Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,681 to 51,700 of 58,959
  1. Okresný ľudový súd v Galante

    • District People´s Court in Galanta

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews in Galanta and surrounding area which belonged to Hungary in 1938-1945 but contains also files pertaining to the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945). Several files contain the information on denunciation of Jews. There is a case file pertaining to the denunciation of smuggling of Jews over the Slovak-Hungarian border. Fonds contains several files of Arrow Cross Party memebers which contain the information on the persecution of Jews. There are also files of the Slovak Hlinka Guard members who were prosecuted...

  2. Okresný úrad v Humennom

    • District Office in Humenné

    Archival fonds contains documents of the District Office in Humenné, which was the state administration body. The fonds contains just a small fraction of original files of the District Office in Humenné, as the majority of the documents did not survive. The fonds contains only few documents pertaining the Holocaust. More specifically it contains the file on confiscation of cars belonging to Jews from Humenné; the circular letter of the District Office in Humenné for the so called Temporary administrators of former Jewish households from May 1942 and the file containing the information on ho...

  3. Okresný úrad v Levoči

    • District Office in Levoča

    The fonds of the District Office in Levoča is one of the best preserved fonds of its kind in Slovakia. The District Office in Levočas was the state administration body at the regional level. Its fonds contains the documents concerning political, economic, cultural and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. As such it contains many documents pertaining to the persecution of Jews living in this district in 1938-1945. Fonds contains documents concerning the expulsion of Jews from the district of Levoča during the deportation of Jews from the territory of autonomous Sl...

  4. Nezavisna država Hrvatska-NDH

    • The Independent State of Croatia - NDH

    Savez Napretkovih zadruga u Sarajevu; Ured za podržavljeni imetak - Riznično upraviteljstvo /sa podružnicama u svim većim gradovima BiH, Državno ravnateljstvo za gospodarstvenu ponovu/podružnice u svim većim gradovima BiH, Ured za upravu židovskim nekretninama, Poglavnikovo povjerenstvo-PP, Ustaška nadzorna služba-UNS-a. The association of the Napredak cultural society cooperatives in Sarajevo; The office for nationalized property - treasury administration / with branches in all major cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the State Directorate for commerce / branches in all major cities of Bosn...

  5. Državno ravnateljstvo za gospodarsku ponovu-podružnica Osijek (Fond DRGP)

    • State Agency for Economical Renewal, branch office in Osijek
    • Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine
    • Državno ravnateljstvo za gospodarsku ponovu-podružnica Osijek (Fond DRGP)
    • English
    • 1941-1942

    Contains primarily of records of the Office for Nationalization. It includes lists of Jewish property, correspondence and decrees issued by the State Treasury regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Osijek and other localities, appeals by local Jews, and inspections of confiscated property and businesses.

  6. Misc. notes, reports and counter-informative bulletins

    received from Gendarmes Units, police etc. in period 23 June - 25 August 1941.

  7. Contra-informative reports.

    (Note: some pages missing, being taken out by security services; most of the remaining pages hardly legible).

  8. Monthly contra-informative reports.

    Informative Bulletin for Transnistria. Follow reports for every month up to January 1942.

  9. Ordinances in Romanian, German and Russian regarding the administration of Transnistria.

    Ordinances in Romanian, German and Russian regarding the administration of Transnistria. Measures for organizing the life of the Jews in Transnistria. Ordinance of the military commandment. Various other ordinances regarding the life and activities in Transnistria.

  10. Requests

    for maps indicating zones of fraudulent crossing of the Bug or Dniester, of partisans, of parachutists launching, communist nests etc.

  11. Pretorial service.

    Various correspondence regarding the administration of the territory and of the population. Information on the organization and working of the Soviet espionage obtained from a captured spy. Activity of the pretorial service June- Oct 1941.

  12. The Benjamin Tenenbaum (Tene) collection: testimonies of child survivors of the Holocaust

    The GFH Tenenbaum collection includes hundreds of unedited testimonies of Holocaust survivor children, collected in 1946 and 1947 in Poland and Germany. Some eighty of the testimonies were published in his book "One of a City and Two of a Family". However, as Tenenbaum himself admitted, they were edited, and carried some bias in favor of Zionism and the USSR. The GFH collection holds hundreds of unedited testimonies in Russian, Polish and Yiddish. The material has been fully catalogued, indexed and scanned. For further information, see Cohen, Boaz. “The Children’s Voice: Postwar Collection ...

