Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,201 to 3,220 of 58,959
  1. Collection of documents of Dutch inmates in German camps outside the Netherlands, 1933-1945, including documentation of the Red Cross, until 1950

    Collection of documents of Dutch inmates in German camps outside the Netherlands, 1933-1945, including documentation of the Red Cross, until 1950 Included in the collection: Lists of survivors and lists of inmates who perished in Dachau, Mauthausen, Gross Rosen, Theresienstadt and Natzweiler camps during 1940-1945; Testimonies of Dutch survivors, regarding their detention and living conditions in camps and while on marches during 1933-1945; Documents of the Red Cross in Allersdorf and other places during the postwar period, including protocols of investigations of Dutch criminals and Nazi w...

  2. Documentation of the office of the governor of the Stanislawow region, 1925-1939

    Documentation of the office of the governor of the Stanislawow region, 1925-1939 Included in the collection: - Budgets and lists of taxpayers in the Jewish communities in Chocimierz, Wonjilow and Peczenizyn; - Information regarding internal matters of the Jewish communities in Kuty, Kolomyja, Peczenizyn and Nadworna; - Documentation of communities in the Stanislawow region regarding internal taxes; - Documentation regarding the Menorah Jewish Scouts organization in Stanislawow; - Elections for the Jewish community councils in Solotwina, Otynia, Horodenka and Kuty; - Registration forms of po...

  3. Documentation of the regional administration in Vinnitsa, 1941

    Documentation of the regional administration in Vinnitsa, 1941 Included in the collection is correspondence by the head of the regional administration in Vinnitsa.

  4. Documentation of the Gemeinde Farmsen (Farmsen Suburb Administration) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Gemeinde Farmsen (Farmsen Suburb Administration) in Hamburg

  5. Documentation of the The Private Jewish Secondary ("Reali") School in Tartu, 1902 - 1941

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13578582
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1902-1941
    • Administrative documentation Card file Circular Correspondence Documents Financial records Lists Newspaper Notebook Orders Photograph Protocol Questionnaire Reports
  6. Documentation of the office of the Prosecutor in Muenster (Westphalia region)

    Documentation of the office of the Prosecutor in Muenster (Westphalia region) The sub-collection includes one file, titled: Rechtsanwalt Julius Cohn und Frau, früher Münster, später Paris, wegen Vergehens gegen das Reichsfluchtsteuergesetz, 1933-1950 (Urteil 1950 aufgehoben)

  7. Collection of the Tribunal Général de Gouvernement pour la Zone Française d'occupation en Allemagne - General Court of Law of the Government in the French Occupation Zone in Germany, 1945-1949

    Collection of the Tribunal Général de Gouvernement pour la Zone Française d'occupation en Allemagne - General Court of Law of the Government in the French Occupation Zone in Germany, 1945-1949 Division of occupied Germany into four zones: Russian, American, British and French, following the Allied Forces victory in 1945; Included in the collection: Legal documentation, protocols and verdicts of the Tribunal Général de Gouvernement pour la Zone Française d'occupation en Allemagne - General Court of Law of the Government in the French Occupation Zone in Germany, 1945-1949; Documents and proto...

  8. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committees in the Gomel Region, 1938-1939, 1945-1946

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committees in the Gomel Region, 1938-1939, 1945-1946 The Collection includes a list of Jewish workers; documentation regarding candidates for the course of secretaries for the Communist organizations; reports of the Communist Party District Committee meetings in Rechitsa regarding the appointments of Communists.

  9. Documentation of the inter-regional welfare office in Stanislav, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the inter-regional welfare office in Stanislav, 1942-1944 Included in the collection are insurance forms of Jewish businesses and workshops in the Stanislav district.

  10. Registration ((Meldewesen)) files of the Hamburg Police, 1939-1945

    Meldewesen (Registration) files of the Hamburg Police, 1939-1945 Included in the Collection are lists of foreign residents and non-citizen residents in the city who died, among them Jews.

