Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,241 to 9,260 of 58,959
  1. Protractor with the Nazi Imperial eagle acquired by a US soldier

    Plastic protractor brought home by a soldier who was serving with the US military during WWII. It has a wooden handle and a Reichsadler, an eagle holding swastika in its claws.

  2. Hashomer Hatzair in Israel, Headquarters (RG-1-3) הנהגה הראשית השומר הצעיר-ישראל

    Contains minutes of meetings, circulars, correspondence with branches in Israel, reports, educational publications and ideological materials of the movement, articles of the Hashomer Hatzair leaders, journals : "El Ori",, "Igeret", "Be Sha'ar", lists of kibutzim in the Eretz Israel (Land of Israel), historical data on Hashomer Hatzair in Israel. Includes also a report of Moshe Czizhik (Klif) on the Ha Shomer Hatzair in the Nazi occupied territories and its attitude toward Soviet Union.

  3. Sorger family photograph collection

    Collection of eight original photographs depicting the Sorger family in Obertyn, Poland. Elias Sorger (donor’s father) was a professional photographer and Golda Olga Schleimer Sorger (donor’s mother) took care of their three daughters and was an amateur photographer; Donia Rosa, b. 1922 and Ester Edzia, b. 1925, were Sulamit’s older sisters. Sulamit, the youngest, b. 1932, is the only survivor of her immediate family; her sisters were killed together on February 18, 1943 and the parents were killed together on March 3, 1943 after they were denounced. Sulamit survived hidden by several peopl...

  4. Oral history interview with Josef Guttman

  5. Arnold Lissance family papers

    Typescript copy and translations of the memoirs of Moses Lissiansky (1872-1943), describing his life in pre-revolutionary and revolutionary Russia, originally written in Austria in the 1930s, as well as translations and summaries of correspondence that his son, Arnold Lissance, had received from his family in Austria after his own immigration to the United States in the 1930s. Also contains documents produced at the Nuremberg Trials and collected by Lissance during his time working as a translator at the trials, including materials related to the Ministries Trial (Case XI), as well as mimeo...

  6. Israel Barzilai personal archives (RG-95-15), ישראל ברזילי

    Personal archives of Israel Barzilai (1913-1970) contains letters, personal documents, reports on his mission in France during WWII, council's meetings, lectures, speeches, records related to Israeli government and Knesset elections, papers on operation "Sinai" and afterwards.

  7. Kulka family photographs

    Consists of 20 formal portraits photographs of the Kulka family of Kolomyja, Poland (now Kolomyi︠a︡, Ukraine). The photographs were taken between 1916-1932 and were exchanged as a remembrance among family members.

  8. Pair of leather boots given to a US liberator by a concentration camp inmate

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn85711
    • English
    • a: Height: 14.125 inches (35.878 cm) | Width: 4.250 inches (10.795 cm) | Depth: 11.375 inches (28.893 cm) b: Height: 14.000 inches (35.56 cm) | Width: 4.125 inches (10.478 cm) | Depth: 11.250 inches (28.575 cm)

    Leather boots given to Captain James Keegan, US Army, by a prisoner whom he befriended following the liberation of Landsberg concentration camp in Germany. The inmate made the boots while a shoemaker at the camp. He explained how he had used matchsticks to attach the soles because there were few nails. 2nd Lt. Keegan, 411th Regiment, 103rd Infantry Division, deployed to France in fall 1944 and was a front line officer throughout the war. On April 27, 1945, James's company was one of the first to reach and liberate Landsberg, a Dachau subcamp. His unit was assigned to provide aid to the inma...

  9. Yehudit Charasz Berkowitz photograph collection

    Collection of nine photographs documenting the donor's stay in "Kibbutz Buchenwald," a Zionist collective started by a group of survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp. In July 1945 the kibbutz was moved to Geringshof, the site of the pre-war Jewish agricultural school.

  10. Joseph Palaszewski photographs

    Consists of a collection of copyprints taken by Joseph Palaszewski after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The images, which depict corpses; the Buchenwald memorial; and groups of some of the national groups among the prisoners, include extensive captions.

