Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 54,141 to 54,160 of 58,960
  1. Εβραϊκή Συλλογή

    • Jewish Collection
    • Evraiki Syllogi

    According to the website: "Archive of Jews of Kavala and other regions. It includes: Bulgarian catalogue of the census of Jews of Kavala of 1942 - 1943, before Holocaust. Collected evidence (unbound documents, notes etc) for the Jews of Kavala and other regions of Macedonia and Thrace. Photographic material (synagogue etc)".

  2. Αρχείο Ειρηνοδικείου Σερρών

    • Archive of the District Court in Serres
    • Archeio Irinodikiou Serron

    Information includes proceedings and decisions of the court, as well as affidavits for Holocaust victims.

  3. Συλλογή Δικηγόρου Κωνσταντίνου Ζιώγα

    • Collection of the Lawyer Constantinos Ziogas
    • Syllogi Dikigorou Konstantinou Zioga

    Part of the material concerns the case of Jews of Thessaloniki (inheritance issues after the Holocaust).

  4. Αρχείο Δικηγόρου Γεωργίου Μόσχου

    • Archive of the Lawyer Georgios Moschos
    • Archeio dikigorou Georgiou Moschou

    The archive contains approximately 200 bundles. Documents include correspondence with Jews of Serres concerning abandoned properties.

  5. Αρχείο Συμβολαιογράφου Κωνσταντίνου Τριανταφυλλόπουλου

    • Archive of the Notary Public Constantinos Triantafyllopoulos
    • Archeio Symvolaiografou Konstantionou Triantafyllopoulou

    The archive contains 35.846 contracts. Many contracts concern the Jews of Serres.

  6. Αρχείο Δήμου Σερρών

    • Archive of the Municipality of Serres
    • Archeio Dimou Serron

    It holds historical records of the Municipality of Serres, including vital records, the old municipal rolls (1934), names of Holocaust victims and survivor certificates.

  7. Αρχείο Κτηματογραφικού Χάρτη Πυρίκαυστης Ζώνης Πόλης Σερρών

    • Archive Cadastral Map of the Burnt Zone in Serres
    • Archeio Ktimatografikou Charti Pyrikafstis Zonis Polis Serron

    A map with dimensions 1,45 by 2,46 meters, on which are plotted individual and communal properties (mostly Christian and Jewish) which were destroyed by the Bulgarians in the arson of the city in 1913. Although not connected directly to the Holocaust, it is very useful for understanding of the city's Jewish past.

  8. Pirmasis generalinis tarėjas ir generalinis tarėjas vidaus reikalams

    • Der erste Generalrat und Generalrat für die innere Verwaltung
    • First General Counsellor and General Adviser for Internal Affairs

    The fonds consists of documents from the Lithuanian Provisional Government, including circulars, declarations, announcements, etc.). This institution collaborated with the Nazis and had anti-Jewish ideology.

  9. Αρχείο Νίκου Νικολάου

    • Archive of Nikos Nikolaou
    • Archeio Nikou Nikolaou

    It contains unpublished and published sources about the Jews of Serres. The most important source is the “Old Municipal Registries of Jews” which constitutes the official book of the municipal archive and which ended in the possession of Nikolaou.

  10. Lietuvos TSR vietinės pramonės ministerija

    • Ministry of Industry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Documents about nationalized Jewish property throughout all of Lithuania starting from August 1940.

  11. Ostlando filmų įmonės Lietuvos skyrius Vilniuje ir Ostlando filmų bendrovės Kauno skyrius

    • Filmbetriebe Ostland Zweigstelle Litauen, Wilna; Ostland-Film-Gesellschaft m. b. H. Zweigstelle Kauen)
    • Vilnius and Kaunas Departments of the Ostland Films Company in Lithuania

    Documents related to Nazi propaganda films; list of movie theatres in Lithuania; list of the theatres’ staff members, list of Jewish staff members.

  12. Lietuvos studijų biuras

    • Studien-Büro Litauen
    • Bureau of Lithuanian Studies

    Documents concerning events and activities of the local white-banded partisans in Lithuania during the first days of the Second World War. While the German army was entering Lithuania the Soviet Red Army tried to escape to the East; local activists were arresting communists and Jews, issuing anti-Jewish announcements, and preparing for collaboration.

