Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,981 to 3,000 of 58,959
  1. Vilkaviškio medinė sinagoga

  2. Lietuvos kariuomenės kareivio portretas.

  3. Kauno miesto panorama

  4. Trijų merginų grupinis portretas

  5. Švėkšnos aikštė su sinagoga tolumoje

  6. Buv. Vilniaus žydų realinės gimnazijos mokinių susitikimas. Vilnius. 1961 m.

  7. Grupinis portretas

  8. Koklio fragmentas

  9. Žiūronai, kurie priklausė Chaimui Zaidelsonui

  10. Studijinis mergaitės portretas

  11. Dvi moterys žiemą ~ XX a. 3-4 deš.

  12. Mitingas Lenino mirties proga

  13. Taurelė

  14. Dviejų vyrų studijinis portretas

  15. Tarnybinė charakteristika

  16. Fotografija

    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • 180000001336789
    • English, Lithuanian
    • aukštis x plotis – foto: 12,3 x 21 cm (2016 m.) aukštis x plotis – lakštas 22,8 x 30,6 cm (2016 m.) photography positive
  17. Cfiros Heiman (?) portretas.

  18. Lėja Lapaika su drauge. 1935 m.

  19. Bequest Theo Berger

    The Fritz Bauer Institute acquired the bequest of Theo Berger from one of Berger's nieces in 2008. Theo Berger was born on January 8, 1925. His parents were Theo Berger senior and Margarete Berger. The family lived in Frankfurt (Main), initially in the district Rödelheim, then after the Second World War shortly in the district Sachsenhausen and later in the district Bornheim. Theo Berger trained to be a precision engineer at Hartmann & Braun AG. In 1942, he was conscripted into the Reich Labor Service. On March 15, 1943, he became a member of the Waffen-SS. He then stayed at the SS case...

  20. Pre-death legacy Jürgen Pieplow

    Jürgen Pieplow was born in Rostock in 1935. After his Abitur, he started working for the regional press as a drawer, graphic designer, and journalist. Since he was denied to study in the GDR, he moved to West Berlin in 1956 and studied there at the Academy for Visual Arts. Starting in 1962, he worked as a publishing and advertising graphic designer in Hamburg. He worked for several companies including Springer and the Jahreszeiten-Verlag. From 1971 to 1977, he worked as a designer and a public relations consultant for Aktion Sühnezeichen and other Christian peace services. In the late 1970s...