Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,381 to 5,400 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Henia Shylit

  2. Paul Fairbrook collection

    The collection primarily consists of copies of documents related to Paul Fairbrook’s WWII military service as a “Ritchie Boy” who received military intelligence training at Camp Albert C. Ritchie, and member of the MIRS (Military Intelligence Research Section). Documents include clippings, military paperwork, memos, reports, captured German documents, and poems. Also included are two bound reports: one contains copies of documents regarding Fairbrook’s military career, and the other is a copy of a government report regarding the history and activities of MIRS.

  3. Freddy Schumer collection

    Comprised primarily of school documents, such as report cards, exam booklets, rosters, and a dossier, relating to the experiences of Freddy Schumer (formerly Siegfried Schumer, b. 1929) as a student in Malonne, Belgium at the Institut Saint-Berthuin under the false identity "Francois Demblon" while he resided at an orphanage with his younger brother, who also adopted a false identity, "Jacques Demblon." Additional documents include postcards, postwar packs of letters and information about Jewish orphans, and handwritten and typed correspondence with US Army Chaplains Judah Nadich, Morris Sa...

  4. Collection of archival materials of the German occupation authorities and German police deployed on the territory of Slovenia during WWII Zbirka arhivskega gradiva organov nemške redarstvene policije na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju (SI AS 2175)

    Selected records of the German occupation authorities and police units deployed on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. It includes correspondence, orders, directives, circular letters, official instructions, reports, war diaries, a roster of policemen duties, payroll, list of serving policemen, report boos, personal documentation, and other records. Among the police units and formations represented in this collection are Police Directorate and Protection Police (Schupo) in Maribor, Gorenjsko, Bled, and Celje; 72nd Reserve Police Battalion, South-East Police Task Force, and others.

  5. Financial Commissions Selected Records from the French National Archives: F37 Commissions financières

    The collection includes selections from Fond F37, Commissions financières documenting the General Delegation for Franco-German Economic Relations (DGRE, Délégation générale aux relations économiques franco-allemandes). Records document the Office of the Jewish Affairs Commissioner, the extent of the territorial jurisdiction of the provisional administrators, German seizure of sequestered Jewish property, removal of furniture belonging to Jews, fines imposed on Jews, the “aryanization” of publishing houses, blankets and shoes issued to deported Jews, and the legal situation of the assets of ...

  6. Arnold Grossblatt collection

    Arnold Grossblatt (1924-1945) WWII photograph album, loose photos, letters from him to his family, draft of a letter from his mother Miriam to President Harry Truman, correspondence from the U.S. Army after he was killed in an accident in September, 1945, clippings, pamphlet

  7. Heny Hersh papers

    The collection includes about 25 prewar and DP camp photographs documenting the donor's parents: Heny Hersh nee Stern (1926-2017) and Artie Hersh (b. 1927, Osoj – currently residing in Boynton Beach, FL). Heny Hersh survived Romanian ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ober Hohenelbe, DP camps Admund, Salfenden, Rivoli, Barletta, and immigration to the US in 1950. Artie Hersh survived Auschwitz, Hausdorf, Ebanzei, DP camps Rivoli, Kobenz, Bagnoli, and immigration to the US in 1950.

  8. Prywatne Hebrajskie Koedukacyjne Seminarium Nauczycielskie „Tarbut“ w Wilnie Private Hebrew Teachers Seminary “Tarbut” in Wilno, Poland Privati mišri žydų mokytojų seminarija „Tarbut“ Vilniuje (Fond 222)

    Records of the Private Hebrew Teachers Seminary “Tarbut” in Wilno, Poland. The collection contains minutes of the meetings, examination records, correspondence, personal files of students, applications for admission to the seminary, seminary graduation certificates, some include photos of students, course journals, etc.

  9. Prewar Suchostaw

    Suchostaw (Suchastov) in the 1930s and 1940s filmed by Nathan Okon. Mr. Okon had a wholesale fur business and would visit relatives in his hometown (Zborow) and his wife’s hometown (Suchostaw) during business trips to Europe in the 1930s.These are the only known films of these Jewish communities, which were almost entirely destroyed during the Holocaust, and the Landsmanshaften.

