Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,021 to 10,040 of 58,959
  1. Jewish Philanthropic Association : Membership Card Index Asociación Filantropica Israelita : Indice

    Contains membership card index of the Asociación Filantrópica Israelita (AFI), with approximately 20,000 names of Jewish refugees, mostly from Nazi Germany (including Nazi annexed Austria), who emigrated to Argentina between the years 1933 to 1939. Also includes the names and biographical data of a few Jewish refugees from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and other countries in Europe. The card index was periodically updated through the 1970s.

  2. Archive of the Apostolic Nuncio in Vienna Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Vienna

    Contains a telegram, letters and posters sent to Gaetano Cicognani, Apostolic Nuncio in Vienna (1935-1938) and to Pope XI, from Josef Moses Krumer, as well includes Krumer's three published books in Hebrew relating to his predictions of catastrophe for the Jewish people.

  3. Justice Ministry : State Public Prosecutor's Office at the Superior State Court Vienna-Criminal cases, 1939-1945. Justizministerium : Staatsanwaltschaft beim Oberlandesgericht Wien-Strafsachen (Signatur: AT-OeStA/AVA Justiz), 1939-1945

    Clemency appeals before the Vienna Court of Appeals, including from former illegal Nazi party members in Austria for crimes committed before Austria's annexation to Nazi Germany.

  4. Arnold Loeb letter

    Consists of one letter written in July 1934 by Arnold Loeb, of Vallendar, Germany, to J.L Simpson, of Veblen, South Dakota. In the letter, Mr. Loeb updates Mr. Simpson on his family's life since they last saw each other during the post-World War I American occupation of Germany, and describes how Nazi persecution has affected his family since they are Jewish. He describes his desire to emigrate from Germany to Palestine or to the United States. Arnold Loeb ultimately managed to flee Germany and settle in Australia.

  5. Printed note, Kriminalpolizei, occupied Lithuania

    One note card, with stamp of police headquarters for unidentified location in Lithuania, requesting transfer of two Jewish women under custody (Golda Stiller, Rachela Lewinson), asking that they be sent from the jail to the office of the criminal police. March 1942. Signed by leader of that district's criminal police.

  6. KL Lublin-Majdanek, Private documents of prisoners Dokumenty Prywatne Więźniów (Sygn.V)

    Personal documents of prisoners of KL Lublin-Majdanek taken from them upon arrival: approximately 1,800 items such as identity cards, certificates, diplomas, birth certificates, work books, books, financial documents, memoirs, correspondence, photo albums, and so on. One treasure is the memoir by a woman arriving from the Warsaw ghetto.

  7. Congregation Shaarey Tikvah Kristallnacht commemoration collection

    Consists of one booklet and DVD produced by Congregation Shaarey Tikvah in Beachwood, Ohio, as part of the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht. The booklet explains the program of the November 9, 2008, remembrance service and includes readings, the history of the event, and prayers. Also includes a DVD of the remembrance service, which featured witnesses to Kristallnacht and readings from personal testimonies.

  8. Legacy of Gershon Dua-Bogen Spuścizna Gerszona Dua-Bogena (Sygn. 329)

    The collection contains the papers of Gershon Dua-Bogen (1892-1948), an eminent activist of the socialist and communist parties. The papers includes personal documents from Gershon Dua-Bogen and his son, Jerzy Bogen, correspondence, notes, fragment of memoirs, press-cuttings, invitations, photographs, an index of the Dua-Bogen’s works, a resume, a collection of Jewish songs: Mir zingen. Lider zamlung, and miscellaneous.

  9. Samuel Iser Kogan a.k.a. "Tzalel Blitz" collection Samuel Iser Kogan "Tzalel Blitz" archivo personal

    Contains letters, speeches, newspaper clippings, and personal papers of Argentine-Jewish leftist activist and writer Samuel Iser Kogan, better known by his alias Tzalel Blitz.

  10. Records of Sigmund Freud pertaining to his University Studies and Professorship Freud dokumente studienzeit/professur (Sig. 23)

    Contains correspondence, reports, autobiographical writings, genealogical material, and certificates and awards pertaining to the university studies and professorship of Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939).

  11. Collection of documents from ghettos and camps in Eastern Europe. Jewish Council Łęczyca Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Rada Żydowska w Łęczycy (Sygn. 252)

    Contains card files of 90 applications for identity cards (Ausweis) of the ghetto dwellers in Łęczyca. Each application includes: a photo, signature, fingerprints, Ausweis number, first name, last name, birth date, birth place, address, marital status, a year and place of concluding marriage, religion, occupation, name of a spouse, parents’ first names, information about military service and military rank.

  12. Felix Librach papers

    The Felix Librach papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, diaries and notes, emigration and immigration records, and kibbutz records documenting Felix, Martin, and Sophie Librach's emigration from Germany and Poland to Palestine in the 1930s, their lives in Palestine and Israel, their parents' experiences in Łódź, and Felix’s involvement with the kibbutz in Hulata. Biographical materials include identification papers for Felix Librach and obituaries for Martin Librach. Correspondence files primarily consist of letters and postcards from Martin Librach in Germany, Poland, P...

  13. Back to camp Print 12 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting exhausted prisoners being marched uphill while guards hit or shoot them as they return to Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a threat to German security that had been abducted in the middle of the night and were meant to be “...

  14. Postcard of painting, The Ignominy of the XXth Century

    Blank postcard: color image of painting by artist Michael Califano titled "The Ignominy of the XXth Century"; Recto: image of Albert Einstein facing Adolf Hitler and a Nazi soldier, a hand holding a bloody sword to their right; Verso: printed quote "Neither hatred nor persecution can stay the progress of science and civilization."

  15. Jan Sisson photograph collection

    Collection of 20 photographic prints documenting an American soldier's journey thorugh Germany, including Karlsfeld and Bad Aibling, and ultimately ending up at the Dachau concentration camp; some photographs have handwritten captions on verso; in English; dated April-May 1945.

  16. Mary Dorrit Krattner collection

    Consists of a newspaper notice of the death of Mary Dorrit Krattner and a copy of the words spoken by priest Alistair Bate at Ms. Krattner's funeral in 2006. During the service, Bate described Ms. Krattner's experiences as a child in Vienna, her departure on a Kindertransport to Edinburgh in 1939, life with the McKinley family during the war, and her post-war life in Scotland.

  17. Selected records from the State Archive Pisa

    Contains records from the Prefecture of Pisa regarding racial laws and their implementation in Pisa, as well as a census of Italian Jews and confiscation of Jewish property.

  18. József and Jolán Schiff and George Faludi families papers

    The József and Jolán Schiff and George Faludi families papers consist of biographical materials and correspondence documenting the lives of the Schiff and Faludi families in Hungary, József Schiff’s forced labor service, and Jolán Schiff’s deportation.