Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 52,141 to 52,160 of 58,960
  1. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vimperk

    The fonds includes documents of the Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vimperk from the period of the German occupation. The preserved files concern administrative and judicial agendas, both criminal and civil ones (disputes, seizures of property, inheritance, and guardianships), and the agenda of land books from 1938-1945. The criminal files include documents concerning national and racial discrimination, illegal crossing of the border, etc. Except for the agenda of inheritance court the fonds has been well preserved.

  2. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Prachatice

    The fonds includes documents of the Amtsgericht (District Court) of Prachatice from the period of the German occupation. The preserved files concern administrative issues and the criminal and civil agendas (disputes, inheritance, guardianships) from 1938-1945. The criminal files include documents concerning national and racial discrimination, illegal crossing of the border, etc. The fonds has been preserved in fragments.

  3. Landgericht (Reichs Regional Court) of Trutnov

    The fonds contains documents of justice administration from the occupation period and sorted in accordance with individual cases that the court addressed, and offers a view into the functioning of the then administration of justice. Unfortunately, documents of racial segregation were not preserved. Nevertheless, the Jews are mentioned in other writings that deal with divorce proceedings of mixed marriages of Germans with Jews. Jews are explicitly mentioned in the following cases: Ernestine Schanzer seeks annulment of marriage to a Jew James Schanzer, from Javornik, part of the village of Ru...

  4. Amtsanwaltschaft (District Prosecutor´s Office) of Trutnov

    The fonds of the Official Prosecution office in Trutnov contains documents relating to this institution. Jewish history is covered only by the following documents: Jew Hermann Israel Klein was being investigated for the offense of not indicating his name Israel (inv. No. 31, signature PLs 45/1942, AA-AG Trut. 1941-1942, file No. 30).

  5. Reichs Prosecutor’s Office in Trutnov

    The fund contains well-preserved documents of justice administration from the occupation period and sorted in accordance with the individual cases that the court addressed; it is possible to have a clear look into the functioning of the period administration of justice. Jewish history is involved in the following documents: the death sentence fordental technician Weber, member of the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), who in 1943 declared that no one believes in victory anymore and that the concentration camps are ruled by medieval methods and many Jews die there and th...

  6. Commander of the Ordnungspolizei Moravia

    The fonds contains materials concerning the supervision of the German occupation administration over the Protectorate gendarmerie and police. Only the following sources concern the Jewish matters: Complaints about gendarmes due to their anti–German behaviour and their contacts with Jews 1941, Senior Constable, retired, Richard Rotrökl, concealment of Jewish money 1942.

  7. Inspector of the Uniformierteprotektoratspolizei (Uniformed Protectorate Police) in Moravia

    Only some of the documents have survived from the fonds of the Inspector of Uniformed Protectorate Police in Moravia, but its significance is not small. It contains books of daily reports, reports about sabotage, Czech resistance and police organisations, reports on history of partisan movement, secret files of police officers, requests for draft to police etc. The file Establishment of Jewish Transit Camps 1942 concerns Jewish history.

  8. Treuhand- und Revisionsgesellschaft (German Administration of Seized Property) Brno

    The fonds of the German Administration of Seized Property Brno contains material from the Brno and Ostrava branch. The documents are divided according to branches into documents of institutions and physical persons whose property was seized. The seized property was mainly of Jewish origin.

  9. NSDAP – Local Group of Letovice

    The fonds contains documents of the local NSDAP Letovice group, inter alia correspondence with lists of Jews and their property.

  10. NSDAP – Local Groups of Břeclav

    The fonds contains sources primarily for the organisation NSDAP and its elements and related associations in Břeclav and Poštorná. The List of Inhabitants of Břeclav with data about nationality (Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Poles, Jews) and their membership in Nazi organisations in 1939 concerns the Jews.

  11. Oberlandrat (Supreme District Councillor) of Vsetín

    The fonds contains material from just two months of activity of the office, but it contains valuable data concerning the start of the Nazi occupation of the Vsetín area, inter alia Reports of the District Office in Valašské Meziříčí, lists of municipalities, Jews, Germans and associations (1939).

  12. Auswanderungsfonds (Emigration Fund), Brno Office

    The Emigration Fund is important for discovering the size of Jewish home assets, and for drawing a conclusion from it about the scale of Nazi plundering of Jewish property. The files contain contracts about compulsory sale, official valuation of real estate, expressions of owners about state of real estate, extract from land registry, notification of office of land council about establishment of fiduciary, lease agreements, proceedings for the sale of real estate, inventory records and correspondence with tenants and caretakers and others. The frequent official records with date and number ...

