Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,101 to 9,120 of 58,959
  1. Nammering photograph collection

    Consists of seven photographs of the reburial of corpses near Nammering, Germany. The victims had been in the Buchenwald concentration camp and were murdered in April 1945. Two of the photographs have writing on the back that reads "Czechoslovakia May 1945."

  2. Naftali Horowitz correspondence

    Contains two postcards sent to Naftali Horowitz in the Ferramonti camp in Italy. The first postcard is from Naftali's cousin in Antwerp, Belgium, dated March 13, 1942, and explains that it was not possible for her to send food packages, but that she might be able to send money. The second postcard is from Naftali Horowitz's mother Golda in Rawa Rusak, dated May 21, 1942, and complains about the lack of letters from her son.

  3. Theresia Bauer papers

    The Theresia Bauer papers consist of genealogical books, identification papers, and apprenticeship, military, and accounting records documenting the Bauer family of Horitschon (Austria) and the Koller family of Neckenmarkt (Austria), Theresia Bauer’s participation in the Bund Deutscher Mädel, and Stefan Bauer’s captivity as a Soviet POW after World War II. Theresia Bauer documents include a genealogical book and a picture of Theresia with other Bund Deutscher Mädel girls at a political event in the village. Stefan Bauer documents include a genealogical book, two apprenticeship diplomas, an ...

  4. Etta and Josef Kurz family papers

    Documents, correspondence, and photographs (65), related to the experiences of the family of Josef and Etta Kurz, and their daughter Helen (donor), in Lwów, Poland, prior to World War II, during the war, and in their immigration to the United States after the war. Includes pre-war financial and business records related to the family owned business and property in Lwów, false identification documents used by Etta Kurz during the German occupation of Poland, immigration and citizenship documents, pre-war family photographs, and post-war photographs of the Kurz family, and various friends th...

  5. Werke des Genrtalgouvernements Aktiengesellschaft Papierfabrik Tschenstocha Factory of Paper and Mill in Częstochowa, A. Kohn and J. Markusfeld Limited Liability Co. (LLP) Fabryka Papieru i Młyny w Częstochowie A. Kohn i J. Markusfeld Spółka Komandytowa (Sygn.151)

    This collection contains records relating to the operation of the Factory of Paper and Mill in Częstochowa. Included are financial documents, a register of employees over 18 years, reports of work accidents to the Social Insurance, and lists of employees’ payroll. These records provide information on the economic life and work at industrial facilities in the inter-war period in Poland.

  6. Bank of Factory Owners and Merchants in Częstochowa Bank Przemysłowców i Kupców w Częstochowie (Sygn.192/7)

    This collection includes protocols of the board meetings and books of shareholders and stockholders, who were primarily Jewish merchants and factory owners.

  7. German Jewish family life prewar and postwar

    01:00:00 Roll 18. People wait to board COBRA ship in Cuxhaven, Germany in Summer 1931. Otto films as their boat passes by the German archipelago, Heligoland, and the distinctive Lange Anna. Otto smiles as he looks at the newborn twins. Otto and proud mother Hanna. 01:05:05 Roll 19. Farming. Women and children in traditional dress in Volendam, Holland. Plaut family by their car. Continuation of beach visit to Zandvoort in June 1932 from roll 15 in Film ID 4108. Hanna writes at a table. Renate cries and plays with other children on the beach. 01:09:30 Roll 20. Renate, Otto, Hanna, and others ...

  8. "Eleven Days in the Concentration-Camp Buchenwald"

    Contains a five page typescript text titled "Eleven Days in the Concentration-Camp Buchenwald" by Rabbi Dr. G. Wilde. The text recounts Wilde's arrest at his home in Magdeburg on the morning of 10 November 1938, his transfer to a cell in the local jail, and his transport to Buchenwald the following day. He describes conditions in the camp, the torture of other prisoners, the conditions surrounding his release, and attempts to prevent the shaving of his beard upon release. He concludes his account by describing how he and his wife were able to immigrate to England due to the efforst of the c...

  9. Gessner visits ancient ruins in Egypt

    Ancient ruins in Egypt, possibly part of the Karnak Temple complex. Huge columns with Egyptian inscriptions and figures. A young girl leans against the ruins. WS camera pans right on the ruins. An obelisk rises from the ruins. Various desert hills and cliffs. 01:01:45 The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. People, piles of rubble, and wagons. People holding baskets walk around on uneven terrain. A man uses a pickax to hack away at the earth. 01:02:29 Colossi of Memnon, the giant stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Two cows rotating a wheel followed by a young unclothed boy holding a w...