  11. Documentation of the Regierung von Mittelfranken (Government of Middle Franconia) in Bavaria

    Documentation of the Regierung von Mittelfranken (Government of Middle Franconia) in Bavaria

  12. Documentation of the Reichskanzlei (Reich Chancellery) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1934-1944

    Documentation of the Reichskanzlei (Reich Chancellery) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1934-1944 The material includes, among other items, a file dealing with the activities of Goering who was responsible for the Four-year Plan; proposals for promoting police and SD personnel (the proposals were sent from Himmler's headquarters to Lammers, the Reichskanzlei Executive Secretary. In the early years, there were personally signed by Himmler); file from 1934 containing official announcements of fealty oaths of the police chiefs to Hitler; Gestapo reports regarding opposition bodies to the Nazi...

  13. Collection of the Zentralauftragstelle in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1942-1943

    Collection of the Zentralauftragstelle in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1942-1943 The Zentralauftragstelle (Central Assignments office) - Zast [abbreviated name] was established by the Reichskomisar (Reichs commissioner) as the central office for public assignments (Zentralstelle für öffentliche Auftrage) together with the Deutsche Handelskammer für die Niederlande (German Bureau of Commerce in the Netherlands) in 1940; Dr. Anton Maly stood at its head; the aim of the organization was the coordination of the activities of the Wehrmacht and the great many other public organizations that were t...

  14. Documentation from the Amt fuer das Siedlungs- und Wohnungswesen (Office for Matters related to Settlement and Residence) in Berlin, 1935-1945

    Documentation from the Amt fuer das Siedlungs- und Wohnungswesen (Office for Matters related to Settlement and Residence) in Berlin, 1935-1945 The Deputation fuer das Siedlungs und Wohnungswesen was established in association with the Magistrat of the city of Berlin in 1920, following the establishment of several public organizations in the preceding years which had handled the increasingly deteriorating problems of housing and housing conditions in Berlin. The department's functions included the implementation and supervision of construction projects, the construction of housing, and the e...

  15. Documentation from the Foreign Affairs Office of the Saar region, 1950-1956

    Documentation from the Foreign Affairs Office of the Saar region, 1950-1956 The collection includes mainly information regarding contacts between the Saar region and Israel, and with Jewish families; claims for compensation by Jews; information regarding former Nazis in the region's area.

  16. Documentation of the tax authority in Romny, 1930s and 1940s

    Documentation of the tax authority in Romny, 1930s and 1940s

  17. Documentation of the commissioner of the Grodno district affiliated with the Zivilverwaltung (civilian administration) of the Bialystok region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the commissioner of the Grodno district affiliated with the Zivilverwaltung (civilian administration) of the Bialystok region, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: Correspondence regarding industrial factories and skilled professionals in the Bialystok region; directive of the Reichskommissar fuer das Ostland (Reichs commissioner for Ostland) in Riga, given to the Generalkommissar (general commissioner) of Belorussia in Minsk, regarding the confiscation of property of cultural value in the Belorussia area by Einsatzstab Rosenberg; investigation and imprisonment of Polish c...

  18. Documentation of the Historical Commission of Himmler, the SS leader, 1921-1942

    Documentation of the Historical Commission of Himmler, the SS leader, 1921-1942 The Commission was set up as part of Himmler's Personalstab (personal staff). Its primary purpose was to investigate the reasons for the failure of the Nazi revolutionary attempt in Austria in June 1934 (at that time, it was headed by Reinhard Heydrich). Afterwards, the Commission continued and gathered historic material about Austrian internal politics and National Socialism in Austria. Among the tasks Himmler assigned the Commission was also to collect and investigate evidence regarding SS personnel suspected ...

  19. Documentation of the municipal administration in Sniatyn, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the municipal administration in Sniatyn, 1941-1944 Included in the collection are instructions of the Distirikt Galizien governor regarding the registration of local residents, directives regarding commerce and the price of products, and registration of the Jewish population.