Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,641 to 51,660 of 58,959
  1. Daily bulletins

    bulletins and contrainformative reports at the 3-rd army, from April 1, 1942.

  2. The army of occupation.

    Orders and instructions for guarding of the territory. Redeployment of the 3-rd Army: details and distribution of troops. “General Instructions Nr. 8575” with 10 annexes. Instructions for organizing the operation of the telecommunication equipment. Instructions for the collaboration between Romanian troops of occupation and the German authorities.

  3. Instructions

    for the guarding of the territory, given to the military Units responsible for various portions of the territory. The massacre in Jassy on 28/29 June was provoked by “ soviet agents and the judeo-communist population” as signed by the chief of the Romanian General Staff General Ioanitiu, in a letter criticizing the reaction of the Romanian military. Instructions for the administration of the province Transnistria. A booklet of the Soviet army, titled “Means of warfare of the Soviet partisan units” was translated and distributed for information. Accord between the German and Romanian authori...

  4. Orders and instructions

    for evacuation of Jews from Odessa. Horror stories about the Jews evacuated in district Balta, reported by a Romanian officer.

  5. Various measures

    against the Jews: confiscation of devices for telecommunication, telephones, telegraphic equipment, radio receivers. Reports on the attitude of the Ukrainian population. Reports on the mood in the army.

  6. Evacuation of the Jews

    from Bessarabia to various camps. Ordonanta Nr. 23 - Deportation of Jews to Transnistria. The fate of the Jews in Tiraspol.

  7. Okresný ľudový súd v Prievidzi

    • District People´s Court in Prievidza

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews in Prievidza and its vicinity as well as the case-files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in more distant places. Several files concern the persecution of Jews by members of the Hlinka Guard and denunciation of Jews. There are several files of former members of the Hlinka Guard who served as guards in the labor camp for Jews in Nováky and Sereď. One case file pertains to the guard of the Concentration Center for Jews in Poprad during the deportation of Jews in 1942. Several files pertain to the collaboration with the German sec...

  8. Okresný ľudový súd v Dunajskej Strede

    • District People´s Court in Dunajská Streda

    The fonds contains various case files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in Dunajská Streda which belonged to the Hungary in 1938-1945. Several files pertain to the denunciation of Jews. Several files pertain to the activities the Arrow Cross Party members and contains the information on the persecution of Jews including of deportations of Jews.

  9. Okresný ľudový súd v Bánovciach nad Bebravou

    • District People´s Court in Bánovce nad Bebravou

    The fonds contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes of the Hlinka´s Slovak Poeple´s Party (HSĽS) regime during the period 1938-1945. It contains the case files of the local party dignitaries and members as well as files of several members of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and a member the file of the member of Deutsche Partei. Several files pertain to the denunciation of Jews as well as non-Jews. There is also a file pertaining to the collaboration with German security bodies after the occupation of Slovakia in 1944-1945

  10. Ľudový súd v Trenčíne

    • People´s Court in Trenčín

    Fonds contains files of People´s Court in Trenčín which existed in 1948 as the retributive court. It contains several Holocaust-related case files, including files pertaining to the denunciation and persecution of Jews in Trenčín, Žilina, Bánovce nad Bebravou, Trenčianska Teplá, Turzovka, Ilava. Several files pertain to the activities and crimes comitted by the Hlinka guard and deportation of Jews from Trenčín in 1942 or imprisonment of Jews during their deportation in the Concentration Center for Jews in Žilina. Several files pertain to the activities and crimes comitted by the Special Uni...

  11. Ľudový súd v Bratislave

    • People´s Court in Bratislava

    Fonds contains files of People´s Court in Bratislava which existed in 1948 as the retributive court. It contains several very important Holocaust-related case files. It thus contains the file with information on creation and activity of the Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) responsible for the radical aryanisation of property or file with information on activities of German advisor for Jewish question in Slovakia. Besides that there is a case file of the former head of 14th (anti-Jewish) department of Interior Ministry with important information on deportation of Jews from...

  12. Okresný úrad vo Zvolene

    • District Office in Zvolen

    The fonds contains documents of the District Office in Zvolen which was the regional body of the state administration. It contains many documents on anti-Jewish policy at the territory of District Zvolen in 1938-1945 including documents on the compulsory marking of businesses, forced labor of Jews from Zvolen and surrounding villages, activities of the Jewish Center (Ústredňa Židov). The fonds also includes documents on early stages of so-called Aryanization of Jewish enterprises in Zvolen (according to the First Aryanization Law) as well as some documents on the Aryanization of Jewish land...

