Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,741 to 10,760 of 58,959
  1. Mass surrender at Chemnitz; liberated POWs and DPs; Germans move out of Czechoslovakia; bomb damage

    Men overlook a factory. German prisoners walking on road, surrendering (part of the mass surrender of the German army around Chemnitz). One walks barefoot. Wrecked German vehicle. CU, U.S. 9th armored soldier, patch on shoulder. German in cockpit of plane as he puts his hands up. American officer frisks him. MPs take him away. German aircraft is towed with truck. German aircraft lands on American-held airfield. Long line of German trucks bring in surrendering army. German officer rides horse, surrendering, civilians on street. Men with horse-drawn vehicles come in for surrender. Men follow ...

  2. Stanislaw Tarnawski collection

    Consists of identification and immigration documents for Polish displaced person Stanislaw Tarnawski, his wife, Dunja Pertuschuk Tarnawska, and their son. Includes work cards and forms for the Tarnawskis, who lived in the displaced persons camp at Celle and at the IRO Resettlement Centre at Wentorf, Germany. Also includes the June 1, 1945, issue of "Yank" magazine.

  3. Glenn L. Runyan photograph collection

    Collection of photographs documenting the Buchenwald concentration camp shortly following liberation; images include memorials erected in the camp, survivors, and piles of corpses. Images taken by U.S. Army Corporal Glenn Runyon, who was a member of the 465th Engineer Company.

  4. Colette Flake-Bunz collection

    Consists of a photograph of Colette Flake-Bunz, originally of France, which was taken after liberation when she was 15. Also includes a wartime photograph of Marie-Therese Maunier with her daughter, Genevieve Maunier-Valentini, and a wartime copyprint of Henri and Simone Voisin with Henry's mother, Albertine Voisin. The Maunier and Voisin families hid Colette Flake-Bunz during the war, saving her life.

  5. Herman Fischer papers

    The Herman Fischer papers consists of correspondence, photographs, identification documents, and affidavits relating to the relatives of Herman Fischer. The correspondence was sent from Hungary, Austria, German, and France to Herman Fischer in Detroit, Michigan. The affidavits of support were issued by Herman Fischer on behalf of his relatives and friends. Some of the correspondence is between Herman Fischer in Detroit and the American Consul General in Switzerland regarding issuing visas before, during and after World War II. The photographs were taking in Detroit, Michigan, and during a t...

  6. District Court in Wrocław Sąd Okręgowy we Wrocławiu (SOWr), Sygn. GK 298

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted in the District Court in Wrocław during the years 1947-1949. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liability for war crimes c...

  7. Harvey Buchsbaum collection

    Collection of documents, correspondence, and photographs related to the grandparents of Harvey Buchsbaum in Germany, who were killed in the Holocaust.

  8. Records of the Hauptamt Wissenschaft- series Kennkarten, Police Identification Cards assigned to German Jews (RG 222)

    Contains 4689 administrative duplicates of police identification cards, called Kennkarten, issued to German Jews in the period c. 1939 – c. 1942 from several municipalities in Germany, including substantial numbers of cards from Mainz (Stadt & Land), Frankfurt A.M., Geissen, Darmstadt (Stadt & Land) and Worms.

  9. Bill and Rose Wyman collection

    Contains three photographs and one ID card issued to Bill Wyman.

  10. Gerald Bergman collection

    Contains a postcard, dated December 17, 1939 sent by Symcha, Zhenya and Luba Bergman (donor’s paternal grandfather and aunts) in Krasnystaw, Poland, addressed to H. Bergman (Hershel Harry Bergman, donor’s father) in Brooklyn, NY; the text reads (in translation), “Dear Son, How are things with you? How do you feel? We are feeling well; the whole family is well! Your brother Jankel is in the POW camp in Germany. Best regards and kisses from your parents and family. Symcha Bergman.” Also two photographic portraits of Sara and Symcha Bergman (donor’s paternal grandparents) in Krasnystaw, Poland...

  11. Werner Kleeman collection

    Consists of material collected by Werner Kleeman, originally of Wurzburg, Germany, who immigrated to the United States and was a member of the 4th Infantry Division and participated in the liberation of a subcamp of Dachau. The collection includes a typed copy of the diary of Col. Norborne P. Gatling about his experiences in the American Army, including a tour of Ohrdruf; information about wartime Wurzburg; copies of Mr. Kleeman's postwar correspondence from Wurzburg; correspondence with Ulrich Strauss and Leila Levinson; restitution paperwork for Mr. Kleeman's father, Louis Kleeman; and an...

  12. Leo Cohn collection

    Consists of digitized scans of documents, handwritten music, letters, postcards, photographs, and published material related to the Holocaust experiences of Leo Cohn. Mr. Cohn was born in Luebeck in 1913 and was a member of the French Jewish underground movement through the Jewish scouts. He was murdered in December 1944.

  13. Selected records from the Bologna State Archive

    Contains records from the Prefettura and Questura di Bologna, 1938-46 relating to the 1938 racial laws and their implementation in Bologna, as well as the deportation of the Jews of Bologna and their efforts after 1945 to reclaim their property and rebuild their community. This collection also includes 2,000 individual files with personal data.

  14. Guderian's forces in and around Smolensk

    Heinz Guderian's 29th Infantry Division in and around the city of Smolensk during the German capture of Smolensk in July 1941. Dark shots with flames in the distance. Good nighttime shots of German soldiers rushing past the camera as Smolensk burns. Flames everywhere and smoke billows into the sky. 01:24:08 Now daytime: soldiers walk about the city. Posters affixed to a pole: an advertisement for Igor Yuzhin's circus "Segodnja i Ezhednevno" [Today and Everyday]. Another poster features a caricature of Napoleon fleeing with caption "Tak Bylo." [This is how it was] followed by a caricature of...

  15. Willy van Gurp testimony

    Consist of one testimony, five pages, presumably written in 1945, by Willy van Gurp, a female member of the Dutch Underground. Ms. van Gurp was arrested in June 1944 due to her involvement in the Underground. After questioning, she was imprisoned, first in the Vught concentration camp, and at the evacuation of the camp, she was sent to Ravensbrück. She describes conditions in Ravensbrück in the fall of 1944 and her deportation to Munich, where she worked in a munitions factory connected to Dachau. As the Americans approached, she was sent on a death march toward a camp near Innsbruck and wa...

  16. Ettel Bomze photograph

    The Ettel Bomze photograph is an undated photograph of Ettel Bomze of Vienna, Austria. Ettel Bomze was deported from Vienna to Theresienstadt on July 15, 1942. She was deported from Theresienstadt to Treblinka concentration camp on September 21, 1942 where she perished upon arrival.

  17. Adolf Eichmann passport

    Consists of copies and enlargements of the passport issued by the Italian delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross to Ricard Klement, a pseudonym used by Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann used this passport to immigrate to Argentina in 1950.

  18. Selected records from the National Archives of Malta

    This collection contains records relating to the Jewish Community of Malta, such as birth and marriage certificates, applications for passports and permission to travel, immigration to Malta, internment, and travel from Palestine.

  19. F. Keith Davis memoirs

    Consists of two memoirs, "16th FAOB" by F. Keith Davis, written in March 2000, and "KZ" compiled by F. Keith Davis in 1995. In "16th FAOB," Mr. Davis describes being drafted in 1943, his army training, landing in France in August 1944, his memories of the Battle of the Bulge, and his experiences at the liberation of Ohrdruf. Includes copies of his personal wartime photographs. In "KZ," Mr. Davis presents clippings and photographs about the liberation of Ohrdruf and his memories of that day with annotations.