Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,961 to 9,980 of 58,959
  1. Gladys Martin collection

    One letter, written on personal stationery of Adolf Hitler, from an American soldier ("Johnny") to "Gladys," 20 June 1945. In the letter, he describes how his unit is living in Hitler's former apartment in Munich, his general impressions of Munich, his recent tour of the Dachau concentration camp, and plans to return to the United States.

  2. Dreyfus family photographs

    Consists of one original photograph and five copyprints, all taken in the mid-1920s, of Lucien and Marthe Dreyfus with their daughter, Mariette. Includes an original portrait of Lucien Dreyfus and copyprints of a family portrait taken in Strasbourg, of the family's apartment, of Mariette as a young child, and of Mariette with her nanny.

  3. "Jodenkliek" anti-Semitic propaganda leaflet

    "Jodenkliek" anti-Semitic propaganda leaflet; "Yankee - Engelsman - Blosjewwiek / Dansen naar de pijpen / van de / Jodenkliek" [The Yankee, the Englishman & the Bloschevist - all dance according the flute of teh Jewish Clique] intended to be thrown from airplanes.

  4. Selected records from the collections of the Salaj branch of the Romanian National Archives

    This collection contains selected records of the Mayorship of Jibou. Includes papers of the Jewish community of Jibou, records relating to the citizenship of Jews and the Jewish Democratic Committee of Sălaj District including name lists and various activity reports.

  5. Cover for a portfolio of 15 reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Portfolio cover for a set of secretly created prisoner sketches from Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, which were reproduced, engraved, and published in 1946. The originals were created by Henri Gayot and the introduction was written by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. The sketches depict daily camp life and prisoner abuse, particularly for prisoners like Gayot and LaPorte, who were marked as Nacht und Nebel (NN) [night and fog], and were meant to “vanish” in the camp. LaPorte was arrested by the German Sipo in February 1943 a...

  6. "A Story: The Life of Johan and Gertrude Verloop, as written from memory, 1919-1946"

    Consists of one memoir, 65 pages, entitled "A Story: The Life of Johan and Gertrude Verloop, as written from memory, 1919-1946," which was written by Johan Verloop in 1994. In the memoir, he describes his childhood in the Netherlands, learning of the threat of Nazism, and being accepted into officer's training school in 1939. He describes the German invasion of the Netherlands and his decision to go to university, as well as describing life under the German occupation. He joined the underground resistance movement with his future wife Gertrude (Mam) and helped to hide a young Jewish boy. He...

  7. Jack Postman collection

    Consists of documents and photographs regarding the pre-war and wartime experiences of Jakob Postmann (later Jack Postman), originally of Vienna, Austria. Includes pre-war identity and school documentation, a German passport, emigration paperwork, and wartime education and employment documents in the United States.

  8. Maurice Laserson collection

    This collection includes personal papers of Maurice Laserson, a social worker involved with the resettlement of Jewish refugees. The papers reflect his work with the Obshchestvo remeslennogo i zemledelʹcheskogo truda sredi evreev (Soviet Union) (ORT) and his connections with the Australian Jewish colleagues. Includes reports, newspaper clippings, writings and publications by J.M. Machover, Walter Lippmann, Rabbi Schenk and his articles from 1937-57, as well as correspondence on the plight of German Jewish refugees, including James McDonald's correspondence about the Jews in Europe,1933-1934.

  9. Rose Stern Rauner collection

    Collection of letters from Emanuel and Berta Engel, in Augsburg, Germany, to their children in the United States. Includes a passport, drivers license, a traveler's identification card, and pre-war photographs of immediate Stern family and extended family.

  10. John Shaheen photographs

    Consists of 24 photographs taken in the aftermath of the Gardelegen atrocity in Gardelegen, Germany. The photographs, which depict American soldiers, burned corpses, and the burial of the victims, were taken by John Shaheen, a member of the United States Army. Some of the photographs are described on the verso. Also includes an envelope in which Mr. Shaheen kept the photographs, on which he wrote, "Burned Bodies."

