Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 52,241 to 52,260 of 58,960
  1. Oberlandesgericht (Reichs Supreme Regional Court) of Litoměřice

    This is the most important of all fonds of the occupation judiciary within the territory of the Sudetenland region. The general files contain files regarding legal representation of Jews: Procedural agents (Jewish consultants) (1938–1943), the Jewish consultant Dr. Oswald Israel Glück with registered office in Cheb (1939–1944), the Jewish consultant Dr. Hans Israel Wolf with registered office in Liberec (1939–1942), the Jewish consultant Dr. Richard Israel Pollak with registered office in Opava (1939–1941), the Jewish consultant Dr. Erwin Israel Kunstwälder in Opava (1939–1943), the Jewish ...

  2. Collection of Nazi Occupation Documents of Various Provenance

    Only individual items have been preserved with regards to the history of the Jews within the territory of the Sudetenland region. The file Private legal requirements towards emigrated Jews contains a letter from the Office of the Government President of 22.2.1940 (inv. № 78). The file Jews, 1941–1943 holds materials regarding pertinence of Protectorate Jews under the Reich Association of Jews, use of means of transport by Jews, introduction of the obligation of Jews to be labelled as such and requests for waiving of this (inv. № 96). The file Anti-Semitic acts and measures, 1939 contains in...

  3. Stillhaltekomissar für Organisationen (Continuity Commissioner for Organisations) in Liberec

    The fonds contains materials on Jewish communities, associations and foundations within the territory of the former district of the Sudetenland, liquidated upon cession of the Sudetenland to Germany. Part of the fonds, held under inv. № 6, have individual folders ordered alphabetically by municipality: file 43 – Jewish religious community Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad in German): billing for demolition of the synagogue and land underneath it, tax from the cemetery plot, Jewish foundation and Jewish spa house; folder 46 – statement from the land register with regards to the synagogue in Úštěk (Ausc...

  4. Association of German Municipalities, Office for the Sudetenland in Liberec

    The fonds id divided according to the association departments: Department 123 – Alien, passport and reporting police of the fonds contains file № 11 Jews. This relates to care for Jews from privileged mixed marriages affected by the war from 1942–1943 (inv. № 195). Department 360 – Church matters contains file № 22 – Cemeteries. This relates to issues of dissolution and closure of Jewish cemeteries in the following locations: Budišov nad Budišovkou, Drmoul, Sokolov, Šenov u Nové Jičína, Teplice and Vrchlabí, 1940–1941 (inv. № 285).

  5. Leadership of the Reichsgau Branch of NSDAP in Liberec

    The Leadership of the Reichsgau Branch of NSDAP in Liberec was the supreme political body in the Reichsgau (Region) of the Sudetenland. This is why its preserved documents are of exceptional importance for learning about persecution of the Jewish population within the territory of the Sudetenland in 1938–1945. The most important documents include situation reports of the district management of the NSDAP (inv. № 3), local groups (inv. № 4) and other institutions. Material about the history of the Jews can be found in instructions of the Region Management of NSDAP (inv. № 22) and in the instr...

  6. Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Ústí nad Labem

    Files are preserved in the fonds from the Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Ústí nad Labem, in which it is possible to follow the task of this Nazi office of mid-level instance from Landrats (district councillors) right through to municipal offices very well. Of importance for study of Jewish history and in particular persecution of the Jews are the situation reports from 1938–1943 (inv. № 2); from the agenda of Department I b Volk – Care for the population: Census, 1939 (inv. № 153); from the agenda of Department Ib Sta – Nationality: Jews and persons of mixed race...

  7. Landrat (District Councillor) of Broumov

    The fonds includes archival fonds of political administration of Broumov District (Broumov and Teplice nad Metují Judicial Districts in the period of the Nazi occupation. The inventory consists of only very brief records, in them among others mentions, see inv. No. 104 (sign. II-C/60) Anti-Jewish demonstrations 1938, inv. No. 114 (sign. Pol-305/4) Jewish Kennkarten (personal ID) 1940, inv. No. 121 (sign. Pol-Komm) Commissary administration of Jewish businesses, inv. No. 134 (sign. Pol-Kom/Ltg II) Aryanization of Jewish property – property transfers 1939 – 1945.

  8. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Teplice nad Metují

    The fonds consist of archival fonds of the Teplice nad Metují District Court Administration (for the towns of Teplice nad Metují and Stárkov and their vicinity) in the Reichsgau Sudetenland (Sudeten Region). The inventory includes very brief entries. There are no specific mentions of Jews, the local Jewish community of the Teplice and Stárkov Districts was small, organization-wise it belonged to the Náchod religious community. Possible mentions may be probably found in the inheritance agenda. See inv. No. 25, the only specific entry: Taussigová Berta, inheritance and foundation 1920 - 1941.

