Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,141 to 6,160 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Benjamin Grünfeld

  2. Jewish children prepare to embark on the SS Mouzinho, 1941

    Jewish refugee children, many from internment camps in unoccupied France, gather in Portugal to embark on the SS Mouzinho for the United States. The voyage, including hundreds of Jewish refugees, was arranged by the JDC, with assistance from the United States Committee for the Care of European Children (USCOM), HICEM, OSE, and the American Friends Service Committee. 01:00:03 At a children’s colony in São Pedro do Estoril, Portugal, LS of a road before the “Colónia Balnear Infantil Do Seculo” building. Beach. Men and women direct a large group of young refugees (children and teenagers) to li...

  3. Cohn, Heinemann, and Rhée families papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Cohn, Heinemann, and Rhée families of Germany, including Else, Max, and their daughter Eva (later Eva Cohn) Rhée’s emigration from Lüneburg, Germany to England in 1938; Max, Ida, and their son Hans Cohn’s flight from Berlin to Shanghai in 1939; and restitution made to the descendants of Marcus Heinemann by the Museum Lüneburg in 2015 for objects acquired by the museum after Marcus’s assets were seized after Kristallnacht. Included are biographical materials, immigration documents and correspondence, and photographs. Biographical ...

  4. Oral history interview with Rina Diamand

  5. Customs Investigation Office Brno Zollfahndungszweigstelle Brünn (D25)

    Investigative files pertaining to the confiscation by the Customs Investigation Office Brno and Gestapo Brünn of assets and valuables of Jews. In many cases, there are arrest warrants issued by the Gestapo for Jews suspected of having fled with their assets or suspected of hiding their assets or having moved their assets abroad in preparation for their emigration. The investigative files feature criminal complaints by non-Jews about their Jewish neighbors, employers and acquaintances whom they suspect of hiding assets, detailed reports about house searches and arrests, interrogation protoco...

  6. Eiland family collection

    Collection of documents, certificates, affidavit, and envelopes relating to the Eiland family including Adolf and Cecilia Eiland, and their children, Rudolf and Helen.

  7. Jewish family in Slovakia

    Pan, fenced estate in Gelnica, Slovakia. (01:00) Lola Engel (nee Schiffer) calls on a dog outside the estate. Three people (including Ernö’s sister Lola and her husband Nathan Engel) walk along the sidewalk and wave. Pan, steeple, and other buildings in the small town. “Danubius r.t. Budapest Pathé 9.5”

  8. Schiffer family posing for the camera in City Park

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” A continuation of Film ID 4402, adults pose for the camera in a park. (02:02) Gyuri playfully photographs the cameraman, Ernö. Jonas and Jenny Schiffer. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  9. Jewish Committee and Provincial Jewish Committee in Lublin Komitet Żydowski i Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Lublinie (Sygn 355)

    Minutes of the committee meetings, reports, correspondence, lists of Jewish survivors, committee statutes, circulars, appeals and communications, budgets, lists of people using assistance, personal data of committee staff and other records..

  10. Karl Maramorosch collection

    Collection of correspondence, primarily letters but also includes a postcard, bookplate, and photocopies of correspondence between members of the Maramarosch family.

  11. Jonny's Gang short comedy

    German titles: “Das Ende von Jonnys Gang” “Jonny's Gang: Hans Inderka, Holly Fischer, Friedl Schreier, Holly Adam, Gust Kestranek.” “Jonnys Freundinnen: Thea Herrmann, Tr. Krautschneider, Lari Novotna, Helga Bosraug.” “Das letzte Opfer: Herma Schwammenhofer” “Detektive von Scottland Yard: Fredl Kerpes, Herbert Adam, Walter Schubert, Richard Inderka, Theo Spitzer” “Aufnahmen. Walter Hausner.” “Mitglied des Klubs der Kino-Amateure Österreichs” Comedy film about “Jonnys Gang”. People dancing very closely. A woman hangs her arm over a mustached man. CU, man’s tattoo. Three men around a table, s...

  12. Lt. Colonel Harry E. Malcolm letter

    Consists of a handwritten eight-page draft letter by Lt. Colonel Harry E. Malcolm of the 12th Armored Division to Colonel Julien D. Saks in response to a March 1985 article in "Hellcat News." The letter concerns what Malcolm witnessed and experienced during the liberation of the Landsberg concentration camp in April 1945. Among other scenes, the letter describes Malcolm's discovery of 15-20 prisoners who had been killed by machine gun in the days prior to the liberation of the camp, an act he speculated was to silence potential witnesses to the crimes that had taken place there.

  13. András Pető is born

    Éva is pregnant with András. Éva and György’s first child was born on October 3, 1943, and he was killed in a concentration camp. Reel shows the first few months of András, bathing, eating, playing, tummy-time, bundled up outdoors. Eva holds Andras and pushes him in a carriage in town. Film ends 02:59