Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,601 to 9,620 of 58,959
  1. Kürschner family photograph collection

    Collection consists of photographs depicting the Kürschner family in Vienna, Austria, 1932 to 1948, photographs depicting life in the Leipheim DP camp, meeting her future husband, Benjamin Segal, and his brother Jehuda from Satu-Mare, and later in Israel.

  2. Fred Roberts Crawford memoir

    Consists of one typed memoir, written by Fred Roberts Crawford, describing his wartime experiences as a fighter pilot during World War II, including life on Allied air bases in North Africa and Corsica; flying bombing raids over Italy, France, and Romania; being shot down by friendly fire in one such raid over Hungary; his capture by Hungarian civilians and subsequent imprisonment in Budapest and at Stalag Luft III and Stalag Luft VIII-A prisoner of war camps; and his liberation and subsequent viewing of the nearby Dachau concentration camp.

  3. Allied liberation of Belgium; VE Day parade; daily life of a Belgian family at peacetime

    A tank moves out after the Allied liberation of East Flanders. German surrender. Two young men drink beer and celebrate with civilians. The tank drives through town, and Belgian civilians watch and join the procession. A crowd gathers as German prisoners of war march through town. 01:06:32 Jean-Marie wears a captured German helmet and shakes someone's hand. The children play outdoors near a road sign for "de Pinte -2 Km." More footage of German POWs. Canadian troops enter liberated Ghent and are celebrated by civilians. Steeple of St. Baron Cathedral and more crowds celebrating. 01:09:50 VE...

  4. American occupation of European towns: daily life; reconstruction; Red Cross

    EXT, large building, broken windows. Two young women smile at the camera, sign behind them: "Off Limets" [sic]. Cows pull a wagon through village street. Men on bikes. Post with a swastika on top. Pedestrians walking, smiling at camera. Ruins of a building. Two women inspect the debris. Airplane in the sky. People walking past bombed out buildings. Rubble. Rooms of a house exposed due to bombing damage. Boy stands outside. 30:35 American soldier looks at bombed homes. Sign: "Danger, Base, Athletic Field" with an arrow. Soldier walks in the direction of the arrow past a dilapidated shed. Sol...

  5. "The Three Lives of the Polish War Hero; Emile H. Szlechter"

    Consists of one article entitled "The Three Lives of the Polish War Hero; Emile H. Szlechter," written by his stepson, Reinhold Beuer-Tajovsky. The article describes Szlechter's life as a lawyer in Lwów, fighting in the Polish Army immediately after the German invasion in 1939, and having to flee to Romania, leaving his wife and daughters, to avoid capture. From Romania, he made his way to France and joined the Free Polish Army, spending the war as a member of the French resistance group in the Toulouse-Haute Garonne region. After the war, he discovered his family had perished and married H...

  6. Margot Schlesinger papers

    The collection includes documents, correspondence, and photographs related to Margot and Chaskiel Schlesinger, who were married in the Tarnow ghetto and survived together on Schindler's list. Includes correspondence between Margot and various members of her family, 1939-1946; a letter from the State Department sent to Edward Wind, of Chicago, dated 1940, regarding his efforts to assist with immigration of relatives from Europe; and photographs of the family in Europe and arriving in Chicago.

  7. Levine family photographs

    Consists of 10 photographs and postcards sent by the Levine family in Oszmiana, Poland (now Ashmi︠a︡ny (Belarus) from the 1920s and 1930s to family in the United States. All individuals in photographs perished in the Holocaust.

  8. Joseph Lieberman ration card

    Consists of one War Ration Book No. 3 issued circa August 1943 by the United States Office of Price Administration to Joseph Lieberman, aged 19 months.

  9. Blumberg family photographs

    Contains a photo album with images of activities and vacations with friends of Shlomo Baruch Blumberg (donor's father) who immigrated to Palestine in 1934 from Warsaw, Poland.

  10. Dedication of land for Jewish refugees in the Philippines, 1940

    Dedication of Mariquina Hall in Manila on April 23, 1940. President Manuel Quezon offered this private land (called Mariquina Hall) to the Jewish Rescue Committee in order to provide housing for Jewish refugees. Guests gather outdoors. 01:02:51 Alex Frieder speaks to the audience, while President Quezon sits at the table to the side. 01:03:05 President Quezon addresses the crowd, Herbert Frieder in back. Quezon shakes hands with some men on the stage. Alex Frieder and President Quezon walk together through the crowd to survey the land. CUs, side views of President Quezon speaking. The camer...

  11. Jeannette Hammer Kaufmann memoir

    Consists of a photocopy of a memoir, 20 pages, written soon after the end of the war by Jeannette Hammer Kaufmann, originally of Vienna, Austria. Married with two sons prior the war, she describes life after the Anschluss, their attempts to emigrate and being sent to the Opole ghetto in 1941. The family was able to escape from Opole to join Jeannette's parents in the Kunów ghetto. The family then moved to Bodzechów, where Jeannette's husband found a job as a chauffeur at a labor camp; Jeannette describes witnessing the liquidation of Kunów as they were leaving the ghetto and the residents w...

