Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,981 to 4,000 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the high schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1931-1940

    Documentation of the high schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1931-1940 Included in the collection is correspondence with the association for the advancement of Jewish culture in Yelgava regarding the opening of a high school and other subjects; correspondence with schools and high schools in Yelgava, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Rezekne and Riga, regarding the acceptance and dismissal of teachers, the financing of the studies, the participation of pupils, the distribution of Communist posters, and scholarship payments to pupils.

  2. Collection of Besonderen Verwendung, the Gewerbliche Wirtschaft Department for Special Cases for the Administration of Industry in the Netherlands, 1941-1945

    Collection of Besonderen Verwendung, the Gewerbliche Wirtschaft Department for Special Cases for the Administration of Industry in the Netherlands, 1941-1945 The Gewerbliche Wirtschaft - GeWi department, under the administration of Schmidt, was subordinate on one hand to the Rüstungsinspektion, the military body responsible for the handling of matters of industry in the Netherlands, and subordinate to the Generalkommissar für Finanz und Wirtschaft (German Ministry of Finance and Industry) on the other hand; GeWi was divided to various groups (Gruppe), which dealt with various fields, includ...

  3. Documentation of the Commissioner for the Four Year Plan (Beauftragter fuer den Vierjahresplan), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Commissioner for the Four Year Plan (Beauftragter fuer den Vierjahresplan), Germany, 1933-1945 The Four Year Plan is an economic plan, that began in 1936, and that was meant to prepare Germany for war. Hermann Goering was appointed to head the program. The monitoring of the economy in the Third Reich before the war was not absolute and the objectives of the program were only partially achieved, due to, among others, lack of coordination between the supervisors in the various fields. At the beginning of the war, the German economy became more centralized and the responsi...

  4. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Sokolka, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Sokolka, 1939-1941 The Collection includes protocols from District Committee meetings; reports of the District Committee to the Communist Party Regional Committee; documentation of the General Assembly; information, lists and statistical reports regarding workers and various institutions and factories in the District; list of candidates for Mayor of Sokolka; reports of the NKVD and the Police regarding the political situation among the local population; unusual events and other topics.

  5. Documentation from the Aid and Welfare Department in the Mogilev Municipal Council regarding the families of soldiers and partisans, 1944-1948

    Documentation from the Aid and Welfare Department in the Mogilev Municipal Council regarding the families of soldiers and partisans, 1944-1948 The Collection contains decisions reached by the Aid and Welfare Department regarding the allocation of financial aid and pension payments to the families of those serving in the Army.

  6. Files from the Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Charlottenburg District Court in the Charlottenburg quarter) in Berlin, regarding individual Jews

    Files from the Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Charlottenburg District Court in the Charlottenburg quarter) in Berlin, regarding individual Jews The Charlottenburg quarter in Berlin was an upper middle class neighborhood in which a high percentage of Jews resided and Jewish institutions were located. The Amtsgericht Charlottenburg files include a large volume of files of various types regarding private individuals, including files related to individual Jews.

  7. Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region, 1920-1944

    Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region

  8. Collection of the Generalkommissariat für Verwaltung und Justiz (the German Office for Administration and Justice) in the Netherlands, 1940-1944

    Collection of the Generalkommissariat für Verwaltung und Justiz (the German Office for Administration and Justice) in the Netherlands, 1940-1944 The Germans established a system for civil administration in 1940; Arthur Seyss-Inquart stood as the Reichskommissar - head of the civil administration; establishment of the Generalkommissariat für Verwaltung und Justiz (German Office for Administration and Justice) under Seyss-Inquart, and under the administration of Friedrich Wimmer in The Hague; among the office's functions were administration and justice: legislation, internal matters, justice,...

  9. Documentation of the Communist Party Municipal Committee in Gomel, 1944-1949

    Documentation of the Communist Party Municipal Committee in Gomel, 1944-1949 The Collection includes reports from meetings of the Municipal Committee including the acceptance of new members to the Party and nominations.

  10. Documentation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1941

    Documentation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1941 Included in the collection: - Personal files of Jewish teachers, prepared by the teachers certification committee of the Jewish education branch of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia; - Correspondence with the office for Jewish education, and survey reports; - Budgetary documents of Jewish schools, and reports regarding the schools' budget and the budget for other Jewish education institutions; - Reports regarding the receipt of salaries by workers in the Jewish educational system in Latvia.

  11. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Zhitomir region, 1945-1946

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Zhitomir region, 1945-1946 Included in the collection are reports prepared for the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission by the Zhitomir regional committee; general information regarding the number of civilians and Soviet POWs who were murdered or deported in the region's districts; decision by the Red Army Prosecutor regarding the composition of the State Commission for the investigation of the circumstances of the murder of Jews in Lyubar in 1941; documentation regarding the exhumation of murder sites in Berdichev and the m...

  12. Documentation of the Jewish Bridge Players' Club in Tallinn, 1936 - 1940

  13. Documentation of the Landesherrenschaften - Landesausschussangelegenheiten (Land Authorities - Land Committee Matters) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Landesherrenschaften - Landesausschussangelegenheiten (Land Authorities - Land Committee Matters) in Hamburg

  14. Documentation of The "Zdoko Gdoilo" Jewish Charitable Association in Tallinn, 1927 - 1940

  15. Documentation of the SA headquarters, 1923-1945

    Documentation of the SA headquarters, 1923-1945 Documentation of the SA headquarters: Establishment of the Assault Unit by the Nazi Party, 1921; establishment of the Supreme SA Leadership (Oberste SA-Fuehrung-OSAF) by Adolf Hitler, headed by Franz Pfeffer von Salomon, based in Munich, 1926; replaced by Hitler himself, in 1929; placement of Ernst Roehm at the head of the organization, 1931; elimination of the organization's leadership on "the night of the long knives", 30 June 1934, and removal of all its political functions; placement of Viktor Lutze as head of the organization following Ro...

  16. Documentation of the regional committee of the Communist Party in Mogilev, 1938-1947

    Documentation of the regional committee of the Communist Party in Mogilev, 1938-1947 Included in the collection: - Documentation of the regional committee and the district committees; - Lists of Communists, propagandists, partisans, released soldiers, lecturers and Jewish refugees.

  17. Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Personalabteilung II (Senate Chamber - Personnel Department II) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Personalabteilung II (Senate Chamber - Personnel Department II) in Hamburg

  18. Documentation from the Berlin Police Headquarters (Polizeipraesidium Berlin)

    Documentation from the Berlin Police Headquarters (Polizeipraesidium Berlin) The Prussian city ordinance (Städteordnung) of 19 November 1808 provided for the establishment of a state police administration in the larger cities. Accordingly, a Royal Police headquarters (Königliches Polizeipräsidium) was built in Berlin on 25 March 1809, to which the existing state police department was linked. At the time the greater Berlin area included several independent townships. Berlin was not one large city and the police forces were divided. A law implemented on 13 June 1900 created the Provincial Pol...

  19. Documentation of the writer, Arthur Rosenberg, 1932

    Documentation of the writer, Arthur Rosenberg, 1932 In the collection there is correspondence from 1932 of the writer, Arthur Rosenberg, who lived in Paris, with acquaintances, publishers and the editorial boards of newspapers in Germany, proposing that he work for them as a journalist or requesting that they publish his books and articles, many of which were about the current situation in France.

  20. Documentation of the International Jewish Young Women's Zionist Organization WIZO in Tallinn, 1931 - 1933