  11. Hashomer Hatzair in Cyprus (RG-19-2) השומר הצעיר בקפריסין

    Contains memoirs and other documents of the Jewish refugees and survivors on their stay in Cyprus in 1947. Also includes various publications, correspondence (1947), names lists of kibbutz members, the issue of Hashomer Hatzair journal "Ba Girush" (1947), published in Cyprus, the "exodus" story of "Ma'apilim" (illigal emigrants to Palestine) written by Yehushua Ratman in Yiddish.

  12. State Repatriation Office, County Branch in Częstochowa Państwowy Urząd Repatriacyjny. Oddział Powiatowy w Częstochowie (Sygn. 5)

    This collection contains the remnants of files from the Repatriation Office county branch in Częstochowa in 1945-1950; including telegrams, reports, questionnaires and registration books. Approximately 80 % of the preserved documents are registration books containing the data of each repatriate such as: where the given person came from, the dates of their arrival and departure, the destination, occupation, nationality, date of birth. Jews comprise a minority of these individuals.

  13. Hashomer Hatzair in Lithuania (RG-4-2) השומר הצעיר בליטא

    Circulars, publications, activities reports, Benjamin Grinboim archive, including reports on the situation of the Hashomer Hatzair in Lithuania in 1938 and his correspondence, the kibbutz training (Hakshara), information brochures and journals "Ziv", "Al Hamishmar" from 1927-1930, Akiva Wonhozker 's papers on children's house (Kinderhaus) in Kovno, reports on Jewish scouts movement in Kovno, Yaakov Amit's correspondence and legacy, Yekheskel Ben Tour memoirs on Ponevezh (Panevėžys ), 1922-1934, and national conference reports.

  14. Messcher family photographs

    Consists of two photographs of the Messcher children; one photograph of Frits Messcher (b. 1936) and Martijn Messcher (b. 1934), and one photograph of Martijn holding his infant sister Martha (b. 1942). The photographs were taken in Rotterdam on April 4, 1943. In the photographs, the children are wearing the Jewish star (Magen David).

  15. Arditti family photographs

    The Arditti family photographs consist of 62 family photographs mounted on photograph album pages. The images depict members of the Arditti family, a Turkish Jewish family from Smyrna, who emigrated from Turkey to France in 1920. Identified family members include Jacques Arditti, his parents, his brother and sister, his sister’s son, Jean-Pierre Franck, and his wife, Jacqueline Guiard. Photographs also depict Leon and Nelly Jaffe and their children, Albert and Liliane, who were relatives on Jacques’ mother’s side. Most of the photographs were taken in France, in Joinville-le-Pont, Deauville...

  16. Baruch Yehieli personal archives (RG-95-54) ברוך יחיאלי - ארכיון אישי

    Personal archives of Baruch Yehieli (1915-1998) contains correspondence, articles, documents on the kibbutz Nir David (Tel Amal) and the kibbutz "Lohamei Hageta'ot" (Ghetto Fighters ), manuscripts and materials for the book "Akiva" and discussions after its publishing.

  17. Dachau liberation photographs and narrative "Remembering the Holocaust"

    Consists of enlarged prints, photographs, and photographic negatives of images taken after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, including a print showing the headline of the 45th Division News when the war ended, prints of images of survivors, perpetrators being arrested, and of the Dachau death train. Also includes one narrative entitled "Remembering the Holocaust" by Marilyn Spencer, describing the experiences of a Jewish intelligence officer (unnamed in the text, but identified as Chester Kaplan) who participated in the liberation of Dachau.

  18. Arthur Ben-Israel personal archive, Kibutz Beit-Alfa (RG-95-19), ארתור בן-ישראל

    Contains personal archive of Arthur Ben-Israel (1901-1986) from the kibbutz Beit Alfa including his biographical data, correspondence, testimony on the Hashomer Hatzair in Germany, records from the mission in England (1939-1945).