  12. Records of interrogations of the former prisoners of KL Majdanek Protokoły przesłuchań świadków byłych więźniów KL Majdanek (Sygn.VII /135)

    Contains 258 transcripts of interrogations related to KL Lublin, KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, death camps in Sobibór, Bełżec and Treblinka, labor camps in Kalilow and Budzyń, Janów Lubelski and other Nazi camps and prisons. The interrogations were taken of former prisoners of KL Majdanek by the Polska Misja Wojskowa w Berlinie (Polish Military Mission), Prokurator Wojewódzki w Warszawie (Provincial Prosecutor), Specjalny Sąd Karny w Lublinie (Special Criminal Court ), and other commissions in charge of documentation of Nazi crimes. Includes testimonies of German and Russian prisoners of war, test...

  13. Ahronheim and Less family papers

    Consists of a typed copy of "The Legacy Project: A History of the Ahronheim/Less Family, Lüneburg, Germany" by Margaret McQuillan. The manuscript incorporates family history, archival documents, and photographs to describe the experiences of the Ahronheim and Less families, focusing on the experiences of Leopold Less, who was arrested and sent to Sachsenhausen after Kristallnacht, his wife Anna, and his son Walter. Walter emigrated to the United States in 1934; his parents joined him in 1941. Also includes a copy of the family tree and a bound set of copies of primary source documents relat...

  14. "My Story"

    Consists of one memoir, 55 pages, entitled "My Story," by Sol Graf (also known as Zoltan Grof or Shlomo Graf), originally of Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. He describes pre-war life, the invasion of Hungary, being sent to the Moson ghetto and from there to the ghetto in Gyor. At the beginning of June, he was deported to Auschwitz and describes the selection process and being placed in the children's barrack in the so-called "Gypsy camp." He was transferred to Auschwitz I and later to the Sachsenhausen, Lieberose, and Mauthausen concentration camps. He was liberated from Gunskirchen in May 1945 a...

  15. Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau Prokuratura przy Sądzie Specjalnym w Warszawie (Sygn.1601/III)

    The collection contains selected investigative files of the Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau (State Prosecutor of the Special Court Warsaw) relating to breaking the law during German occupation in Poland by Poles and Jews. Includes files concerning crimes such as illegal political activities, participation in resistance movements, administrative and official violations of the law, crossing country borders, anti-German declarations, listening to the radio, using force against Germans, possessing a weapon, bribery, an offence against regulations concerning foreign currency, d...

  16. Ofner family papers

    Consists of documents, day planners, photograph albums, and loose photographs related to the experiences of Curt and Betty Ofner and their son Peter, originally of Berlin, Germany. Includes pre-war family documents, education documents, and correspondence documenting the family's life and work in Berlin, Peter's emigration in 1939 to Stockholm and subsequently to Great Britain, where he reunited with his parents. Includes passports (Reisepass), Curt Ofner's paperwork to continue a teaching career in Great Britain, correspondence, family photographs, and Peter Ofner's 1939 and 1943 day plann...

  17. "Das Krematorium in Dachau"

    Consists of a copy of "Das Krematorium in Dachau," an eyewitness report given by Willy Furlan-Horst shortly after the liberation of Dachau. The report describes the interior of the crematoria, the gas chambers, the procedures for torture and execution of prisoners, the duties of the Kommandos, and the facilities for housing the SS attack dogs.

  18. Arbeitsamt in Litzmannstadt Urząd Pracy w Łodzi (Sygn. 217)

    Contains records of the Arbeitsamt (Labor Office) in Łódź, mainly regulations of general functions of labor offices, mandatory recruitment and deportation of Polish people to work in Germany, materials related to administration and official procedures, correspondence concerning military training of the Arbeitsamt clerks, a card-file of the arms plant in Łódź, police reports of Polish people who tried to avoid labor and their medical check-up, personal files of the Labor Office staff of Wieluń located in Ostrzeszów.

  19. Swiss watch taken from the body of an SS guard by a concentration camp inmate

    Swiss wrist watch with a contemporary band taken by 21-year-old Abraham Lewent, possibly from the body of a dead SS guard, around April 1945. After the collapse of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in May 1943, Abraham and his father Raphael were deported to Majdanek concentration camp where his father was killed. After two months, Abraham was transferred to Skarżysko-Kamienna slave labor camp, then to Buchenwald concentration camp, a month later to a subcamp, Schlieben, then back to Buchenwald. He was transferred to Bisingen, a subcamp of Natzweiler-Struthof for about 8-10 weeks, and then sent t...

  20. Tziporah Hager Weiss Halivni papers

    Manuscript segments, notes, copied research materials, and other documents related to historic research done by Tziporah Hager Weiss Halivni, pertaining to the Sonderkommando uprising at Auschwitz, as well as her own experiences at Auschwitz and other camps during the Holocaust. Included is an extensive collection of mimeographed documents supplied by Bureau 6, Police of Israel, of evidence and transcripts from the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel, 1961-1962, as well as notes, text fragments, and typescript drafts of Halivni's writings about the Sonderkommando uprising.