Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 53,561 to 53,580 of 58,960
  1. Brüsszeli főkonzulátus iratai, 1918-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Brussels, 1918-1945

    The records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Brussels contain documents from the years 1931 to 1946, some of which are of relevance for the history of the Holocaust. The large majority of the relevant files concern citizenship questions of Hungarian Jewish individuals. They include cases of people from territories that Hungary (re)acquired between 1938 and 1941. Some of the files document the screening procedures of Hungarian Jewish individuals who were planning to return to Hungary. There are some requests of passports and visa in the collection. Last but not least, there are document...

  2. Római követség iratai, 1920-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Rome, 1920-1944

    Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Rome, the capital of Fascist Italy, that are relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust relate to citizenship cases of Hungarian Jews and include birth certificates, documents of origin and baptism, requests of passport, visa, cases of emigration, work permits but also documentation of cases of internment and deportation.

  3. Rajniss Ferenc iratai, 1923-1945

    • Ferenc Rajniss papers, 1923-1945

    This collection contains papers and records of Ferenc Rajniss (1893-1946) was an influential Hungarian extreme right-wing politician and journalist, editor of the weekly Új Magyarság and Magyar Futár, and a recognized expert on questions of social policy. Rajniss was elected a member of Parliament in 1935 as part of the governing party then under the leadership of Prime Minister Gyula Gömbös, represented the Nemzeti Front (the National Front), a national socialist formation in 1937, was a member of the Magyar Élet Pártja (the Hungarian Life Party) in 1939 to subsequently join Béla Imrédy's ...

  4. Bakách-Bessenyey György iratai

    • György Bakách-Bessenyey papers

    The most significant part of the collection consists of his extensive semi-official correspondence with prominent personalities, including Prime Minister Miklós Kállay, Otto von Habsburg and John Foster Dulles. The collection also includes the registry of the Hungarian Embassy of Bern. Bakách-Bessenyey took these materials with him in April 1944, so that details of his negotiations would not be acquired by his successor. The collection also contains information on the operation of the Ambassadorial Committee. The Committee had no regular registry and the materials in the files of Bakách-Bes...

  5. Berni követségi iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland

    The collection of materials from the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland includes miscellaneous documents. It contains information on the Swiss policy towards foreigners and the concrete measures adopted to control them, including the operation of refugee camps. More concretely, there are documents on Hungarian citizens residing in Switzerland and Hungarian Jewish migration to Switzerland as well as on the internment of Hungarian citizens as well as references to their deportation by Nazi Germany. The collection also contains official reports on Swiss internal affairs, foreign policy and...

  6. Külügyminisztérium, Sajtó és Kulturális Osztály

    • Records of the Press and Cultural Department, Foreign Ministry

    The collection documenting the activities of the Press and Cultural Department of the Foreign Ministry has three major parts: first, there are records of the distribution of Hungarian press organs abroad, reviews of foreign press, information bureaus and radio-related matters, second, there are records of the distribution of foreign press organs in Hungary, their permits, and papers on connections to foreign journalists, and third, there are documents on the internal matters of the department(s).

  7. A kormányzói iroda iratai

    • Records of the Regent’s Cabinet Office

    In 1920, in order to facilitate the administrative work of the Regent of Hungary, new offices were established called the Cabinet Office, the Military Office and the Economic Office though the last of the three was soon merged into the Cabinet Office. A tiny fraction of their documents survived and many of the other materials of the Office of the Head of State was also destroyed. For the Cabinet Office, practically the only remaining documents are from the years 1945-46 and concern economic matters (K 588). The scope of these economic affairs was rather restricted as it concerned the salary...

  8. Országos Közellátási Hivatal ügyosztályainak iratai (1940-1945)

    • Records of the National Public Supplies Office (1940-1945)

    In Hungary, a Minister without Portfolio for Public Supplies (közellátás) was appointed in 1940. The major aims of creating such a new position was to exert increased state control and improve the organization of the economic life of the country, assure that foreign trade was beneficial for military as well as civilian purposes, and to have an uniform control and administration of the food supply as well as that of other public necessities. In order to help the work of the Minister without Portfolio, a National Office for Public Supplies (Országos Közellátási Hivatal) was organized. The Tra...

  9. Iparügyi Minisztérium általános iratai (1935-1948)

    • Records of the Ministry of Industry (1935-1948)

    The Ministry of Industry (Iparügyi Minisztérium) was established in 1935 and partially replaced the Ministry of Trade (Kereskedelemügyi Minisztérium) that had just been abolished. The Ministry of Industry was in operation between August 1, 1935 and April 4, 1945. During the last months of the Second World War and Arrow Cross rule, it no longer functioned on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the actual materials of the Ministry of Industry were destroyed during the battle for Budapest in the winter of 1944-1945. The collection therefore contains papers that were preserved at other ministries o...

  10. Földművelődésügyi Minisztérium, Általános iratok (1889-1944)

    • General Records of the Ministry of Agriculture (1889-1944)

    Besides the anti-Semitic laws introduced in Hungary in the late 1930s and early 1940s that were of a more general scope, there was also a more specific initiative to reduce the involvement of Jews in the sphere of agriculture with the aim of excluding them from the Hungarian soil. This drive found its major legal expression in law XV. of 1942, also called the fourth Jewish law. The collection titled General Records of the Ministry of Agriculture (1889-1944) contain the papers that were created during the operation of the chief departments of the Ministry of Agriculture. The papers have been...

