Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,201 to 14,220 of 58,960
  1. Chana Scheiner photographs

    Consists of three photographs taken of groups of children and young adults, including Chana Scheiner (now Nusia Klinghoffer), at the Selvino children's home in Italy in 1946. Those pictured were members of a group that originated at the Gordonia training camp in Niemce and who traveled through Czechoslovakia and Austria to Selvino after liberation.

  2. Wolff family papers

    The collection documents the childhoods of siblings John and Marianne Wolff in Berlin, Germany, their immigration to England via Kindertransport in 1939, and eventual immigration to the United States in 1945. Included are documents and photographs.

  3. Handknit green sweater worn by a young girl while living in hiding in the Lvov sewers

    Handknit, green, short sleeve sweater worn by 7 year old Krystina Chiger when she lived in hiding in the sewers of Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine), from June 1943 to July 1944. Krystyna had watched her paternal grandmother knit the sweater in the home they shared before the German invasion of Poland in 1939. After the German occupation of Lvov in June 1941, Krystyna watched from hiding as this grandmother and Krystyna’s young cousin, Inga, were loaded into a truck for deportation. Her grandmother waved in her direction and the guard hit her in the head with his rifle. The transport was presuma...

  4. "War and Resistance: This I Remember" memoir

    “War and Resistance: This I Remember,” a memoir details Anne Levine’s Holocaust experiences. Levine spent 1940-1942 at the “Rayon de Soleil” children’s home in Cannes, France. In 1942, she went into hiding in the Durfort home of Denise and Paul Cadier. When this became too dangerous, she went to Paris and, under an assumed name, got a job as a research assistant at the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique." Along with many of the employees at the center, notably Dr. Jacques Monod, she joined the Resistance and remained in Paris until the city's liberation in 1944.

  5. Correspondence regarding abortion

    Consists of official correspondence between medical professionals in Germany in 1946 regarding an abortion. The letters explain German policy regarding abortion at the time and state that in order to have an abortion, it needs to be approved by the court.

  6. Manfred Marcuse papers

    The papers relate to Manfred J. Marcuse's experiences during the Holocaust. Included are documents issued to Bruno Marcuse, Manfred's Jewish father, concerning his internment in and liberation from Theresienstadt concentration camp and documents issued to Manfred Marcuse, born of a Protestant mother, regarding his forced labor for the Organisation Todt.

  7. History of Danzig and Volksdeutsch (anti-Polish propaganda)

    Map showing Germany, Russia, Austria. Poland appears on the map in black. Map showing the Free State of Danzig. The narrator lists the various abuses of sovereignty perpetrated by the Poles. Scenes of Danzig, including shots of Nazi flags flying and pro-German signs. Shots of Danzig harbor. Men of the Danzig SA fortifying a border crossing. A parade of marching troops of the Danzig SS-Heimwehr. Volksdeutsch refugees crossing a field with suitcases, fleeing "Polish terror." A sequence showing refugees arriving in the "protection of the Reich." They are provided with food, and give lengthy in...

  8. Josef Adler papers

    The papers consist of a note handwritten by Luba Weissblum Adler [donor's mother] asking Mr. Raduchowski to take care of her son if she does not survive and to send him to her family in France; a promissary note to Herman Adler [donor's father]; a note of non-payment issued by a notary public; a certificate stating that Josef Adler completed two years of vocational school in Lille, France; and an identification card issued to Efraim Leibowitz Adler [Josef Adler] who emigrated to Israel on June 13, 1948.

  9. "Gebt mir 4 Jahre Zeit" Goebbels speaks at exhibit, etc.

    Exhibition "Gebt mir vier Jahre Zeit" in Berlin, about the accomplishments of the Hitler regime in the four years since the seizure of power. Narrator explains the purpose of the exhibit over scenes of the German countryside and the exterior of the exhibition hall. Goebbels stands on a stage in a large hall and speaks of the rise in employment, the resurgence of German farming and industry, the growth of a "proud army on the borders of the Reich," the "Kraft durch Freude" (Strength through Joy) trips, etc. Huge panels on the walls display photos mounted on pages that turn as he speaks of ea...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Paris in April-May 1939

    Children and their mothers at the Place du Carrousel in Paris, with the Eiffel Tower visible in the background. The children dig in the sand. The next scene shows workmen digging in the earth around the Eiffel Tower, presumably building fortifications of some kind. These shots are interspersed with scenes of Parisians shopping and other shots of famous landmarks. An old man is shown painting in the Tuileries gardens. The last scenes are of people buying flowers and plants at an open-air market.

