Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 53,861 to 53,880 of 58,960
  1. Αρχείο Ιταλικής Διοίκησης Δωδεκανήσου

    • Archive of the Italian Administration in Dodecanese
    • Archeio Italikis Dioikisis Dodekanisou

    The collection contains files relevant to the Jewish Community of Rhodes, the Jewish schools, the Rabbinical College, the Jewish cemetery, catalogues of the Jewish families, survivors of the ship "Pentko", Jewish companies, the Jewish immovable property, the Jewish passoports for Turkey, catalogues of the Jewish belongings.

  2. Αρχείο της Ιταλικής Αστυνομίας των Καραμπινιέρων

    • Royal Carabinieri Police Archive
    • Archeio tis Italikis Astynomias ton Karabinieron

    The archive contains approx. 80.000 personal files (for 130.000 inhabitants). It contains reports on political events, social and ethnic groups (Greeks, Turks, Jews and other foreigners) and companies, juridical decisions, information on the antifascist activities, the Jewish community, cases related to full Italian citizenship and the special local form of citizenship (Cittadinanza Egea Italiana).

  3. ARA

    • ARA
    • Dutch
  4. Manuscripts

    In more than 2,000 diaries and manuscripts, people and personalities relate their experiences relating to the Exodus, the 18-day military campaign, daily life, deportation and the Liberation.

  5. Jewish Religious Community of Pardubice

    This fonds contains lists of Jews living in the Pardubice domain at the end of the 18th century, the community's statutes including amendments (1874, 1977, 1896, 1936), meeting minutes, election records, personnel records, a list of war refugees (1914–1918), construction records (including for the construction of a synagogue), burial society records, and draft texts on the history of the Jews in Pardubice. The burial society registers, particularly grave records, were kept until 1942. The fonds also includes files from the Pardubice Arbeitsamt (labour office) with records of work assignment...

  6. Jewish Religious Community of Holešov

    The most important part of this fonds consists of pinkasim from 1668–1731 and 1785–1830 and takkanot from the 18th century. This fonds also contains meeting minutes, financial files, records of charitable foundations, synagogue seats records, books of hazkarot and burial society records. Records from 1939–1943 contain registry matters, documents relating to the registration of Jews (including mixed marriages and Jews of the “non-Mosaic” religion), work assignment records, travel permits, housing and construction records, information on the registration and surrendering of property, a commun...

  7. Jewish Religious Community of Brandýs nad Labem

    This fonds contains meeting minutes, election records, personnel records, documents relating to registry matters and to the teaching of religion, financial files, and burial society documents: statutes (1892–1906), meeting minutes, and fragmentary files. It also includes the financial register of the local Jewish women's association and book of hazkarat. The documents from 1938–1940 are mainly accounting records and related correspondence (following on from the pre-war accounting files). There are also several documents relating to social welfare for refugees.

  8. Jewish Religious Community of Brno

    This collection contains fragmentary materials that were mostly found in fonds from areas outside Brno – primarily minor printed materials: the community's statutes (1894), the statutes and annual reports of several Jewish associations, and a memorial document on the improvement of civic conditions for the Jews. From the period of the Nazi occupation there is a 1939 instruction on the obligation to register artefacts and valuable objects, agricultural and forestry land, foreign currency, and debts to foreign individuals, as well as a marriage register from 1941–1942.

  9. Jewish Religious Community of Čáslav

    This fonds is fragmentary and consists of meeting minutes (maintained until 1940), a banns registry (1892–1937), a cash book, and fragments of documents relating to the Jewish Women's Charity Association, including its statutes (1922).

  10. Jewish Religious Community of Divišov

    This fonds contains meeting minutes, cash books, fragmentary files, and financial registers (maintained until 1942). There is also a collection of circulars from 1940–1942.

  11. Jewish Religious Community of Dolní Kralovice

    This fonds is fragmentary and consists of community's statutes, the statutes of the burial society, meeting minutes, a book of incoming correspondence (1905–1941), a Jewish tax register (1938–1941) and a graves register. The most valuable part of the fonds is a circumcision register (1791–1835).

  12. Jewish Religious Community of Dvůr Králové

    This fonds contains the community's statutes including amendments (1862–1897, 1932), meeting minutes, a memorial book, rules of procedure, a community membership list, financial files, documents and accounts for the construction of a synagogue and cemetery, and a community photograph album from the early 1940s.


    This fonds contains the community's statutes (1877, 1896, 1900), meeting minutes (maintained until 1940), election records, personnel records, circumcision records (1817–1839), correspondence, records concerning Jewish houses, financial files, synagogue seats records, the statutes and records of the burial society, and fragments of documents relating to Jewish associations and institutions. The fonds also includes fragmentary files relating to the affiliated communities of Hroubovice, Chrudim, Přestavlky and Zájezdec.

  14. Jewish Religious Community of Hodonín

    This fonds contains the community's statutes (1921–1922, 1930), meeting minutes (kept until 1940), financial files, a contract for the construction of a new synagogue (1694), synagogue seats records, and burial society records.

  15. Jewish Religious Community of Hranice

    This fonds contains 18th-century book of takkanot, the community's statutes, meeting minutes, banns registers (1891–1940), financial files, synagogue seats records, documents relating to the local Jewish school, the 1876 statutes and other records of the burial society (including graves register/ register of graves), and documents relating to the local Jewish women's association. The burial society and women's association files were kept until 1942.

  16. Jewish Religious Community of Hroznětín

    This fonds consist of a cash book (maintained until April 1938) and fragmentary accounting records of the Jewish prayer association in Nejdek. It also includes an acknowledgement of receipt of the cash book, of the accounting records, and of savings book from a savings bank in Nejdek, which was issued by the Supreme Council of the Associations of Jewish Religious Communities in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia on 31 October 1938.

  17. Jewish Religious Community of Kladno

    This fonds contains the community's statutes (1895, 1897, 1900, 1923), records on a merger with the surrounding Jewish communities, meeting minutes, election records, personnel records, correspondence, financial files, synagogue seats records, documents relating to the local Jewish school and burial society, registers of aid organizations for Jewish refugees (1914–1918), and registers of the community and of the burial society of the affiliated community in Hostouň. Election records, personnel records and financial registers of the burial society and women's association were kept until 1939...

  18. Jewish Religious Community of Postřižín

    This fonds is fragmentary and contains a graves registers and other burial society registers. It also contains the burial society's financial registers (maintained until 1940) and fragmentary files relating to the community from 1941–1942.

  19. Jewish Religious Community of Bechyně

    The fonds includes meetings minutes, fragments of community files, financial files, synagogue seats register and book of Hazkarot. Most of the preserved documents come from the end of the 19th and from the beginning of the 20th century, the synagogue seats register only includes records from the first half of the 19th century. The book of Hazkarot reaches the time of the WWII in its records as it was kept to 1940 (only one commemorative record).

  20. Jewish Religious Community of Benešov

    The fond includes the statutes of the Jewish Religious Community from 1896 and the articles of the Burial Society, lists of community members, financial files (including the pauper care files) and synagogue reconstruction files. Most of the preserved documents dates to 1900 – 1925, only the Burial Society register of currency receipt copies reaches 1940. Besides that the Burial Society founded a cash book for income and outcome records which was used from 1940 to May 1941.