  13. Seinų apskrities laikinasis komitetas

    • Provisional Committee of Seinai District

    Protocols of the Provisional Committee in the Seinai District, documents and announcements concerning friendliness to the German Army and Nazi politics, anti-Semitic attitude toward Jews and communists, restrictions for Jews, list of the Committee’s members.

  14. Ukmergės apskrities policijos Želvos punktas

    • Želva Police Precinct of Ukmergė District

    Documentation concerning events in the district, correspondence between the chief of the district and the chief of police of the district, information about suspected and arrested persons, information regarding communists and suspected communists and Soviet activists,as well as Jews, criminals, and persons accused of being disloyal to the Nazis; documention concerning confiscation of Jewish property, rules for how to handle Jewish property, lists of residents, lists of Jewsarrested and transported to the district prisons.

  15. Ministère de l'Instruction publique

    • Ministry of Education

    In fonds Ministry of Education consist some files wich are connected with the Holocaust. The sub-series "L'enseignement primaire sous l'occupation allemande 1940-1944" *The Primary education under German occupation 1940-1944" has some documents about the wearing of the yellow badge for Jews (IP-1557); Supplies 1941-1943 for Jewish school in Luxembourg in 1940 (IP-1563).

  16. Commissariat du rapatriement

    • Repatriation Commissioner

    The series CR-D-07 of the sub fonds "Dossiers collectifs concernant les Luxembourgeois enrôlés de force, internés dans des camps de concentration ou des camps de prisonniers, portés disparus ou déportés (Sous-fonds)" (Collective dossiers concerning the forced enlisted people from Luxembourg, interned in concentration camps or prison camps, missing or deportedcontents) contents a post war dossier created 1947-1968 about the Luxembourg Cinqfontaines camp - List of the Luxembourg Jews. who died in the Ghetto of Lodz, a list of Jews from Luxembourg arrived at Auschwitz. Further research about t...

  17. Deuxième Guerre Mondiale: déportations, enquêtes, arrestations

    • Second Word War: Deportations, Investigations, Arrests

    The series consists out of Reports manuscripts sent to the Luxembourg Public Safety on living conditions in Cinqfontaines and deportations, 1946. Further there are Investigations and arrests "of Einsatzkommando der Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienstes" 1941-1942 and Criminal investigations of the WW II (1947-1950) as well as Lists of deported Jews, 1941-1943 from Luxembourg.

  18. Criminels de guerre

    • War criminals
    • CdG

    The fonds War criminals (Criminels de guerre) is divided into different subfonds. These are: - German Civil Administration (Administration civile allemande) - Commissions - Court for war crimes (Cour des crimes de guerre) - Deportation of Jews (Déportation des juifs) - Various - Extraditions - Trial of war criminals (Jugement des criminels de guerre) - German court (Justice allemande) - Offensive «von Rundstedt» - National Office for Research of War Crimes (Office national pour la Recherche des crimes de guerre) - German police (Police allemande) - trial (Procès) - Military war court (Tribu...

  19. Fünfbrunnen (Cinqfontaines)

    The series of records Fünfbrunnen II (FMD-003) consists aiut of residence certificates of Jews in the camp Fünfbrunnen by the local administration in Asselborn, 1957-1962. Certificates of registration and deregistration with the police registration authority, 1941-1943.

  20. Chef der Zivilverwaltung

    • CdZ

    The fonds Chef der Zivilverwaltung (CdZ) includes as the highest civilian administrative authority records of all areas in occupied Luxembourg. Within the fond CdZ there are explicit folders concerning Jews. The "Abteilung IV A: Verwaltung des jüdischen und sonstigen Vermögens" of the CdZ was responsible for the Aryanization of the Jewish property. Part of the fonds related to this are especially "A/4/1/001.IVa: Juden- und Emigrantenvermögen" (Assets of Jews and emigrants). Also other folders with more general titles like the series "A/0: Haushalts-, Besoldungs- und Rechnungsangelegenheiten...