  13. Documentation from the “Jews in Latvia” Museum

    The O.80 record group is composed of 159 files in Latvian, German, Russian and Hebrew. The record group includes official German documentation photocopied by Westermann in various archives in Germany, and documentation from the Central Archives of Latvia; Description of the O.80 record group: The material in the O.80 record group includes reports, instructions, summaries and orders by local administration personnel, including official documentation of Reichskommissariat Ostland. The second part of the O.80 collection includes memoirs and letters by individual Jews collected by the Westerman...

  14. Documentation of the State Archives of the Rovno Region

    The archives was established in March 1940 as the historical archives of the region, and as of 1941 it was called the State Archives of the Rovno Region. The material for the archives was collected gradually. At the start, the archives received documents from local institutions and from factories, non-profit organizations, associations, and from educational and healthcare institutions that were in existence from the period when Rovno still belonged to Poland. By 1940, collections that dated from 1921-1939 were transferred to the archives. With the start of the Great Patriotic War, the archi...

  15. Odessa.

    Organization of military command and of the administration.

  16. Archives contemporaines.

    In dit archiefbestand vinden we onder de rubriek “mesures d’exception appliquées aux Juifs” een aantal dossiers inzake de anti-Joodse verordeningen van de bezetter en de behandeling van Joodse leden van de Academie tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (meer specifiek de periode 1940-1941). Nr. ARB 1831 bevat briefwisseling van de secretaris inzake de eerste Jodenverordeningen (oktober 1940). Nr. ARB 1832 handelt specifiek over het geval van M. Huisman; we noteren o.a. briefwisseling met het Militair Bestuur en de secretaris van de Academie. Nrs. ARB 1833, ARB 1834 en ARB 1835 hebben betrekking op...

  17. Video- en dvd-collectie.

    In deze collectie vinden we zowel losse documentaires, documentaire reeksen, speelfilms als allerhande video-opnames van vb. journaals en andere televisieprogramma’s. Ze hebben grotendeels betrekking op de gebeurtenissen in de periode 1933-1945, in het bijzonder de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Relevant voor deze gids zijn de opnames die handelen over de situatie van de Joden voor de oorlog, de Jodenvervolging (deportatie, concentratiekampen), naoorlogse documentaires en getuigenissen van overlevenden, allerlei herdenkingsplechtigheden enzoverder. We noteren bij uitstek de documentaire reeksen De La...

  18. Fonds 1940-1945.

    Doos 1 (zonder titel) bevat een map “Notes biographiques FF. – liste des FF. Décédés” met daarin lijsten van tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog overleden logebroeders. Ze bevatten beknopte biografische notities, en zijn verdeeld in categorieën waaronder een categorie “gedeporteerde Jood”. In de doos noteren we eveneens enkele originelen van de antisemitische en antimaçonnieke publicaties Le Rampart (organe officiel de l’Épuration, Ligue anti-maçonnique belge) en haar Nederlandstalige tegenhanger “Volkswacht – Actie ter vrijwaring van ons volksch en nationaal erfgoed. Verweer tegen Jodendom, Vri...

  19. Individuele vreemdelingendossiers.

    De Dienst Bevolking bewaart in haar archief de individuele vreemdelingendossiers van de stad Gent. Het gaat om zowel ‘oude’ als ‘nieuwe’ dossiers, afhankelijk van de manier waarop ze geklasseerd en verpakt zijn. In het verleden werd reeds een selectie uitgevoerd op de dossiers; ze bevatten dan ook hoofdzakelijk algemene inlichtingsformulieren. Soms vinden we nog andere documenten en zelfs pasfoto’s terug. We merken op dat naast de individuele dossiers in dozen er nog losse inlichtingsformulieren van vreemdelingen in een 15-tal dozen (ca. 2 s.m.) worden bewaard in de ruimte waar hoofdzakelij...

  20. Stadt Eupen. Neuzeit.

    • Staatsarchiv Eupen
    • BE / SAE / 531-3-72b
    • Dutch
    • 1815-1997
    • 1647 nrs. (200,8 s.m.).

    In dit bestand vinden we een aantal voor deze gids interessante archiefbestanddelen terug. We noteren de dossiers die onder andere betrekking hebben op het herbenoemen, tijdens de periode 1940-1944, van straten en pleinen zoals de Judenstrae (zie de nrs. 328 en 330), en het dossier dat o.a. betrekking heeft op de verwijdering van de school (op verzoek van de Kreisleiter van de NSDAP) van de “halfjoden” [H.J.] en [T.J.] (nr. 314/126). Daarnaast vermelden we nog enkele stukken afkomstig van de dienst burgerlijke stand. Het gaat om dossiers met briefwisseling en verordeningen, betreffende de ...