Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,561 to 18,580 of 58,960
  1. Alfred Manning photograph collection

    The collection consists of five black-and-white photographs depicting the liberation of the Wöbbelin subcamp of Neuengamme concentration camp near Ludwigslust, Germany. All photographs were taken by Alfred Manning.

  2. Oral history interview with Paula Ruthling

  3. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  4. My experiences and survival in Nazi death camps

    Contains a typewritten memoir, 12 pages, describing his life in Beregovo, Czechoslovakia (a.k.a.Beregszasz, Hungary), before and during the German occupation; his deportation to Birkenau concentration camp; his transfer to Babitz concentration camp where he worked as an agricultural slave laborer; his transfer to Auschwitz concentration camp where he worked digging ditches and moving stones; selections by Josef Mengele; a death march from Auschwitz to Mauthausen concentration camp in January 1945; his transfer to Ebensee concentration camp where he worked in tunnels being dug into the mount...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jews in Palestine

    EXT, shops, cafes, man with trumpet calls for shopowners to close. Wedding party going down stairs. Morning prayer at Tel Aviv. Men dressing, putting on tefillin, praying, reading in synagogue. 06:03:15 Jewish Passover week in Jerusalem. LS, crowd meets in front of Hurva synagogue, aerial views. CUs people's faces, singing and praying in memory of the Jews murdered by the Nazis. Rabbi speaking. Men walking downstairs toward the Western Wall, beggars line the wall, mosques in BG. Mass of people praying at the Western Wall. INT synagogue, Torah.

  6. Yolanda Friedmann Gold Holocaust memoirs

    Contains of a copy of a typewritten memoir, two pages, written by Yolanda Friedmann Gold, originally of Jibou, Transylvania. The memoir describes life in the gehtto in Simleul-Silvania, then in Goldfill, Estonia. In Estonia, she was forced to work in a pine forest and then was briefly sent to Danzig and Stutthof before being sent to a munitions factory near Hamburg. She was liberated from Bergen-Belsen, and returned to Transylvania until 1964. Also includes a handwritten memoir, 2 pages, in Hungarian, about her family's Holocaust experiences.

  7. Herman F. Reissig memorandum

    The Herman F. Reissig memorandum, dated May 15, 1941, describes the SS Alsina’s departure from Marseille in January 1941 carrying more than 500 refugees en route to the United States and Latin America, its detention in Dakar by the Vichy government, Reissig’s unsuccessful efforts to work with the Vichy, British, and American governments to find a solution for the refugees, and cables received from refugees aboard the Alsina describing their confusion and anxiety.

  8. The competing interests reflected in the design of Holocaust Memorials: an examination of three Holocaust memorials - Auschwitz-Birkenau; the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and "Le Memorial des Martyrs de la Deportation."

    Collection analyzes three different Holocaust memorials as case studies, and how the architecture reflects the experiences of Holocaust victims.

  9. Henriette Kirshon papers

    Consists of a postcard from Julia Weiss [donor's sister] in Munich, Germany, to her sister, Henriette Kirshon, in Zurich, Switzerland, and a three-page letter written by Julia Weiss in Theresienstadt to her sister.

  10. Selected records relating to Jews in Romania during the Holocaust

    Contains copies of selected records from the United States Department of State, Foreign Service Posts, United States Embassy, Ankara, Turkey, General Records, 1941-1943; Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army), War Crimes Case Files, 1944-1945; and the United States War Department General and Special Staffs, Regional Files, 1943-1944 relating to Jews in Romania during the Holocaust.

  11. Commissariat for Jewish affairs (Fond 190)

    Contains personal files; lists of the real estate property of Jews; lists of persons of Jewish origin; bank inventories and receipts for deposited Jewish property; correspondence regarding Jewish rights and duties, the payment of taxes by Jews, the expropriation and sale of Jewish property, the “New Territories” of Thrace and Macedonia, and the establishment of ghettos; announcements of actions for the sale of expropriated Jewish property; an agreement for the initial deportation of 20,000 Jews; reports on the rounding up and resettlement of Jews; plans for temporary concentration camps; na...

  12. Herman Scheveschewsky letter

    Handwritten letter, in German, dated February 19, 1980, from Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scheveschewsky to Theresa and Harry Golluber, thanking Mr. Golluber for saving Mr. Scheveschewsky's during the war. According to Mrs. Golluber, who gave the letter to the donor, Barbara Rubin Byer, Herman Scheveschewsky was a member of the underground on the run from the Nazis when he was given shelter by the Gollubers; after the war, he was able to locate them and repay the money he had borrowed from them.

  13. Margalit Bar-On collection

    The Margalit Bar-On collection consists of copies of typed and handwritten poems, some with modern photographs included, and photocopies of photographs of the Mydlarz family, originally of Łódź, Poland. The poems were written by Margalit Mydlarz Bar-On between 1973-1989. The poems describe her experiences in the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz, Harburg, her liberation from Bergen-Belsen, and time in Sweden for recovery. She also describes her illegal immigration to Palestine, capture, and internment in Cyprus.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Convoy of the Second Battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment proceeding to Tel Aviv (convoy consisted of 15 fully armed lorries with the objective of combattiing terrorists). Convoy passing through Esdraelon/Jezreel Plain, also called "Emek Yezreel," a fruitful and successful Jewish colony located northeast of Haifa, bordered by Jordan, Gilboa Hills, Galilee Hills, and Nazareth. Originally a tremendous swamp, the land was drained and planted. Father and son plowing land with settlements and hill in BG. Good views of the Emek colony, taken from Ain Harod settlement. Planting bananas in Jor...

  15. Ilse Ann Fisher-Liberto donation

    The memoir contains information regarding donor's grandmother's, Ilse Armanski Parker, Holocaust related experiences in Danzig.

  16. Lilly Herz Bendheim collection

    Collection contains documentation regarding Erwin Bendheim in Germany during 1937-1938. Collection includes original Schutzhaftbefehl, Entlassungsschein, and Abmeldebescheinigung.

  17. Print

    Reproduction of a lithograph of Oranienburg

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Breda, Netherlands

    Dutch army near Breda, Netherlands. Soldiers on bicycles, motorbikes, tanks moving through Dutch countryside. 04:40:23 Soldiers in trench, camouflaged lookout. 04:41:12 Soldiers and civilians, flasks being filled with rations. Digging trenches. Soldiers and civilians drinking, smoking. 04:42:48 Soldiers marching, windmill in BG. Putting dynamite around trees, for blocking roads in case of attack. Machine gun. 04:44:06 Soldiers marching in farm and along road. 04:45:00 Filling wheelbarrows, digging trench. 04:46:07 Sitting in shelter. Machine gun.

  19. Mae Harris photograph collection

    The Mae Harris photograph collection consists of eleven photographs of corpses, prisoners, and mass graves taken at the liberation of Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

  20. 82nd Airborne Division I & E News Summary for 7 May 1945

    Contains information of a ceremony given regarding the camps.