  11. Földművelődésügyi Minisztérium, Elnöki iratok (1889-1944)

    • Presidential Records of the Ministry of Agriculture (1889-1944)

    Besides the anti-Semitic laws introduced in Hungary in the late 1930s and early 1940s that were of a more general scope, there was also a more specific initiative to reduce the involvement of Jews in the sphere of agriculture with the aim of excluding them from the Hungarian soil. This drive found its major legal expression in law XV. of 1942, also called the fourth Jewish law. The collection titled Presidential Records of the Ministry of Agriculture (1889-1944) contain the papers that were created at the Presidential Department (Elnöki Osztály) during these years. The subject of the papers...

  12. Magyar Belügyminisztérium iratai, 1938-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1938-1944

    This collection contains documents regarding the implementation of anti-Jewish legislation in Hungary as well as instructions given to various levels of public administration regarding Jewish matters in the years of worsening anti-Semitic discrimination prior to the mass deportations. Other records document disciplinary actions taken in extra-judicial ways. Moreover, the collection includes information on the processing of passports, repatriations and grievances and has records on the policy adopted toward Hungarian citizens residing abroad and non-citizens residing in Hungary. MOL K 150 P ...

  13. Alapszabálygyűjtemény (1941-1944)

    • Collection of Statutes (1941-1944)

    The Collection of Statutes includes the statutes of a host of various associations, such as burial societies or pensioners clubs, for the years 1941 to 1944. It includes the statutes of Jewish associations operating in Hungary at this time as well. The collection is of special importance for the study of the process of anti-Semitic discrimination and exclusion, on the one hand, with question such as in what ways were attempts of Jewish self-organization restricted and under what conditions were Jewish associations allowed to continue to function. On the other, the statutes also reveal Jewis...

  14. Pénzügyminisztérium, Általános iratok (1867-1945)

    • Papers of the Ministry of Finance (1867-1945)

    The Holocaust was not only the largest genocidal operation in 20th century Hungarian history but also a gigantic campaign to systematically rob the wealth of Hungarian Jewry. In Hungary, the Europe-wide campaign of robbery usually referred to by the name of Aryanization had various initiators and a large segment of benefactors in society but it was planned as a state-directed and -controlled process with the Ministry of Finance playing a crucial role in it. Between 1938 and 1944, the Ministry was headed by Lajos Reményi-Schneller (1892-1946) who served as Minister of Finance under the succe...

  15. Körrendeletek (1867-1942)

    • Circular Decress (1867-1942)

    This collection includes circular decrees (körrendeletek) of the Ministry of Finance for the years 1867 to 1942. The last four to five years covered by the collection, i.e. the late 1930s and early 1940s, is relevant for the study of anti-Semitic radicalization in Hungary since the anti-Semitic policies of the times were initated not only by numerous major anti-Semitic laws adopted in Parliament but were also implemented through hundreds of decrees and such circulars from ministries with the Ministry of Finance playing a notable role. Circular decrees from those years may have had explicit ...

  16. Pénzügyminisztérium, Elnöki rezervált iratok (1871-1944)

    • Ministry of Finance, Classified Presidential Documents (1871-1944)

    The Holocaust was not only the largest genocidal operation in 20th century Hungarian history but also a gigantic campaign to systematically rob the wealth of Hungarian Jewry. In Hungary, the Europe-wide campaign of robbery usually referred to by the name of Aryanization had various initiators and a large segment of benefactors in society but it was planned as a state-directed and -controlled process with the Ministry of Finance playing a crucial role in it. Between 1938 and 1944, the Ministry was headed by Lajos Reményi-Schneller (1892-1946), i.e. he served as Minister under the successive ...

  17. Álorvosi iratok, 1964-1975

    • Cases of the Victims of Nazi Pseudo-Scientific Experiments, 1964-1975

    Nazi Germans conducted a series of medical experiments on large numbers of prisoners, mainly Jews from across Europe, but also on Romani people, ethnic Poles, Soviet prisoners of war and disabled non-Jewish Germans. These human experiments took place in concentration camps mainly in the early 1940s. Prisoners were coerced into these experiments that would often result in their death, or disfigurement or permanent disability of their bodies. Many deported Hungarian Jews fell victims to these infamous Nazi human experiments that were conducted, most notoriously, in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp...

  18. Magyar Belügyminisztérium, Rezervált iratok, 1938-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Classified Documents, 1938-1944

    MOL K 149 PTI contains monthly police reports for more than sixty cities; Intelligence on rightists (e.g., Arrow Cross) and leftists (e.g., Social-Democrats and Communists); various nationalities (Ruthenians, Germans, Slovaks, and others); religious sects (e.g., Jehovah’s Witnesses); and Jews, including refugees from Slovakia; Secret reports on public opinion generally and among suspect groups in particular about political, military, and economic affairs.

  19. Magyar Belügyminisztérium, Elnöki iratok, 1938-1944

    • Records of the Executive Office of the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1938-1944 [Presidential]

    The collection consists of records handled by the Executive Office (Elnöki Osztály), which was the office of the Minister of Internal Affairs. These are the documents of parliamentary interpellations (e.g. by the Arrow-Cross MP Kálmán Hubay, or the anti-Nazi MP Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky) to the Minister, and his answers; reports to the Minister regarding the activities of Jewish individuals (e.g. the communist Endre Ságvári) and communities (e.g. the Jews of Békés county); issues concerning the citizenship of Jews, the 1941 round-up and deportation of the so called “stateless” Jews, the exemp...

  20. Igazságügyminisztériumi Levéltár

    • Records of the Ministry of Justice

    The collection contains the documents of the central organs of the Ministry of Justice from 1867 till 1944, however, a highly significant part of the collection was destroyed by fire in 1956. The Hungarian Ministry of Justice had the main supervisory role over Hungarian courts, prosecutors, notaries, chambers of lawyers and their personnel, prisons and cases related to youth. The Ministry also played an important part in the preparation of laws and inheritance cases. Due to the aforementioned fire, only fragments of the original materials remain and many topics would prove practically unres...