Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,721 to 7,740 of 58,959
  1. Oral testimonies of Lilly Malnik and Nesse Godin

  2. Ferenc Hajba diary

    The collection includes a diary and notes kept by Ferenc Hajba, a non-Jewish witness to the persecution of Jews in Hungary.

  3. Condensed milk factory owned by the de Kadt family

    Angle view of the front of the original factory building of De Nieuw Beemster at Tuingracht 32, De Rijp, with the half-finished building visible next-door; a man stands on a beam and peers down into the new building from above; panning the construction site; various shots of mixing and laying cement; 01:04:45 A suited man and a man in a white coat pose together in front of the partially-built brick walls of the new building; close-ups of scaffolding; 01:06:05 A group of men hoist the building's main rafter, with a large Dutch flag attached; close-up of the flag against a cloudy sky; aerial ...

  4. Itzkovitz and Moldovan families collection

    Collection of family photographs of Ester Irén Ickovics (donor’s mother), b. January 13, 1922, and her family in Berehovo, Czechoslovakia (later Beregszasz, Hungary), who was deported together with her whole family to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in May 1944 and a few weeks later, together with her sister Sari Charlotte, b. Sept. 26, 1919, deported to Gelskirchen, a sub-camp of Buchenwald. In September 1944 they were deported to Sommerda slave labor camp, where they worked in ammunition factory; Ester married Emerich Israel Moldovan, b. September 20, 1914, who was mobilized into a forc...

  5. Execution in occupied Poland

    Winter, scaffolding, Wehrmacht officers, escorting of prisoners to platform (ten people, one woman, man to be hanged could be a Jew)

  6. Reich Labor Service; Women's Labor Service

    With German title cards. Reich Labor Service (RAD) during WWII. Coastal fortifications. Prague. Mercedes-Benz. Erich Fromm. Konstantin Hierl in 1943. Female Labor Service (Arbeitsmaiden)

  7. Herbert Hordes collection

    Contains a collection of postal covers, mail forms, postcards, and Red Cross correspondence from the Holocaust era. Includes materials sent to/from Stalag VIIIB, Italy, Theresienstadt, Berlin, Nurnberg, Sachsenhausen, France, Canada, Palestine, and Israel; dated 1940-1949; collected by Herbert Hordes (donor's late husband).

  8. Family of Walther and Erika Lenger: Holidays; children at school; singing and dancing

    Intertitle: “Der Kunze-film II. Teil,” “Weihnachten 1934,” “Vorbereitungen.” Plates of seeds. The older woman from the film before takes a cup full and grinds them up. The man eats handfuls of what appears to be nuts. The woman pours flour into a basin and moves her hands through it. The man carries a board with four fresh breads on it atop his head. He puts coins into his hand and then bows with a tip of his hat and takes the empty board back through a door. The woman sews. A younger woman types on a typewriter. Intertitle: “heiliger Abend,” “Der weihnachtsmann kommt.” A man with a long wh...

  9. Collection of photographs Zbiór fotografii (Sygn. 1125)

    Selected photographs documenting life in Kielce: The Association of Former Political Prisoners Branch of Kielce, Hotel European, 1928; the strike in Końskie, 1935; studio portraits of a German soldiers; a small number of photographs portraying local Jews, the synagogues of Kielce and Sandomierz, a group of Jewish women and men from Kielce Ghetto on their way to forced labor in 1942. The photographs are mainly unidentified (place and date) scenes of the time of German occupation.

  10. Prewar Warsaw city scenes

    Reel 3. A rural landscape from a train as it quickly moves by. Windmills. A boat on a canal. More waterways. Farmland. Women and children walk on a sidewalk. Buildings with scaffolding along the front. The Old Town Square in Warsaw. Doors open on a balcony. A woman holding her son. People outside of Holy Cross Church. A street corner and the building above. A woman pours cups of water on the sidewalk. A shoeless boy on the sidewalk. Children gather on steps in a doorway. A woman sits with her son on her lap. Another mother sits with her child who is eating soup. Plants. Through an iron gate...

  11. Railway construction regiment

    Private film. Eastern Front 1940/41 Ukraine? Poland? Laborers.

  12. Esther Schimmel collection

    Contains receipts for monies sent to Aron Siedlecki in Ostrów Mazowiecka, Poland and to Amalia Kresch in Sanok, Poland, sent from Esther Schimmel in Saint Louis, Missouri. Small green receipts included in collection indicate monies being sent to Poland as early as 1935. The relationship between the three people is unknown.

  13. Funeral service for Theo Croneiss

    AGFA 1942. Title in German. Funeral service for Theo Croneiss, Messerschmittwerk in Regensburg, on November 10 and 11, 1942. Includes Gauleiter Wächler, SS Obergruppenführer and General der Police Dr Martin

  14. The German East

    Bessarabia - Germans, villages, agriculture, horse-drinking, rain, fishing, crafts, peasant woman, church, children play and dance, large ponds, volcanic mountain, Thanksgiving, potato harvest

  15. Private Nazi films; ice sailing; Jews with armbands in Poland (color); Roma camp

    Material from Götz Hirt-Reger. Some parts with title cards in German. Air rifle shooting, women's sport, men's sports, man limps, stadium sports competitions, lunch table. Family, dog, garden, Leipzig. Agriculture, grain harvest in Saxony, hunting. 10:54:41 1943. Ice sailing on the Rangsdorfer See. 11:00:19 German withdrawal in Russia, mud, stuck vehicles, riders. City, bomb damage, Dornier whale. Russia, soldiers hunt pig, tanks. 11:17:17 RAD camp (color). Brief shot, Jews performing hard labor. 11:17:49 Title card: "Warschau ost-Einfahrt" City views, rubble, Jews with armbands (color), ar...

  16. London; Paris world's fair

    AGFA 1936. Title cards in German. Reel 1 (M 243) "London." Street scenes. Reel 2 (M 198): "Paris. Einige Bilder von der Weltausstellung." International Exposition in Paris, 1937. German pavilion. Transportation.

  17. Activities of German soldiers

    Reels 36-39. German soldiers kneel down in the woods. They use various tools to construct a track. After they have completed the tracks, they attempt to move a vehicle over them. It gets stuck. A train of covered wagons pulled by horses moves by. Soldiers ride on horseback. Trucks drive across the dirt road, clouds of dust come out from under their wheels. The men on horseback follow. Two men on the left struggle with a motorcycle and sidecar, attempting to push it through ruts in the dirt. Soldiers march alongside horses pulling carts. They halt momentarily, before continuing their march o...

  18. Freikorps, NSDAP

    Various recordings Kapp-Putsch, Freikorps, Lütwitz, early NSDAP, Hindenburg, inauguration of the Freikorps monument in Schliersee, vigilante groups in Munich etc.

  19. Festival in Wachau region; Dollfuss burial

    Wachauer Festzug 2 Mai 1936. Festival in Wachau. Girls in traditional costume, procession. 10:03:21 Burial/ceremony for Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss. Crowds, speeches, Fatherland Front flags.

  20. Various film records on the history of German aviation

    Various recordings on the subject of German aviation / air force: Gliding (1921-1923). Flying through muscle power (1934). Commercial aircraft. Structure and use of the air force. 10:32:58 Helmut Lent and Wolfgang Falck (I./ZG 76) 10:33:57 am Johannes Steinhoff 10:34:02 Wolfgang Falck 10:34:08 Gordon Gollob and Helmut Lent 10:34:15 Carl-Alfred Schumacher