Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,741 to 7,760 of 58,959
  1. Marokus family collection

    Documents and correspondence illustrating the efforts of Leon Marokus, who immigrated to the United States in 1938 from Poland and worked to bring over his wife Lajcia and daughters Henryka and Pola, who were in Lwow, Poland and unable to leave. Includes pre-war correspondence between Leon and various organizations including the US Department of State as well as post-war correspondence concerning his youngest daughter Pola, who was hidden in Lwow and potentially survived. The correspondence documents Leon's exhaustive but unsuccessful efforts to find Pola or her rescuer Anna Chodek over mor...

  2. stamped envelope

    Stamped envelope sent to inmate Louis Goldmann at Internment Camp "N", Ottowa, Canada. The return address is in Quito, Ecuador and the sender is Federico Goldmann. The envelope includes 4 stamps. The envelope is postmarked 29 April 1943.

  3. Selected records of the commune Końskie Akta gminy Końskie (Sygn. 528)

    Correspondence and German ordinances, registers and statistics of the commune inhabitants, lists of Polish and German dead soldiers in the battle in Kazanów and Sierosławice (September 9, 1939); various German orders for forced labor and rules against Jews (e.g. marking Jewish people and their shops with the Star of David).

  4. German soldiers in Russia; POWs

    14:00:00 - 14:15:05 Winter in Russian village. German solderis. Destroyed buildings, rubble. Russian Women. Ice. (M 3041) 14:15:05 b/w: train tracks, German soldiers, totally destroyed train, partisans. 14:15:50 Pan across forested terrain, several destroyed Russian trucks, two soldiers inspect remains. 14:16:24 Winter, wind whirls up snow, two horses pull cars (picture jumps). The extreme cold affects the cameras so that the film can no longer be transported cleanly. 14:16:33 Soldiers in drill suits are cleaning wooden carts. In the background horses with saddles (different settings). 14:1...

  5. May Day; Siemens factory

    With German title cards. May Day celebrations in 1934/1935. Siemenswerke at Mannheim.

  6. Poster, El Fascismo

    Poster: 4a Conferencia, El Antisemitismo como Arma del Facismo. Poster designed by Isidoro Ocampo. Displays a bloodied Jew tied to a post, ropes marked with swastikas. Poster designed for anti-Facist conference organized by the Liga pro Cultura Allemana en Mexico. Highlights the featured speaker, Prof. Enrique Beltran, on the subject of "Anti-Semitism as a Weapon of Facism."; Mexico; 1939

  7. Königstiger 1944

    Königstiger 1944. Panzer III. Filmed on 35mm by a PK soldier and presented to Mr. Richard Freiherr von Rosen on the occasion of his birthday.

  8. Selected records of the Cooperative Bank of Realty Proprietors Ltd. in Kielce Bank Spółdzielczy Właścicieli Nieruchomości w Kielcach (Sygn. 269)

    Selected records of one of the Jewish banks in Kielce, including are organizational files, minutes of sessions, lists of members, registers, books of assets, shares and financial files.

  9. Selected records of the commune Daleszyce Akta gminy Daleszyce (Sygn.129)

    Selected records of the Municipal Office of Daleszyce for the supervision of the municipal economy and population, related to trade, industry and books of population. Records reflect the lives of the 276 Jews who lived in the Daleszyce commune between 1919-1924.

  10. Germany 1930s; construction

    1930s Germany. Amateur film by Willi Wünsch / BDFA. Creative people. Workers. House building. Farmers. Road construction. Industry

  11. Leipzig Zoo; Autobahn; Berlin Olympics

    Intertitle: “WL Film 37,” “Walther Lenger zeight: Leipziger Fahresschau 1936.” “April 1936: Die Kleinmesse am neuen Platz (Cottarueg).” The fair ride “Roll Lauf” in a town square in Leipzig. View from a wooden rollercoaster. People smile, sitting in gondolas on a zeppelin-style ride. “Juli 1936: Ein Besuch im Leipziger Zoo.” Flamingos, Ostriches, Giraffes, lions, elephants, bears, hippos, seals and other animals in the Leipzig zoo. Intertitle: “Oktober 1936 Erste Fahrt auf der Reichs-Autobahn.” A man and woman step into the back of a car. The driver takes off down the road. A man runs at th...