  11. "Memoires de Guerre: 13 Mai 1941--Aout 1945"

    Consists of one memoir, 107 pages, entitled "Memoires de Guerre: 13 Mai 1941--Aout 1945," by Paul Szigeti. He describes his arrest in France in 1941, his wartime imprisonment in Germany, and his liberation in April 1945. Also contains a German translation of the same.

  12. Buchenwald photograph collection

    Contains four photographs taken by John McGinnis, a member of the 553rd Military Police Escort Guard Company, upon the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  13. Dachau 1950-1951 collection

    Consists of nineteen slides of photographs taken at the concentration camp Dachau in 1951.

  14. Dedication of the Rapoport monument to the Warsaw ghetto uprising

    A long line of people walk through the ruins of the Warsaw ghetto on the fifth anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Some of the people hold wreaths and banners with Yiddish writing. There are students, men in military uniforms, and a Zionist youth group, among others. 00:03:10 Close-up of a young man in a helmet and uniform holding a rifle. Groups lay wreaths in a church (?). More shots of the parade as it walks past important streets in the former ghetto. The crowd pauses for the unveiling of a plaque at the Umschlagplatz before continuing on. 00:05:47 Brief pan of the ruins of the g...

  15. Prejzerowicz family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Prejzerowicz, originally of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Included is a postcard sent from Niche Prejzerowicz in Częstochowa, Poland, in 1940 to her brother, Josek Prejzerowicz, in Milan, Italy; photographic postcards depicting Berisch, Rachel, Niche, and Sara Prejzerowicz, and other relatives who perished during the Holocaust; and a family book ("Deutsches Einheits Familien Stammbuch") issued to Josek and Erna Prejzerowicz in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

  16. Johanna Jakobs papers

    The papers consist of correspondence and photographs concerning Johanna Jakobs [donor's paternal aunt] and her experiences during World War II, including her deportation from Germany with her husband and her internment and persecution in Theresienstadt concentration camp where her husband perished. She survived the Holocaust and eventually emigrated to Chicago, Ill.

  17. Dobroye collection

    Consists of one memoir, written by Arkadiy Pilnik, describing the town of Dobroye, Nikolayevskaya oblast, Ukraine, and the aktion on August 28, 1941, which resulted in the deaths of the Jewish residents of the town, including many members of Mr. Pilnik's family. Included are copyprints of photographs of his father, sister, and grandmother, who perished in the aktion; copyprints of photographs of the memorial headstone to commemorate the victims; and a copy of a letter informing Mr. Pilnik of the deaths.

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Parisians fitted for gas masks; poison gas drill

    Parisians being fitted for gas masks. Uniformed members of the Garde Mobile assist civilians by helping them put on the masks and checking to be sure that they fit properly. Closer views of women and men submitting paperwork, being fitted, and receiving their masks. Shots of people leaving the building carrying their gas masks in canisters. 01:45:28 People wearing head-to-toe protective clothing and gas masks in an underground shelter practice what appears to be a drill enacting the treatment of victims of a poison gas attack. The dope sheet calls the victims "yperite-gased people", and a s...

  19. Sandomirski family papers

    The papers consist of correspondence, a passport, and photographs relating to the Sandomirski family in Vienna, Austria, and their experiences during the time period of the Holocaust. Most of the collection is correspondence, 1939-1941, from Aron and Feige Sandomirski in Vienna to their son, David, who was able to immigrate to Washington, DC, in 1939. Aron and Feige were deported to Riga in 1942, where they perished.

  20. Liberation photographs

    Consists of photographs of the survivors of an unknown concentration camp. The photographs were taken by Army Signal Corps photographer Col. Wayne Larabee.