Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 52,661 to 52,680 of 58,960
  1. Povereníctvo priemyslu a obchodu - VII. odbor

    • Commission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII
    • PPO - VII

    The subfonds of the Comission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII contains documents pertaining to the restitution of property of Jews living in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. The Comission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII was a special department with the task to legally deal with the issue of restitution of property Aryanized during the rule of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party in 1939-1945. The Department VII took over a big part of documents of former Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) which was responsible for the majo...

  2. The Photographic Archive of the Jewish Museum of Greece

    • Φωτογραφικό Αρχείο του Εβραϊκού Μουσείου της Ελλάδος

    The photographic archive of the JMG includes a large number of photographs that cover all aspects of Jewish life and tradition in Greece. The photographic material consists of original black-and-white photographs, printed copies of original pictures, colour photographs and slides. The main body of this material is the primary archive of original photographs, which have been donated to the Museum by their owners and which are kept separately. These photographs have been copied and replaced with 13 x 18 cm copies, as well as film negatives and contact prints of those. The access to the origin...

  3. Αρχείο Μακεδονικής Διοίκησης

    • Archive of Macedonian Administration
    • Archeio Makedonikes Dioikeses

    The Archive consists of public administrative documents, mainly concerning the region of Central Macedonia, Greece. There are plenty of verdicts by local courts, citizen’s applications as well as administrative correspondence between the local authorities. Related to the Holocaust of Greek Jews is a report made by the Prefecture of Kozani (Central Macedonia region, Greece) on 9/2/1944, referring to Greek prisoners. Among others there are two Jewish names: Algava Bension (Αλγκαβα Μπενσιόν) from Thessaloniki and Zach Abraham (Ζακ Αβραάμ) from Volos.

  4. Pracovné tábory židov na Slovensku, 1940 – 1944

    • Jewish Labor Camps in Slovakia, 1940 – 1944

    Collection contains numerous copies of documents dedicated to the labor camps in the Slovak State (1939 – 1945) such as the lists of the Jews who were interned in the labor camp in Vyhne, memories of Marian Pavúk on the life in this camp in the years 1940 – 1944, copies of photographs from the labor camps in Sereď, Nováky and Vyhne.

  5. Plagáty s protižidovskou tematikou, 40. roky 20. storočia

    • Posters with anti-Jewish Theme, 1940s

    Collection is created by 9 posters pertaining the anti-Semitic propaganda in 1940s which was published and intentionally spread by the Propaganda Office (1938 - 1945) in Slovakia. Posters refer to the anti-Semitic policy and Jewish persecution during the Slovak State (1939 – 1945). Most of these posters were printed by Grafia or Andrej in Bratislava. Every unit contains basic information such as date and place of printing.

  6. Dokumentácia k dejinám židovstva na Slovensku, 20. storočie

    • Documentation on the History of Jewry in Slovakia, 20th Century

    This collection consists of numerous copies of the personal documents and correspondence pertaining the life of the Jewish inhabitants in 20th century, dominantly from 1940s. Second part of the collection contains manuscripts and copies of the memories on the Holocaust.

  7. Holokaust

    Collection consists of the documentation of the Holocaust memorials in Slovakia. It contains the list the list of the Jewish victims from the city of Prešov which was created for the planned memorial, material on the project Holocaust memorial tables which was realized in Poprad, Komárno, Nové Zámky, Košice, Bardejov, Liptovský Mikuláš and Nitra on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of deportations of Jews from Slovakia in 1942.

  8. Dokumenty k dejinám židovstva na Slovensku

    • Documents on the History of the Jewry in Slovakia

    Collection contains various documents on the history of the Jews in Slovakia, mainly materials dedicated to everyday life of the community members such as contracts, legitimations, licenses, testimonies, letters and postcards, birth certificates, school reports, photographs, health certificates, etc. One of the most relevant and unique Holocaust-related document is the original manuscript of the poem Crematorium (Krematórium) by Ladislav Grosmann, author of the scenario to the Oscar-winning movie The Shop on the Main Street (Obchod na korze). Newest items in the collection are declarations ...

  9. Dojč, Ľudovít, 1962 – 1995

    Fragmentary fonds contains Ľudovít Dojč´s curriculum vitae, personal documents and various correspondence with foreign institutions. The most relevant material to the Jewish history in Slovakia, including persecution during the World War II, in this collection is dedicated to the research, documentation and drafts of the publication Jewish religious Communities in Slovakia (Židovské náboženské obce na Slovensku).

  10. Gabinete da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

    • Cabinet of the Prime Minister
  11. Secretariado Nacional de Informação

    • Secretariat of State of Information

    Trata-se predominantemente de documentação proveniente dos serviços centrais do Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional/Secretariado Nacional de Informação, das delegações (Porto e Funchal), dos serviços locais, nomeadamente, as Agências e os Postos de Turismo e dos serviços no estrangeiro, nomeadamente as Casas de Portugal (Londres, Madrid, Paris, Rio de Janeiro e Nova Iorque).

  12. Arquivo Oliveira Salazar

    • Fonds Oliveira Salazar

    O fundo compreende inúmeros conjuntos arquivísticos. A "Correspondência Oficial relativa à Guerra" retrata, predominantemente, o período em que Salazar acumula interinamente aquela pasta, de 1936 a 1944, e compreende, entre outros, processos sobre as reformas militares e o rearmamento do Exército e da Aviação. Na "Correspondência Oficial relativa aos Negócios Estrangeiros", do período em que Salazar exerce as funções ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, entre 1936 e 1947, ganham proeminência os processos relativos à posição portuguesa de "não intervenção" na guerra civil de Espanha e de "neu...

  13. Finanzlandesdirektion, Berufungssenatsentscheidungen

    • State Direction of Finance, Appeals to Decisions of the Senate

    Diese Ordner enthalten Rückstellungsfälle, bei denen es Berufungssenatsentscheidungen gab. Die Verfahren betrafen Vereine, Stiftungen, aber vereinzelt auch Genossenschaften (z.B. die Konsumgenossenschaft, oder Kammern). Die Ordner enthalten entweder nur wenige Fälle oder eine Namensliste mit den enthaltenen Fällen. Die Bescheide sind vom Bundesministerium für Finanzen, Wien I., Ballhausplatz 1, bzw. vor November 1950 vom Bundesministerium für Finanzen/Sektion Vermögenssicherung, bzw. vor Ende 1949 vom Bundesministerium für Vermögenssicherung und Wirtschaftsplanung ausgestellt, beziehen sich...

  14. Opferdatenbank

    • Victims' Database

    In der Opferdatenbank werden die Opfer des nationalsozialistischen Terrors der Jahre 1938–1945 im Burgenland namentlich erfasst. Es geht um Personen, die infolge von Zwangsmaßnahmen der SS, Polizei oder Wehrmacht verstorben sind, die von NS-Gerichten zum Tode verurteilt, die aufgrund der "Rasse", religiöser oder sexueller Orientierung ermordet wurden, dem nationalsozialistischen Euthanasieprogramm zum Opfer fielen oder durch Zwangsarbeit zu Tode kamen. Die Opferdatenbank ist einerseits ein Informationsprojekt, andererseits aber auch virtuelles Denkmal für alle Opfer des Nationalsozialismus ...

  15. Opferfürsorge-Akten Burgenland

    • Burgenland Victims' Welfare Records

    Der Bestand enthält die Antragsakten nach dem Opferfürsorgegesetz (vgl. BGBl Nr. 183/1947). Akten, die bereits verstorbene Antragsteller betreffen, wurden dem BLA übergeben (vgl. Landesregierungsarchiv VIII/1 Soziale Verwaltung).