  13. Land Office – Circuit Office of Brno

    The fonds contains surviving material from the Circuit Office of the Land office in Brno from the years of the Occupation 1939–1945. In it you can find these archival records concerning the Jewish history: applications of people interested in renting Jewish estates from the years 1939–1942; documents about Marie Aujeská from Boskovice and the purchase of Jewish property 1942; documents about Antonín Hřebaček from Podivín and the renting of Jewish property 1943; František Sedláček – transfer of his business do Bučovice to the Jewish buildings of Leontýna Stiasná 1940–1941; information about ...

  14. NSDAP of Vyškov

    The fonds contains documents of the local NSDAP group from the years 1939–1944. In the original call № there were Jewish matters, court matters: Jewish property, German court in Brno, racial policy. According to the current layout, the documents concerning Jewish matters are split up amongst several thematically arranged binders, for example resettlement of Jews; Centre for Jewish Emigration; Jewish apartments; also many documents concerning Jewish property or its sale or about inhabitants of Jewish race.

  15. Customs Investigation Office, Brno Branch

    Among other things, the fonds provides details about confiscated Jewish property, securities, jewellery and precious metals, securing of Jewish deposits and bank accounts and permission of maintenance amounts from rare Jewish accounts. In some files, record is also contained of balances of Jewish businesses from the end of the 1st Republic. It is possible to see in the material the first wave of pogroms against the Jews, restriction of their economic influence, stripping of their social standing, property, options for emigration etc. The following types of items are then specifically specif...

  16. Landgericht (Reichs Regional Court) of Znojmo

    The fonds contains court materials from the time of the occupation of southern Moravia by Nazi Germany. The cases of fraud involving Jewish property are relates specifically to the files of Otto Novosad, 30.11.1907 Břeclav; Jan Paw, 17.5.1912 Břeclav; Vojtěch Žurek, 15.8.1898 Břeclav; Marie Konečná, 18.8.1906 Břeclav; Rudolf Tesař, 16.5.1919 Břeclav; Anna Kocián, 31.8.1910 Poštorná; Marie Riederová, 7.9.1892 Vienna.

  17. Landgericht (Reichs Provicial Court) of Brno

    The fonds contains documents from the activities of the Landgericht (Reichs Provincial Court) in Brno from the time of occupation by Nazi Germany. In the civil agenda, the only document relating to Jews is the Administrative Files (Attorneys, representation of Czech and Jewish parties); in the criminal agenda, this includes mainly records regarding Jewish property: Hein Artur 29.5.1883, Moravská Ostrava – non-reporting of Jewish property; Kaštický Gustav 8.7.1907, Brněnské Ivanovice – thefts of Jewish property; Stolaříková Anna 10.7.1918 Luhačovice – Jewish property; Tichý Ladislav 20.3.191...

  18. Internment Camp of Svatobořice

    The fonds contains sources about life in the internment camp, lists of internees, their wages, work deployment, correspondence. There were also Jews in the camp temporarily, about whom there may be records primarily in these documents Card Index of Internees (4 boxes) 1942–1944; Card Index of Sick Internees 1944 and Book of Sick Persons 1944, and possibly in other items.

  19. National Administration of the Assets – Circuit Office of Jihlava

    The fonds contains the files concerning the administration, seizure, post–war restitution and nationalisation of property of Jews and persons of hostile countries, primarily houses in the Jihlava region, western Moravia and certain houses in southern Bohemia. The fonds contains 2 books – list of restitutions and list of real estate. The files are sub–divided into several groups – files concerning general matters, files of returned real estate (classified according to location) and files concerning real estate transferred to the administration of national committees, communal enterprises or ...

  20. Oberlandrat (Supreme District Councillor) of Tišnov

    The fonds contains administration documents from the circuit of the supreme land councillor in Tišnov. In the fonds we can find an overview of the number of inhabitants (Czechs, Germans, Jews) in the districts of Tišnov, Nové Město na Moravě and Velké Meziříčí 1939; Order of the Land Office to inventory Jewish doctors; as of the date 23.3.1939; Prohibition on spontaneous Aryanization; as of the date 31.3.1939 – price control, marking of Jewish shops, holidays of employees.