  11. Simon Steil collection

    The Simon Steil collection consists of photographs and documents from the collection of Simon Steil, originally of Antwerp, Belgium. After being separated from his family, who were deported, Simon went into hiding, eventually living with the Henrard family in Perwez, Belgium, where he remained throughout the wartime and immediate post-war period. After the war, he went to an Orthodox children's home in Antwerp run by Jonas Tiefenbrunner. The collection includes a photo album containing photographs of groups of children at the children's home; pre-war Steil family photographs; wartime and po...

  12. Frieda Greenspan memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 4 pages, entitled "Some of my personal memories of the dark years of the Holocaust" written by Frieda Greenspan in May 1981. In the memoir, she describes her experiences at Płaszów concentration camp, her transfer to Auschwitz, switching identities with another prisoner to be able to stay in Auschwitz with her younger sister, escaping from a forced march after the evacuation from Auschwitz, and her experiences in hiding with her sister and friend. They were liberated by the Red Army in Poland in February 1944.

  13. Zoladz, Goldfeld and Albeck families papers

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to the Zoladz (Zoland), Goldfeld, and Albeck families during the Holocaust and afterward. Consists of correspondence, identification documents, restitution papers, photographs, mostly related to the experiences of Mendel Albeck and Lonia (Goldfeld) Albeck and their families. Includes about 50 photographs; correspondence sent from France, Poland (including from Warsaw Ghetto), and Germany (mainly post-war DP camps); and a 1984 testimony by Lonia Albeck about her experiences. Some of Polish correspondence has English translations.

  14. Sonnenmark family correspondence

    Correspondence between members of the family of Robert Sonnenmark, of Prossnitz, in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (Prostějov, Czech Republic). Most of the letters are from Robert, while he was imprisoned at Buchenwald, addressed to his wife, Marta and daughter, Miriam in Prossnitz, and dated from October 1939 to March 1940. Many of these letters were forwarded by Marta to her father and brother in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, who added their own comments in the margins and forwarded them to Peter Sonnenmark, the son of Marta and Robert, who was living in Palestine. Other correspondence in...

  15. URO Buenos Aires, United Restitution Office

    Contains records relating to the activities of the Buenos Aires office of the United Restitution Organization (URO), the legal aid society for claimants outside Germany for restitution and compensation.

  16. Jewish Brigade patch

    Jewish Brigade cloth patch: rectangle with Hebrew letters at top and "Jewish Brigade Group" embroidered in white.

  17. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Gironde in Bordeaux

    This collection contains selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Gironde assembled for use in the trial of the former Secretary General of the department of the Gironde, Maurice Papon, for complicity in crimes against humanity. This is a new collection created after the judicial authorities no longer needed the documents and returned them to the Archives, although in some cases, the photocopies were returned, because the originals were retained. Several series of records are included in this collection: Series 44 W 1-63, containing a register of all Jews in the département (a...

  18. Rechtmann family photographs and documents

    Photographs (57), predominantly pre-war, of Wolf (Vladislav) and Serena Rechtmann, originally of Slovakia; and post-war identification, repatriation, and immigration documents.

  19. Records of the Archbishopric Help Agency for Non-Aryan Catholics Akten der Erzbischoeflichen Hilfsstelle fuer nichtarische Katholiken

    This collection contains records of the Erzbischöfliche Hilfsstelle für nichtarische Katholiken (Archbishopric Help Agency for Non-Aryan Catholics): manuscripts, correspondence, reports, diaries, photographs, postcards, drawings, other documents. Contains manuscripts, correspondence, and various materials of Father Ludger Born (1897–1980) documenting the work of the Hilfsstelle; files of Cardinal Dr. Theodor Innitzer; personal papers of Karl Rudolf; and other materials.