  12. Goring tours Italy by ship

    Three tiers of people stand next to a dock, looking out towards the boat. The camera operator films from a boat. A small boat on the side of the dock. People on the side wave and salute to the people on the boats. A huge German steamer ship with two funnels. Seagulls fly. A Nazi flag waves at the back of the boat. The wake of the boat. 10:34:14 Carin II boat in transit [Carin was Goering’s first wife and he named a lot of things after her]. In the BG, steep coast, various views of the ship, Göring at the wheel. Two women on the sundeck. Captain at the wheel, views from the traveling ship of...

  13. Jordan family collection

    Collection of photographs relating to the Jordan family from Miskolc, Hungary. Gyula Itzhak Jordan (b. Nov. 30, 1895) and his wife Aranka Zeisler Jordan (b. January 29, 1904), parents of Judit, (b. June 13, 1929). The Jordan family moved to Budapest in 1932, where Judit attended Scottish missionary Burgerschule, but in September 1943 she was transferred to a Jewish Gymnasium. In March 1944, with German invasion of Hungary, Jewish children were not allowed to attend school. The Jordan family had to move to a building marked with a Star of David. Gyula worked in the basement of the building, ...

  14. Cooperative Bank with limited shares for the Productivity of Jews in Warsaw Bank Spółdzielczy dla Prodyktywizacji Żydów w Warszawie (Sygn. 242)

    Minutes of sessions, a register of members and shareholders, activities of the bank, including the budget preliminaries and balances, cash reports of regional offices, crediting of Jewish cooperatives and individual loans, records of the Provincial Committee of Jews in Lublin, including reports, and payrolls of the regional office staff.

  15. Soldiers in France; Gigant aircraft in development

    German soldiers in France, meal distribution, Namur station. Compiegne, Ruinen station, electric locomotive. French prisoners. 07:49 Poland, winter, village, rubble, Warsaw. Horses. Tanks. Zichenau. 16:28 1940/41 Leipheim and Obertraubling military airfield, development of the Messerschmitt "Gigant" ["giant"]. Towing with three He 111s, star-launch missiles, giant with six engines. Landing, takeoff at Eggemühl. Rudolf Hess, Theo Croneiss, the directors Rakan Kokothaki and Hentzen. Hanna Reitsch.

  16. Mayor-Commissioner of Warsaw Komisaryczny burmistrz miasta Warszawy (Sygn. 2011)

    Circulars published by the Mayor of Warsaw, along with lists and indexes of documents, the official correspondence, letters and documents relating to migration of Warsaw inhabitants, 1941-1942, and regulations in the Warsaw Ghetto.

  17. Sardine address label

    Label with pre-printed destination address of Lager Birkenau Bei Neubrunn, and a typed name, Weiss Armin, with the number 19 underneath his name. One of a set of four Lisbon pre-printed sardine address labels from Gremio dos Exportadores de Conservas de Peixe for registered shipping to different concentration camps including Bergen-Belsen, Lager Barneveld, and Birkenau bei Neubrunn.

  18. SA march

    SA men in uniform convene outdoors, speeches, parades

  19. Transcripts from Adolf Eichmann trial

    Documents, mimeographed, from the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, 1961. Includes text of the opening address by the prosecution (Gideon Hausner), and minutes of sessions 15 and 16 of the trial. The documents were collected by Michel Levant, while he was an observer at the trial. Levant's family had emigrated from France prior to the German invasion in 1940, and he later served in the United States Air Force, attaining the rank of Brigadier General, and was on active duty with the Air Force while he was observing the Eichmann Trial.

  20. Rings um eine Kirche

    Private soldier's film with German title cards. From the HKL (front/combat lines). Color film of church. Animals. Grooming horses. Blossoming trees.