  13. Department of Justice: Central Registry files

    The JUS/3 series follows on from the Department of Justice Central Registry ‘H’ file series which ends in 1934. Most of the JUS/3 files are from 1934 onwards, although some will predate this, with the earliest dating to 1877. The series consists of [58] sub-series covering all aspects of the work of the Department of Justice, including Garda administration, censorship, administration of courts, prisons and reformatory schools, regulation of transport, licensing and public entertainment, and the imposition of Emergency Powers Orders during the 1939-1945 period.

  14. Department of the Taoiseach: Central Registry files

    Commencing in 1922, the Central Registry files of the Department of the Taoiseach and of its predecessor, the Department of the President of the Executive Council, were originally numbered in a straight numerical sequence and bear the alphabetical prefix S, the first file bearing the reference S1. The series is still accruing and the Department makes annual transfers of files or file parts containing papers that become thirty years old on 31 December of each year. The content of the files is varied, containing primarily background papers, including memoranda and correspondence, relating to ...

  15. Pohronská župa II

    • Pohronská County II

    The fonds contains various documents of the County Office of Pohronská County with the seat in Banská Bystrica. Due to the fact that this office was the superior office to several District Offices and also regional security bodies the fonds contains important documents on the anti-Jewish policy of the regime in the central Slovakia 1940-1945. This includes various documents on property persecution of Jews such as the cancellation of business licences, documents on the early stages of Aryanization process, various files with applications of non-Jewish individuals in these matters etc. The fo...

  16. Úrad Predsedníctva vlády Slovenskej republiky

    • ÚPV
    • Bureau of Prime Minister´s Office of the Slovak Republic

    The Bureau of Prime Minister´s Office was an important governmental body in Slovakia in 1938-1945. The fonds contains important documents pertaining to the anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia in 1938-1945 such as documents reflecting the discussions on anti-Jewish measures at the meetings of Slovak government, various proposals of the Prime Minister in anti-Jewish policy, correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the situation of Jews in Germany, Reports of various state bodies on Jewish question submitted to the State Council.

  17. Nitrianska župa III

    • Nitra County III

    The fonds contains documents of the County Office in Nitra pertaining to the various forms of persecution of Jews at the territory of Nitra Country in 1940-1945. These include documents on the forced labor of Jews, establishment, and functioning of the work centers for Jews in Nitra (brick factory) and Degeš and deportation of Jews in 1942.

  18. Okresný úrad v Nitre

    • District Office in Nitra

    The fonds contains documents of the District Office in Nitra which was a regional state administration body. The District Office in Nitra was subordinated to the County office in Nitra. The fonds contains many documents on anti-Jewish persecution at the territory of the district Nitra in 1938-1945, including documents on forced labor of Jews (Work center for Jews in Degeš etc.), deportation of Jews from Nitra and villages of Nitra district in 1942.

  19. Landratsamt Prüm

    Allgemeine Verwaltung; öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung; Schulen; Kultur; soziale Angelegenheit; Gesundheitswesen; Bau- und Wohnungswesen; öffentliche Einrichtungen und Wirtschaftsförderung; wirtschaftliche Unternehmen; Finanzen und Steuern; Enthält auch Dokumente zur Zwangsarbeit

  20. Kreisausschuß Neuwied

    Bäder; Bauwesen (Brücken, Wasserbau, Wege, Gebäude); Besatzung; Denkmäler, Altertümer, Kunst und Wissenschaft; Energieversorgung (Überlandzentrale, Talsperren, Stauanlagen); Finanzwesen (Anleihen, Notgeld, Steuern); Gemeindeverwaltung (Beamte und Behörden, Eingemeindungen und Vereinigung von Gemeinden, Gebühren- und Steuerordnungen in den Bürgermeistereien, Güter und Besitz, Märkerschaften, Nutzungen der Gemeinde, Ortsstatuten, Vermögen der Gemeinde, Gemeindewaldungen); Gerichtssachen (Ortsgerichte, Gewerbegericht, Prozesse); Gesundheitswesen (Ärzte, Hebammen, Begräbnis, Friedhöfe); Handwer...