Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,441 to 9,460 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Abe Hill

  2. Touring Germany

    Scenes of the German countryside filmed from a train. 01:00:52 Busy square in the city of Dresden with a church, market and crowds, including the Katholische Hofkirche with an ornate façade and figurative statues and a nearby tower. Along the Elbe River, a boat named "Leipzig" is docked. 01:02:02 Street scenes and a large building. 01:02:09 The Cologne cathedral with the Rhine River in the BG. Boat tour along the Rhine, Nazi flag waves from the boat, castles and architectural ruins among the cliffs. Quick view of a boat labeled "Bayonne" passing by on its way to or from France. Sights inclu...

  3. Lantzer family photograph collection

    Collection of photographs (15) depicting Yochevet Lantzer (Jochewet Doba Lanzer, b. October 2, 1947) as a child, along with her parents, in the Ulm displaced persons camp in Germany, and one picture of them in Israel (1950). Her parents, Alta Alal Bergrefreund Lanzer (b. December 12, 1923 in Bilgoraj Lubelski, Poland) and Szyjie Lanzer (b. April 15, 1914 in Tomaszow Lubelski, Poland) survived the Holocaust in the USSR. The Lanzer family immigrated to Israel on March 21, 1949.

  4. Hans (Jan) Löw collection

    Consists of enlargements, CD photographs, original negatives, copyprints, and original photographs of Hans "Jan" Löw, originally of Brno, Czechoslovakia. Prior to his 1936 emigration to England, Hans had previously edited a Revisionist Zionist publication in Prague and worked for Keren Tel Chai. Upon his arrival in London, Hans served as a secretary to Vladimir Jabotinsky in his office at 47 Finchley Rd. The office operated from 1936-1939.

  5. Gendarmerie Zug Radomsko Posterunek Żandarmerii w Radomsku (Sygn.204)

    This collection contains orders and instructions of the Chief Officer of Gendarmerie in Radom, including daily and situational reports of individual gendarmerie precincts (Stützpunkte).

  6. Bund Deutscher Maedel in Ostmark

    Bund Deutscher Maedel (BdM) girls in uniform bike along country road. Girls on boat, singing with Hitler Youth (HJ) boys. Stone gate in Hainburg an der Donau adorned with swastika and eagle. BdM girls line the road, local Austrians in front of shops in BG. BDM girls come through on bicycles and shake hands. Girls march through town streets, banner (illegible) hangs above the street in the BG. They continue along country roads and wave to farmers. Pan down of white building in another village, most probably located in Burgenland. Girls wash and drink from a well and continue biking. Austrian...

  7. Еврейская тематика в Государственном архиве Ровенской области Records of the Jewish community of the Rivne Region, Ukraine

    Contains records of the regional court related to Jewish-owned property in Rivne, including issues of land ownership and testaments, as well as lists of the owners of real property, listed by street. Also includes records from the regional district prosecutor's office consisting of criminal files and correspondence with local administration and police regarding the political activities of Jews in Rivne. Records from the years of the German occupation include correspondence with German officials about matters pertaining to the local population.

  8. Max and Sara Stodel papers

    Documents and photographs surrounding the experiences of Max (Mozes) Stodel and his wife Sara, Halberstadt-Carels. The collection includes a photograph of Mozes Stodel, a photograph of two unidentified women (likely Sara Halberstadt-Carels), a repatriation document for Mozes Stodel, and a medical clearance certificate and displaced persons registration card for Sara Halberstadt-Carels.

  9. Moses and Esther Goldberg photographs

    Consists of three original post-war photographs and two copyprints of Moses and Esther Glodowska Goldberg, both of whom were originally from Poland. Includes small portraits of both Moses and Esther, a portrait of Esther taken in the Pocking displaced persons camp, and two copyprints of Moses working as a baker. The copyprints show that Moses had been given a tattoo on his right forearm.

  10. Bier and Koppel families papers

    Collection of documents, correspondence, papers, clippings, and other assorted materials that document the experiences of the Bier and Koppel families, primarily in Austria, France, Cuba, and Yugoslavia before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  11. Carol Scott photographs

    Consists of an oversized photograph taken in 1936 of Adolf Hitler acknowledging a crowd in Austria during a parade. Also includes a copy of a photograph from the 1920s of a Ku Klux Klan parade in Virginia.

  12. "My Experiences as a Prisoner of War, December 1944 to June 1945"

    Consists of one copy of a typed manuscript, 33 pages, entitled "My Experiences as a Prisoner of War December 1944 to June 1945" by C. Robert Hartt, written in 1945. In the memoir, Mr. Hartt describes being wounded and captured at the Battle of the Bulge and being sent on a long march, arriving at Stalag IV-B on January 7, 1945. He describes life in the camp, being taken on a work detail in Zittau, and the importance of Red Cross packages. In May 1945, the soldiers were sent on a march to American lines, but were fired upon and separated; Hartt found a Czech town where he was cared for and w...

  13. Selected records from the State Archives of Bolzano

    This collection contains Jewish personal files from the region Bolzano in Italy.

  14. Sgt. Edward Tinter collection

    Correspondence includes letters written by Sgt. Edward Tinter (donors' father) to his wife Clara Tinter, during his service in the 9th Armored Division of the US Army during WWII; dated 1944-1945, collection of "Stars and Stripes", dated 1944-1945, and photographs depicting Sgt. Edward Tinter during his military service.

  15. Scene in the Swiss village at the Paris Exposition

    The Swiss village at the 1900 Paris Exposition. People walk through a street of traditional Swiss houses. Man carries pots on his back. Men and women in traditional Swiss clothing. Cows. Women in Swiss clothing dance, men watch, one man dances, man plays accordion.

  16. Visiting England

    REEL 1 (personally shot or purchased?) LS of a moving train from different angles. Train tracks. Train passes a station. Sheep graze on a hill and run. Sign for "Malvern Theatre / George Arliss / The Iron Duke..." (a 1934 British film) on a brick building. [Malvern Hills is in the West Midlands of England] 01:05:45 Airplane stunts. Aerial shots of the city and countryside. Man stands on the wing of the plane, and jumps off, ejecting a parachute and falling through the air. 01:07:58 Waterfall pouring into a river, rapids. 01:08:27 Slate, "Craven Hunt. Point-to-Point." Men on horseback race a...

  17. P. Victor Morse photograph collection

    Consists of eight photographs taken by United States Army serviceman P. Victor Morse near Essen, Germany, in May 1945. The photographs depict German civilians reburying the corpses of slave laborers who were murdered in a nearby wooded area. Also includes an image of the destroyed Krupp Works factory in Essen, taken in June 1945.

  18. Lillian and Alexander Schachter papers

    The Lillian and Alexander Schachter papers consist of birth and marriage certificates, identification cards, immigration and naturalization certificates, and affidavits and legal correspondence documenting the Schachters’ internment in Auschwitz and Mauthausen, their immigration to the United States, and their efforts to receive restitution for damages suffered during the Holocaust including teeth that Lillian Schachter lost.

  19. Weisz and Suryáni family papers

    Photographs, correspondence, diploma, and related documents pertaining to experiences of Ilona (Lili) Weisz and her husband, Imre Suranyi, of Sarkad, Hungary, from approximately 1935 to 1950. Included is a Certificate of Doctor of Philosophy issued to Imre Suryani in Budapest, 1959; photographs that belonged to Lili Weisz Suryani who survived Auschwitz, included is portrait of her daughter Agnes who perished at Auschwitz; letters written to the donor's mother Olga.