Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,281 to 3,300 of 58,959
  1. Documentation from the Merzig municipality in the Saar region, 1913-1946

    Documentation from the Merzig municipality in the Saar region Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region

  2. Documentation of the Staatsverwaltung - Allgemeine Abteilung (State Administration - Economics Department) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staatsverwaltung - Allgemeine Abteilung (State Administration - Economics Department) in Hamburg

  3. P.42 - Jan Karski Collection

    P.42 - Jan Karski Collection Jan Karski, an emissary of the Polish underground in Paris and London, submitted important reports regarding the murder of the Jews of Poland to the representatives of the Polish government-in-exile in London in 1942. Along with other documentation, these reports served as the basis for a joint statement by the Allies which was made on 17 December 1942. Jan Karski remained in the west until the end of the war and worked to persuade the government heads and the public leaders to act in order to rescue the Jews of Poland from extermination. After the war Jan Karsk...

  4. Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes in the Kiev region, 1943-1945

    Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes in the Kiev region, 1943-1945 - Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes in the various districts of the region; - Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the murder of mentally ill people in Kiev and collaborators in Syrets camp near Kiev; - Lists of murdered persons from the Kagarlyk district; - Protocol of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the examination of murder sites in the area of Syrets camp and Babi Yar; - Archival confirmation of the Obkom Kpu in Kiev, regarding the murder of Jews and Soviet P...

  5. Documentation from official organizations and institutions in the Saar region

    Documentation from official organizations and institutions in the Saar region Documentation from the following organizations: - Polizeibehörden der NS-Zeit (including the SIPO. A separate sub-record group was opened regarding the Gestapo Saarbruecken, in Sapir item 11638053) - Bodenwirtschaftsamt Saarbrücken - Kulturamt Metz - Landeshauptkasse des Saarlandes - Landesrat des Saargebietes - Lehrerseminar Ottweiler - Mädchenrealgymnasium St.Wendel.

  6. Collection of Omnia-Treuhandgesellschaft, the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhand A.G. and the Wirtschaftprüfstelle, regarding the administration of Jewish property in the Netherlands during 1940-1945

    Collection of Omnia-Treuhandgesellschaft, the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhand A.G. and the Wirtschaftprüfstelle, regarding the administration of Jewish property in the Netherlands during 1940-1945 Omnia-Treuhandgesellschaft, the German Office for the Aryanization of Jewish Businesses in the Netherlands, was a German trustee company in Berlin before the war; the Wirtschaftprüfstelle, the organization that supervised the Aryanization of Jewish businesses, gave the order to Omnia for the implementation of the Aryanization process in 1941; Omnia received approximately 16,000 orders for the diss...

  7. Documentation of the Muzey-arkhiv perekhodovoi doby (Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period [History]) in Kiev, 1942

    Documentation of the Muzey-arkhiv perekhodovoi doby (Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period [History]) in Kiev, 1942 The Kiev Archive Museum of Transitional Period [History] was established under the auspices of the German authorities and was active during April-October 1942 with the aim of presenting the [history of the] transitional period from the Soviet occupation period until the period of Nazi rule; Included in the collection: - Decisions taken by the mayor of Kiev regarding the opening of the museum; - Decision by the Kiev municipality regarding the registration of the books left...

  8. German documentation from the period of World War II, collected by the Institute for the History of the Communist Party affiliated with the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Minsk during 1941-1944

    German documentation from the period of World War II, collected by the Institute for the History of the Communist Party affiliated with the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Minsk during 1941-1944 Included in the Collection is a list of concentration camps in the Belorussian territory, and orders given by the German authorities regarding POWs in the concentration camps; instructions and orders given by the German authorities regarding the Jewish population; reports regarding the activities of German Army units; documentation regarding the establishment of ghettos and murder of the...

  9. Documentation of the office of the municipal Notary in Sumy, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the office of the municipal Notary in Sumy, 1941-1942 Included in the collection are lists prepared by the municipal Notary, regarding births and deaths.

  10. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region, 1943-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region, 1943-1945 Reports of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region; survey reports regarding the murder of Jews in the region and the damage caused to the economy; documentation regarding the murder of Jews in Zolotonosha along with Jews of the cities of Kharkov, Korosten and Slavuta, and villages; mention of individual names and sentences that people who perished had engraved on walls before their death; mention of the dates of the murder, the circumstances, and the number of p...

  11. TR.9 - Documentation from the Auschwitz Trials in Frankfurt, 1965-1968

    TR.9 - Documentation from the Auschwitz Trials in Frankfurt, 1965-1968 The three Auschwitz trials were held in the District Court House in Frankfurt am Main from 1965-1968. The defendants at the trials were SS and Gestapo personnel who had served in Auschwitz and other people who had held positions in Auschwitz, including inmates who had held positions in the camp, such as Blockfuehrer ( block heads). The first Auschwitz Trial opened in December 1963, with 22 defendants being brought to trial, two of whom died during the proceedings. The most senior among them were Robert Mulka and Karl Hoe...

  12. Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Werl

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in the Amtsgericht (Magistrates Court) in Werl

  13. Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Brilon district, Westphalia

    Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Brilon district, Westphalia

  14. Documentation of the National Zionist Organization in Lwow, 1934-1938

    Documentation of the National Zionist Organization in Lwow, 1934-1938 Included in the collection are questionnaires of the executive committee of the Zionist Organization in Lwow regarding the situation of the Jewish population and the Zionist activities in various places in the Lwow and Stanislawow regions, 1934; lists of Jewish residents from Lwow who voted for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) in 1938.

  15. TR.17.OBUiADwGd - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Gdansk, Poland, 1946-1990

    TR.17.OBUiADwGd - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Gdansk, Poland, 1946-1990

  16. Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, August-September 1941

    Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, August-September 1941 Lists of residents compiled as part of the census conducted in Latvia, August-September 1941, including the names of Jews.

  17. Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Zwiahel, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Zwiahel, 1942-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions regarding arrests and executions, and correspondence with Police agents; - Instructions and directives regarding the collection of taxes from the local population; - Documentation regarding local residents who were deported to forced labor in Germany; - Lists of "Eastern" laborers who handed over their clothing; - Legal files against various people, including Communists, and lists of those people; - Documentation regarding the payment of salaries to workers in the distr...

  18. Documentation of the Jewish community in Tarnopol, 1925-1938

    Documentation of the Jewish community in Tarnopol, 1925-1938 Included in the collection: - Financial reports of a hospital and old age home in Tarnopol; - Correspondence with the Polish authorities regarding a hospital, old age home, Mikveh (ritual bath) and Jewish cemeteries; - Correspondence with the financial administration; - Declarations by Jewish physicians who were accepted to work in a hospital; - List of donors from the United States who donated to the fund of a hospital in the city; - Correspondence regarding the organization of courses for hospital attendants.

  19. Files of the Staatsangehoerigkeitsaufsicht (Citizenship Control) in Hamburg

    Files of the Staatsangehoerigkeitsaufsicht (Citizenship Control) in Hamburg Included in the Collection are personal files of Jews in the city who became citizens.

  20. Documentation of the The Sholem Aleichem Jewish Cultural Association in Tartu, 1928 - 1940