in and out of the building. A German soldier buys a newspaper from a Frenchwoman. Street signs pointing to Verdun, Compiegne and Amiens. German soldiers consult a street map. 02:21:44 A sign in a window in German and French indicates that the stores is a Jewish business (Juedisches Geschaeft; Entreprise Ju...

  17. Havdalah ceremony

    Havdalah ceremony in the garden in Snekkersten (despite the fact that it is still daylight at night in the summer in Denmark). Present are: Edith and Bernhard Schermeister (donor's grandparents), Edith's mother, father, and sister, Edith and Bernhard's three daughters (Lis, the oldest girl, is the donor's mother), and Bernhard's mother, Hana Schermeister. Edith lights the candle and Bernhard pours the wine. CU of Hana Schermeister.

  18. Elmar Martin photograph collection

    Contains photographs taken by Elmar L. Martin (donor's father) in Leipzig-Thekla and Berga an der Elster concentration camps (sub camps of Buchenwald) after the liberation in April 1945. Mr. Martin served as a photographer in the US Army Signal Corps, War Crimes Investigating Team.

  19. Touring Volendam

    LS of the four American travelers posing beside a tree in front of an unidentified building, probably in Amsterdam on July 31 or August 1, 1938. Louis Malina is smoking and waving to the camera. Street life in Volendam, Netherlands. Volendam is a popular tourist attraction in the Netherlands, well known for its old fishing boats and the traditional clothing still worn by some residents. The women's costume of Volendam, with its high, pointed bonnet, is one of the most recognizable of the Dutch traditional costumes. Pan views of boats docked in the Volendam harbor. People and children, some ...

  20. The Ulik family papers

    Contains the personal correspondence of the Ulik family, members of which moved several times between 1941 and 1959. Postcards display World War II anti-fascist art; some letters were sent with newspaper clippings, theater programs, and other enclosures. Official documents include Josef Ulik’s Communist Party membership card and death certificate.