  10. Kreishauptmannshaft Mińsk [Mazowiecki] Starostwo Powiatowe w Mińsku Mazowieckim (Sygn. 1056)

    Personal questionnaires of resettled people from Wartheland to Minsk Mazowiecki county, include the following information: name, previous residence, year of birth, date of resettlement, current address.

  11. Leo Ullman collection

    Small WWII archive, containing over 45 mainly Dutch publications and pamphlets from 1940-1945. The materials are about Dutch resistance to the occupation and war and news bulletins, and include patriotic poetry. They are mainly printed, typed, or stenciled.

  12. Ner Tamid [Eternal light] lamp donated to the Gilgenberg synagogue by Joseph Marcus

    An inscribed Ner Tamid [Eternal Light] lamp donated to the Gilgenburg Synagogue Community by Joseph Marcus in August 1913. The Ner Tamid hangs above the ark in every synagogue. The lamp should never be extinguished or turned off, because it represents God's eternal and imminent presence in the Jewish community and the lives of its members. Joseph (1857-1934) was a member of the synagogue and the Jewish community of Gilgenburg, Germany (now Dąbrówno, Poland). He was married to Rosa Scherk Marcus (1866-1943?), who was deported during the Holocaust and killed.

  13. Records of the German Police units deployed on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. Nemške policijske enote na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju (SI AS 2008)

    Selected records of German police regiments deployed for security operations and anti-partisan warfare duties on the territory of Slovenia (and other European countries, e.g. Poland, France) during WWII. Includes correspondence, official instructions, circular letters, orders and directives, operational and personal reports, requests for supplies, name lists of police servicemen, invoices, receipts for payments to police officers, service contracts, translation of the captured partisan documents, and other types of documentation.

  14. Prewar Zborow

    Zborow in the 1930s and 1940s filmed by Nathan Okon. Mr. Okon had a wholesale fur business and would visit relatives in his hometown (Zborow) and his wife’s hometown (Suchostaw) during business trips to Europe in the 1930s.These are the only known films of these Jewish communities, which were almost entirely destroyed during the Holocaust, and the Landsmanshaften. (3:32) Still photo of committee for the Soup Kitchen: seated left to right: Amalia Nissenbaum (great-grandmother of Eric Silberman), Yenta Kronisch, Helena Lechowicz, Benjamin Reiss, Shmuel Schwebel, Nita Halpern, Mendel Sigal. St...

  15. Yiddish Intermediate School in Plungé Plungės žydų vidurinė mokykla (Fond 781)

    Minutes of teachers' council meetings, examinations records; copies of graduation certificates, including photos of students; class journals with the names of students and their grades.

  16. Presentation by William Léons

  17. Primary School no 4 in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 w Ostrowcu Świętorzyskim (Sygn. 2908)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  18. Geheime Staatspolizei Neustadt records

    Contains three interrelated collections pertaining to the Gestapo headquarters in the city of Neustadt an der Weinstrasse (Gestapostelle Neustadt). These Gestapo records cover the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate.The three collections are as follows (a. - c.): a. Bestand H90 (Geheime Staatspolizei Neustadt-Verwaltung): Administrative files of the Gestapo headquarters in Neustadt. Contains financial records, building plans, rules and regulations, and records pertaining to the monitoring of the French border, the transfer of political prisoners to the concentration camp Neustadt, registra...

  19. Magyar Lapok [Newspapers]

    Selected issues of the antisemitic newspaper Magyar Lapok published in Oradea,Transylvania, 1936-1940. It was a successor of Erdélyi Lapok.

  20. Walter Materna war diaries and personal documents

    The Walter Materna war diaries and personal documents includes Materna’s World War I diaries (four volumes); World War II and immediate post-war diaries, including inserted World War II photographs (volumes 1-3, 5-10, 13-17); and World War II and immediate post-war documents such as leaflets, telegrams, and personal documents. Materna’s World War II diaries describe events in Poland (Generalgouvernement), Ukraine (Kharkiv, Berdychiv, Donetsk, Dnipro), and Russia (Voronezh, Livny). The diaries include numerous antisemitic statements and descriptions of local Jewish populations by Materna, in...