Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,561 to 10,580 of 58,959
  1. Otto Zaugg papers Nachlass Otto Zaugg (1906-1998)

    Contains records relating to the administration of refugee camps in Switzerland during and immediately after World War II.

  2. Joseph Bishop collection

    Consists of four photographs taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Includes photographs of corpses, a cart carrying bodies, and barracks.

  3. Prewar family films

    INTs, office. Well-dressed couple on city street. Woman in bathing suit, she showers. Church. Women in outdoor park, walking along a path, eating tea cakes. The women walk small dogs in the city.

  4. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  5. Buchenwald and Natzweiler photographs

    Consists of fourteen photographs from the collection of Basil Peter Malamis, a member of the United States Army during World War II. Consists of twelve graphic photographs of corpses used for medical experimentation which were discovered at the Natzweiler concentration camp and two photographs, presumably taken by Mr. Malamis, of the crematorium at Buchenwald; these photographs are captioned.

  6. W.H. Kessel letters

    Consists of color photocopies of two letters, dated April 1940 and March 1941, which were sent from Frejda Brojdo, of Vilnius (Vilna), Lithuania, to W.H. (William) Kessel of Lousiville, Kentucky. In the letters, the author, who was an aunt of either Mr. or Mrs. Kessel and wrote in Yiddish, thank the Kessels for sending money and ask for help to secure a visa to emigrate to the United States. Also includes copies of four photographs of family in pre-war Lithuania. English translations of the letters are included.

  7. 166th Signal Corps liberation images

    Consists of paper cards with printed photographs of images of concentration camp liberation which were taken by the 166th Signal Corps company. Includes the burial of slave laborers killed near Nurnberg and near Wetterfeld and Schwarzenfeld as well as images of corpses discovered at the Ohrdruf, Buchenwald, and Hergenheim concentration camps.

  8. John Rothschild memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 4 pages, written by John J. Rothschild, originally of Zurich, Switzerland. In his memoir, Mr. Rothschild, who moved to France in 1934, describes meeting his future wife, Renée, who was originally from Germany. After the German invasion of France, he and Renée were separated and he returned to Switzerland in 1941. His family was deported from France to Auschwitz in July 1942 where they perished. Renée was imprisoned in Rivesaltes and was on a list to be deported east in October 1942 when Mr. Rothschild was able to intervene. Together they escaped back to Switzerland a...

  9. Reichsstatthalter in Wien-Staatliche Verwaltung des Reichsgaues Wien ( Signature: AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ RStH Wien)

    Contains records pertaining to the Office of Reich Governor and Nazi party district leader Baldur von Schirach. Contains a wide variety of Nazi administrative records, including weekly reports from various countries in Europe and the Middle East; Gestapo records; speeches; administrative police matters including secret police reports; expropriation and Aryanization records; prison and court matters including prisoner transports; regulations concerning the treatment of Jews; appeals; records pertaining to the treatment of political enemies including clergy, as well as forced laborers and pri...

  10. Herzberg family papers

    The Herzberg family papers include biographical materials and photographs documenting the family of Jacob and Margaret (née Bloch) Herzberg, and their daughter Rachel, originally of Fulda, Germany. Included are family photographs and documents, including birth certificates, and certificates related to religious ceremonies and weddings, extending back to the late 1890s. Also included are forms and correspondence related to the efforts of the Herzberg family to emigrate from Germany, their successful arrival in the United States, Jacob Herzberg's application to not be considered as an enemy a...

  11. Arnold and Bianca Kraus letters

    Consists of a CD-ROM containing scans of letters, most of which were written by Arnold and Bianca Kraus, and their children in the United States, František Petr and Alice (later Alice Stránský) originally of Náchod, Czechoslovakia, between 1939 and 1943. Arnold perished in Theresienstadt (Terezin), while Bianca perished upon arrive in Auschwitz concentration camp. The originals of these letters and documents are preserved and accessible at the Jewish Museum in Prague. Also contains a folder of a detailed family history explaining the context of the letters.