  9. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Broumov

    The fonds consist of archival fonds of the Broumov District Judicial Administration (for the cities of Broumov, Meziměstí and their vicinity) in the Reichsgau Sudetenland (Sudeten Region)of the German Reich. The inventory includes very brief entries. There are no specific mentions of Jews, the local Jewish community of the Broumov District was small, organization-wise it belonged to the Náchod religious community. Possible mentions may be probably found in the inheritance agenda.

  10. Landratsamt (District Councillor’s Office) of Mikulov (Landrat Nikolsburg)

    The fonds contains only written documents relating to the period of the holocaust, primarily this concerns documents on Jewish registers within the framework of the agenda of the “Standesamts” (call number V) from 1939 and documents on the Aryanisation of Jewish property in 1939 (call number IX). Relevant information shall evidently also be contained in other documents of the fonds.

  11. Landrat (District Councillor) of Nová Bystřice

    The fonds consists of agenda of the political administration of Nová Bystřice from the time of the German occupation within the scope of the previous District Office (administrative matters, economic affairs, police affairs, German sovereign issues, country defence, agriculture). For researching Jewish history attention needs to be paid to documents concerning economy and financial circumstances (disputes over Jewish property confiscated by representatives of German Reich) and requests for allocation to state offices.

  12. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Slavonice

    The fonds consists of files documenting regular activity of a German Amtsgericht (district court) in a borderland district. They are inheritance and guardian files, files of civil and criminal agenda, book of filing registers. The fonds is quite well preserved. The civil agenda is almost complete, mainly the inheritance files. It is possible to find single items relevant to Jewish history – politically motivated crimes, persecution in occupied territory, border crossing (see lists of prisoners on the Gestapo’s order or the secret police). For researching Jewish history attention needs to be...

  13. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Nová Bytřice

    The fonds consists of regular agenda of a civil court. Property rights, estate and custodian files are mainly concerned. Within the criminal agenda the criminal matters of foreign workers are of interest (sign. NS). There are also documents of Inheritance court within the fonds. For researching Jewish history attention should be paid mainly to property rights matters, mainly inheritance matters.

  14. Landrat (District Coucillor) of Most

    Information about the Jewish history in the given region can be found in the file labelled A complaint against the German administrators - swindles with Czech and Jewish properties (1940).

  15. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Horní Litvínov

    Information about persons of the Jewish origin can be found especially in the files marked 3/2 K (Seizureofrealestates, 1939-1941).

  16. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Most

    Information about persons of Jewish origin can be found especially in the files marked 5 K (forced auction, 1939-1944), 5 L (forced administration, 1939-1942), 6 Cs (e.g. reports against Jews, 1940-1941), and the 7 HRA files which concern the removal of Jewish companies from the Commercial Register (Most, Horní Litvínov, 1938-1944).

  17. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Úštěk

    The archival fonds comprises documents resulting from the activities of the court operating in the Úštěk Judicial District in 1938-1945. In the fonds's inventory we find reference to the Jewish matters only under inv. No. 13 – Jewish debts 1940-1942. Jewish-related documents can also be founded in the unarranged part of the fonds in the collection of deeds for the land books, which also contains documents of transfers of property originally belonging to Jewish owners (private and legal persons).

  18. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Lovosice

    The archival fonds comprises documents resulting from the activities of the court operating in the Lovosice judicial district in 1938-1945. Jewish matters only show up in file L – forced administration of Jewish property 1940-1943 (inv. No. 128).

  19. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Litoměřice

    The archival fonds comprises documents resulting from the activities of the court operating in the Litoměřice judicial district in the years 1938-1945. The courts documents contain interesting material on Jewish matters, particularly as regards the property matters of persons of Jewish origin. In section VIII – commercial register files, there are the files of firms and companies that had Jewish owners and on forced administration for Jewish businesses; in the collection of deeds for the land books (unarranged part of the fonds) there are transfers for the property of originally Jewish owne...

  20. Landrat (District Councillor) of Litoměřice

    The fonds contains the documents of the political administration in the Litoměřice district in 1938-1945. Jewish matters are mentioned in the inventory under the following items: Nazi administration of Czech and Jewish property 1938, Czech and Jewish enterprises, homes, farmhouses 1940, property of the Czechoslovak state, Czechs and Jews 1939 ( G 4), Jewish registers 1939-1942, Jewish registers, Nuremberg Laws 1939-1944 (Ho III and 8 – C Jüd), Jewish first names 1939-1944 (Ho III b 3), the racial protection act 1940-1944 (Ho III c 1), municipal reporting on Jewish cemeteries 1941 (Ho III 11...