  10. Gessner visits Moscow

    Gessner enters a doorway through two Red Army soldiers after one looks at his papers. 01:05:40 WS of the House of the Unions [Дом Союзов] in Moscow, Russia. Sign beneath reads ““Всесоюзный Съезд Советских писатепей”[All-Soviet-Union Meeting of the Soviet Writers].Three other banners hang from the building with quotes from Maxim Gorky Писатели- Это Инженеры Человеческих Душ [Writers are Enginеers of Human Souls]. 01:05:48 Gessner walks through a doorway again, pulling out his papers to show to the soldier. He looks back at the camera and flashes his papers. A young boy and girl talk to each ...

  11. Factory with women sewing; rubble; family poses for camera

    INT women sewing seated at a table. Men working with sewing machines too. EXT two men standing on a street, looking at the camera. Camera tilts down towards their feet. They stand and talk. A woman talks to one of the men. The other man walks away, looking at the camera while eating something. INT men shovel at rubble inside of what appears to be a church. Women help with the rubble as well. EXT man shoveling dirt into wagon. A man walks with a horse rotating a wheel. Dark shot of a man wearing a hat, and clouds in the back above a dark horizon line. INT of a home. Two men, two women, and o...

  12. Wounded survivors; postwar military parade

    The Allies commissioned this four part documentary from Maurits Schaap after liberation. Titles: "Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen", "Documentaire Film der Verwoesting", "En de wateren warden stil... Genesis 8 1". Flooding, possibly from an irrigation system failing, in an unknown location. Title card: "De watertoren bij axel" Water tower. Title, "En de watertoren van Oostburg". The water tower of Oostburg was destroyed. Title: "Sas van Gent het centrum der suiker en meelindustrie" Grain is loaded onto carts and processed into flour at Sas van Gent. 05:50:26 Title: "Alarm!!! Het Roode Kruis rukt uit" Fe...

  13. Jewish Committee for Aid and Reconstruction, EKOPO (Fond 347)

    The collection consists of minutes of the meetings, financial reports, correspondence with various Polish government offices, Jewish charitable and relief organizations, Jewish libraries and cultural organizations during the years 1919-1939, and various documents relating to organization activities.

  14. Selected records from the collection of former Archives of Ministry of Defense of Bulgaria in Veliko Tŭrnovo

    The collection contains name lists of Jews drafted to the labor battalions in Bulgaria, military orders and reports regarding the conscription of Jews, and lists of those released due to hospitalization, or who were otherwise granted leave.

  15. Charles Ansenberg collection

    Collection of documents, map, clipping, brochures, photographs, envelopes, and negatives acquired by Charles Ansenberg during his service with the American Army in Europe during World War II.

  16. Jacob Mincer papers

    The Jacob Mincer papers consist of correspondence and identification papers documenting Mincer’s efforts to emigrate from Europe before and after the Holocaust and the efforts of his uncle, Issy Mincer, to help him from South Africa. Correspondence primarily includes letters Jacob wrote to Issy from Brno before the war and from Munich and the United States after the war as well as pre-war letters documenting Issy Mincer’s efforts to provide Jacob financial assistance through the Anglo-Palestine bank. Identification papers include Jacob’s pre-war student identification card from Brno and his...

  17. German Army procurement documents

    Collection of German Army procurement invoices; used by the Wehrmacht to track shipment of various parts to Cambrai, France; all stamped in upper right corner "Dienststelle Feldpostnummer L 08 723, Luftgaupostamt, Bruessel" (Brussels).

  18. Abraham Sutzkever and Szmerke Kaczergingski Collection (RG-223, Vilna Ghetto, Part 1)

    This collection contains materials relating to the Vilna ghetto, its daily life and living conditions in the ghetto, social and cultural work, activities of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) and the Jewish interaction with the German and Lithuanian authorities.The records consists of: maps of the ghetto, 1942, diaries, chronicles and manuscripts on the history of the ghetto by Zelig Kalmanovitch, Herman Kruk, Yitschak Rudashevsky, Szmerke Kaczerginski, personal identification documents such as badges, armbands, identification cards, passes; materials on the ghetto administration and its divisio...

  19. National Investigatory Commission Decree-Law 479/55. Commission 2: Administrative irregularities alleged against the deposed President Comisión Nacional de Investigaciones Decreto-Ley 479/55. Comisión 2: Irregularidades administrativas imputadas al Presidente depuesto

    The collection consists of official materials related to the investigation of Peron regime during his second presidency.

  20. Gavel used to close postwar Nordhausen war crimes trial

    Gavel used by Lieutenant Colonel David H. Thomas to close the Dachau and Nordhausen war crimes trials in 1947. Col. Thomas was one of seven officers designated by the Headquarters of the European Command to constitute the court for the Kurt Andrae case. He was also a lawyer for the Judge Advocate General during the Dora war crimes trials.