  12. Literary archives of poet Riva Naumovna Balyasnaya

    Contains selected records related to Riva Balyasnaya, Jewish Soviet poet. Incudes copies of her personal papers, poems, a biography, and critical reviews of her poetry. Includes also materials of criminal investigated case related to Balyasnaya‘s poetry; an interrogation in 1952; a review of her poetry by three philologists that indicates her ”anti-Soviet activity”; a statement from the hospital about her mental condition in 1954; and related materials. Riva Balyasnaya's poetry includes poems written during WWII and dedicated to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust and to Jewish resistance.

  13. Moses Weiser collection

    Consists of a folder of information regarding the Holocaust experiences of Moses (born Moishe) Weiser, originally of Ganachuvka, Poland. Includes an English-language transcript of a Yiddish language oral history with Mr. Weiser, in which he describes his childhood, Jewish life in the town, his deportation in 1940 to the Premishlan ghetto, and subsequently to a series of small concentration camps before being deported to Janowska concentration camp in May 1941. He describes life at Janowska, where he was imprisoned until escaping in July 1944 and joining a group of Jews hiding in the woods n...

  14. Max Kurt Mühlfelder document

    Consists of a work document for Max Kurt Mühlfelder, issued by the Gewestelijk Arbeidsbureau of Zwolle, the Netherlands, dated 2 September 1942.

  15. Strafing; VE day in Paris; American airmen at Moosburg prison camp; Red Cross food packages

    Airplanes parked. Plane taxis away from parking area, passes camera. CU, red nose, parked planes. Strafing train, German town. MCU, German ranking officers climb aboard plane. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg's plane taking off. Nose of aircraft in FG, formation flies overhead. Strafing on road, strafing parked aircraft. (4/19/45 366 FG 391st SQ RAFAEL) German officers awaiting air evacuation to England. They board plane. GIs standing around as they watch German officers climb in plane. Door of plane is closed. Crowd of Parisians as they parade through the streets for VE-Day in Paris. CU, Eternal Light...

  16. List of Jews living in Luxembourg on May 10, 1940

    Contains names of Jewish residents in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as of 10 May 1940. It includes all Jews who were resident on 10 May, the date of the German invasion. It excludes all Jews who left Luxembourg before then. It is a working list still not completed, there are 4462 entries.

  17. France occupation photograph collection

    Two vintage copy prints depicting the French surrender to Germany. The first photograph is of the French and German delegations inside the “Armistice Car.” The second photograph depicts Hitler and his generals standing in front of the memorial slab for the 1918 Armistice with Germany; Glade of the Armistice, Compiègne, France; dated June 21, 1940.

  18. Jewish Council in Międrzyrzecz Podlaski Rada Żydowska w Międzyrzeczu Podlaskim (Sygn. 219)

    Consists of the summons to turn up at forced labor, Judenrat stamps, a receipt of payment for Easter holiday, a receipt from the pharmacy.

  19. Bomb damage in Germany; water lines; USO show at Nuremberg stadium

    (AT THE FRONT slate). Tanks and men around airfield. Military looking out of hatches of tank. Men stand around fire warming themselves. Coffee pot on fire. Armed half-track in FG as they guard airport. Men in half-track, two gunners and a wireless operator. Wireless operator types message, uses decoder. Half-track and trailer move away from camera on edge of airstrip. Panning past furrows on airstrip. This plowing was done by the Germans to make the airfields unusable for the American forces. Tanks move along wooded road past camera. GI vehicles advance through (under) wrecked railroad subw...

  20. Tola Ratz collection

    Contains letters written by Dr. Ignacy Izak Trocki (donor’s paternal uncle) in France to his cousin Renee Leszczynska in New York, dated May 1939-June 1941. Also includes photographs of the Trocki family in Zgierz, Poland and Benjamin Trocki with his cousin Renia in Nice in 1948. Dr. Trocki was born in Zgierz, Poland. He joined the Republican forces in Spain during the Civil War and in 1939 was imprisoned in Gurs internment camp. His wife Stefa and daughter Carmen lived in Paris and later the family lived in Narbonne. Dr. Trocki tried to leave France, without success. His brother Benjamin T...