Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 53,281 to 53,300 of 58,960
  1. Amtsgerichte

  2. Arbeitsämer

    Dokumente, die die Zwangsarbeit behandeln, vorhanden.

  3. Die der Provinzialverwaltung unterstehenden Anstalten

    Unteranderem sind Dokumente in der Sammlung vorhanden, die Zwangsarbeit zum Thema haben.

  4. Kreisausschuß Saarburg

    Kriegsrecht; Ämtergliederung; Kreiskrankenhaus; Haushaltspläne; Postautounterstellhallen

  5. Tajna Policja Państwowa. Oddział w Düsseldorfie [Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeistelle Düsseldorf]

    • akta spraw dochodzeniowych przeciwko Polakom podejrzanym o sabotaż, porzucenie pracy, nielegalne przekroczenie granicy, nienoszenie oznaczenia „P”, utrzymywanie niedozwolonych stosunków z ludnością niemiecką, kontakty z jeńcami wojennymi, słuchanie zagranicznych rozgłośni, przynależność do polskiej konspiracji, wypowiedzi antyniemieckie - akta administracyjne (dokumenty dot. zbiegłych jeńców polskich z Roboczego Batalionu Budowlanego w Essen) - materiały inne (wyroki Sądu Wojennego Rzeszy w sprawach karnych przeciwko Polakom oskarżonym o szpiegostwo i przygotowania do zdrady stanu)
  6. Okresný ľudový súd v Sabinove

    • District People´s Court in Sabinov

    Fonds contains files of the District People´s Court in Sabinov which was one of the retributive courts of post-WWII Czechoslovakia. Besides the files which contain the info on the political and military events during the period 1938-1945 in Sabinov and its vicinity, it contains the file pertaining the persecution of Jews living in Sabinov district with various testimonies of survivors on deportation of Jews from the district in 1942, and the activities of former state representatives and Hlinka Guard members in Sabinov. Fonds also contains the file pertaining the persecution of Jews living ...

  7. Maďarský kráľovský policajný kapitanát v Košiciach

    • Hungarian Royal Police Capitanate in Košice

    Fonds contains documents of the Hungarian Royal Police Capitanate in Košice (Kassa), including many documents related to the anti-Jewish measures of this security body during the period (1938-1944). Besides the documents on the so called check of the citizenship of specific Jews, expulsion of Jews trying to escape from Slovakia or search for persons who refused to enter the army there are also documents on the history of Jewish ghetto in Košice (Kassa), and the transit camp in the brick factory. This includes documents on the investigation of the smuggling of food into the brick factory cam...

  8. Nyilaskeresztes Párt, 1932–1945

    • Arrow Cross Party, 1932–1945

    The first part of the collection (Boxes1-3) contains the survived records of the Hungarian National Socialist Party and its successor, the Arrow Cross Party, mostly from the war years. The material includes the documents of party administration (registered as well as unregistered fragments), cashier’s and registry books, regulations, orders, circulars and other internal correspondence, an undated brief history of the party, programs and flyers of the Hungarian National Socialist Party and various extreme right wing splinter groups, speeches, studies and other publications of party leader Fe...

  9. Žydų istorijos dokumentai

    • Jewish history documents
    • Švėkšnos muziejus. Šilutės Hugo Šojaus muziejaus padalinys
    • Švėkšnos muziejaus kolekcijos/Collections of the Švėkšna Museum
    • English
    • 1900-1944
    • The holdings are classified as primary (GEK) and academic support collections (PG). Primary collection consists of: Photography (ŠVF) - XIX - XX c. (contains Jewish documents) Writings (ŠVR) - XVI - XX c. (contains Jewish documents) Etnography (ŠVE) - XIX - XX c. (contains Jewish documents) Archeology (ŠVA) Numismatics (ŠVNu) Historical Exhibits (ŠVIE)

    There are 40-50 items (documents, personal artifacts and photos) related to the Jewish history and the Holocaust in the collection of the museum.

  10. Žydų istorijos dokumentai

    • Jewish History Documents

    There are several items (documents, personal artifacts and photos) related to the Jewish history and the Holocaust in the collection of the museum.

  11. Flygtningedatabasen 1933-1945

    • Refugee Database 1933-1945
    • Rigsarkivet
    • Flygtningedatabasen 1933-1945
    • English
    • 1933-1945
    • files of 8.160 refugees

    Database has files of 8.160 refugees: 1) political and Jewish refugees, some of which stayed for a shorter or a longer period of time in Denmark, 2) refugees who have been rejected at the border, 3) person who sought asylum in vain either from abroad or from family and friends.

  12. Udlændingesager 1926-1983

    • UDL
    • Files of Foreigners
    • Rigsarkivet
    • Udlændingesager 1926-1983
    • English
    • 1926-1983
    • Original, documentation m.m

    Personal files of foreigners coming to Denmark during 1926-1983.