Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,921 to 5,940 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Hélène Spierer

  2. Two-piece suit made of cloth from Dorothy Finger's family's fabric business

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn702540
    • English
    • a: Height: 27.000 inches (68.58 cm) | Width: 32.500 inches (82.55 cm) b: Height: 30.000 inches (76.2 cm) | Width: 21.630 inches (54.94 cm)

    Two-piece, black-and-white, subtly checked suit, created postwar using cloth from Dorothy Finger's (born Dysia Kraushaar) prewar family fabric business in Chodorów, Poland (now Khodoriv, Ukraine). The fabric was among personal items that survived in the possession of non-Jewish neighbors who the items to Dysia after the war ended in 1945.

  3. Pető prepares a film of the Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Hungary in fall 1940

    Agfa 8 logo. Hungarian titles throughout. Short prologue film: “Kedves Barátom” (Dear friend,). Text of a letter that Győrgy wrote, ends with his signature. INT doorway, dimly lit, as Győrgy enters through the doorway. CU table, he puts down several items: a box with “E.K. Co. Rochester, NY” (E.K. for Eastman Kodak), two boxes with lightbulbs in them, a box that says “Eumig Klebepresse” on it (Eumig is an Austrian electronics manufacturer, Klebepresse is a splicer), and a camera case. He opens the box with the splicer. He cranks a home movie camera as he leans in to look through it. [Negati...

  4. Chad Anderson photograph collection

    The Chad Anderson collection consists of photographs taken by the donor's grandfather, Bernhardt Wilhelm Fahje, of the liberation of Ohrdruf concentration camp. The photographs include images of the corpses of victims, United States soldiers among the victims, the burial of camp victims by German civilians, exterior of buildings and fences at the Ohrdruf concentration camp.

  5. Oral history interview with Adele Schreiber

  6. "Equality" Egyenlőség [Newspapers]

    A Jewish weekly newspaper issued in Budapest, Hungary, 1882-1938.

  7. Aerial views of Paris; POW camp

    EXT shots of military planes, and a plane taking off. The propellors of plane 771 spin, preparing for take-off. People board plane V4. Aerial shots from plane show views of Paris and a chateau with large gardens. Clouds and the city below. 01:17:44 Two men stand in front of a military jeep smoking cigarettes. A young man in uniform walks towards the camera, hands in pockets and smiling. Building with an arched roof and a steeple has a sign in front that reads “Post Chapel”. 01:18:13 POW camp (?). Camera pans left to a plane, watchtower, a basketball court and rows of buildings. View from pl...

  8. Charles Paul Kogel collection

    The Charles Paul Kogel papers include biographical materials and photographs documenting Charles Kogel from Antwerp, Belgium; his prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences in Belgium; his wartime alias in France; and his immigration to the United States in 1952 with his second wife, Sara Kahan, and their son Henry. Biographical materials include military papers, a 1942 letter on behalf of the King of Belgium, false French papers in the name of "Andre Ravaux," Charles and Sara's wedding booklet, a certificate awarding Charles a war medal, a Belgian passport, an American naturalization certifi...

  9. Oral history interview with György Fenyö

  10. Oral history interview with Peter Solyom

  11. An American relative visits Schiffer family in Budapest

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest.” Family group sits at a table for a meal on a hillside overlooking city of Budapest (could be Janoshegy). Laci Schiffer’s wife, Marcsa (nee Fried), on a visit to Budapest to meet the family (in 1933?). She waves from an upper level of a building. Two groups walk down the sidewalk past a building (sign with “... Adolf Fiai…” is barely visible) in Budapest and wave to the camera, including Marcsa, János, Ernö, Bözske, Gyuri, and Alice. Nice LS of city street with this building. CUs the group walks in the cobbled street and waves. Pathé 9.5mm logo with rooster.

  12. Irving Fink photograph collection

    The collection includes three photographs of the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation and a photograph of US soldiers in Domazlice, Czechoslovakia. Irving Fink, who served in the United States Army, brought the photographs home with him after the war.

  13. Norman R. Stupp collection

    Photograph of Dachau at liberation, from the donor's father, Norman R. Stupp, PFC, 82nd Airborne Division. The photograph depicts a pile of corpses of camp prisoners.

  14. Oral history interview with Edgar Cohn

  15. UNRRA selected records AG-018-009 : Italy Mission

    Correspondence, memos, statistics, publications, circulars, bulletins, financial documents, and reports relating to the Displaced Persons Operations, medical care, education and recreation, vocational trainings, emigration and resettlement.

  16. Oral history interview with Estera Jablonski

  17. Oral history interview with Laura Manoni