Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 50,621 to 50,640 of 58,959
  1. Edith W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith W., who was born in Balka?ny, Hungary in 1931. She recounts her father's rabbinical position in several towns in Czechoslovakia including Jels?ava; anti-Jewish laws including expulsion from their town after Hungarian occupation; living in Rejc?kov; the births of several siblings; exclusion from school; deportations; her family's exemption because other exempted Jews needed a rabbi; deportation of her grandmother in 1942; her mother obtaining Hungarian passports for them; her mother smuggling a younger brother to relatives in Hungary (he did not survive); moving ...

  2. Kevin Q. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kevin Q., a Catholic, who was born in Bronx, New York in 1918, left training for the priesthood in 1941, enlisted in 1942, and served in the United States Army 45th Infantry Division in World War II. He recounts deployment in Normandy; the Battle of the Bulge; entering Dachau five days after its liberation; being emotionally overwhelmed; chaotic conditions; corpses scattered everywhere; soldiers sharing rations with prisoners resulting in their deaths; speaking with Catholic clergy in Latin; discovering German doctors disguised as inmates to evade incarceration as pot...

  3. Gitta W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gitta W., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1934. She notes vague memories of being loved and hearing marching in the Berlin streets; traveling to Belgium; living in a house with her parents and relatives; German invasion; fleeing to Paris, then Nice; her malaise at seeing her parents very upset; difficulties in school; her father and uncle escaping when the families were arrested; release with her cousin; hiding with her father, uncle, and cousin; escaping after detection by the Gestapo; hiding with other Jews in a small village and Marseille; placement in a convent...

  4. Rebecca P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rebecca P., who was born in Poland in 1920, one of five children. She recalls attending a village school; living with an aunt in order to attend school in Zamość; German invasion then withdrawal a week later, followed by Soviet invasion, their withdrawal, then German occupation; one brother leaving with the Soviets; another hiding with his wife and child as non-Jews; escaping with her mother from a round-up; hiding in the woods; neighbors bringing them food; round-up to Izbica; ghettoization; marriage; her husband's killing two months later; her mother's deportation...

  5. Josip E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josip E., who was born in Yugoslavia in 1927. He recalls they were one of three families in a small village; attending high school in Osijek; returning home in 1941 when Croatia allied itself with Germany; his father's deportation; the Jewish community arranging for him to live with a Jewish family in Osijek when all Jews were deported, including his mother; moving to a relative in Slavonska Poz?ega; arrest by the Ustas?a; deportation to Stara Gradis?ka; slave labor; a cousin sharing bread; random killings; a public execution; transfer to Jasenovac; encountering an un...

  6. Israel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel R., who was born in Piotrko?w, Poland in 1927, one of nine children. He recalls attending Polish school and cheder; his family's orthodoxy; German invasion; one older sister leaving for the Soviet Union; his father being rounded-up and beaten; his return and death; ghettoization; forced factory labor outside the ghetto; obtaining extra food for his family; being detained in the factory; learning almost the entire town was deported to Treblinka, including his family; feeling he lived in a ghost town; transfer to Skarz?ysko; slave labor in a munitions factory; ho...

  7. Louis D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis D., who was born in the United States in 1922 and served in the Third Army's 301st Signal Operation Battalion in World War II. He recalls General Patton's orders that American soldiers view Buchenwald; entering the camp in April 1945, the day after its liberation; a Polish inmate who escorted them; the pervasive stench; emaciated prisoners; crematoria which were still warm; stacks of bodies; mass burial of the dead; the camp commander's residence where he saw lamp shades reputedly made of human skin; and General Patton's order that all local residents visit Buch...

  8. Frank B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frank B., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. He recalls his family's affluence; pervasive antisemitism; his family's strong German identity; not feeling Jewish or observing any holidays; anti-Jewish restrictions changing that feeling; attending a Jewish school; emigration to Prague in 1938 (his father was a Czech citizen); attending Jewish school; German occupation in March 1939; his father's position in the Judenrat which protected them from deportation; participating in a Zionist youth group and Maccabi; working as a gardener in the Jewish cemetery; his bar mi...

  9. Adam M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adam M., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1927. He describes his family fleeing to Belgium; their peaceful life; German invasion; fleeing to Montpellier; his father's arrest and release due to a French medal received in World War I Polish Army service; life in Le Bousquet-d'Orb from 1940 to 1943; participation in a children's transport, organized by Quakers, to the United States in 1942; its cancellation when the U.S. entered the war; and German occupation. Mr. M. recalls his parents' and brother's internment; their release due to his father's World War I service; h...

  10. Katherine A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Katherine A., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1915. She recalls attending college in Grenoble and Paris due to antisemitic restrictions in Hungary; returning to visit her parents on September 1, 1939; not being able to leave due to the outbreak of war; organizing a French culture club; participating in a theater troupe; marriage in 1941; her husband's service in a Hungarian slave labor battalion beginning in April 1942 (she never saw him again); teaching Hungarian to the Swiss ambassador and his family; German occupation in March 1944; receiving protection from t...

  11. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Novogrudok, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1929. He recalls a close relationship with his extended family; increasing antisemitism beginning in 1935; attending a Tarbut school; belonging to Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; being sent to his grandparents in Korelichi; returning home; finding their house and possessions destroyed; anti-Jewish restrictions; a mass killing of about fifty men; forced labor; ghettoization including those from surrounding towns; a mass shooting of all Jews except skilled workers; livi...

  12. Christa M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Christa M., a non-Jewish German bystander who was born in Saarbru?cken in 1930. She describes her early family life in a pro-Nazi household; her father's work for a big industrialist; the evacuation of her family to the Black Forest in 1938; and their move to Frankfurt and Ammerland in 1938. She vividly recalls her encounters with Jews after the enactment of the Nuremberg laws; the virulent anti-Semitic curriculum of her school; and the overnight disappearance of several people around her. She relates witnessing a prisoner evacuation from Dachau; being threatened by a...

  13. Marcel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel F., who was born in Paris, France in 1936 to immigrant parents. He recounts living in a Jewish neighborhood; his father enlisting in the Foreign Legion in 1938 to obtain citizenship; German invasion; his father's escape to Bort-les-Orgues in the unoccupied zone; brief arrest with his mother in Dijon in 1940 on their way to join his father; release due to intervention from the mayor of Bort-les-Orgues; reunion with his father; leaving his parents to hide on a farm in Les Marjoris; a cousin joining him there (her parents did not survive); developing a loving rela...

  14. Edith L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith L., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1926. She recalls the Anschluss; Kristallnacht; her father's deportation in 1939 (she never saw him again); her mother's arrest, then hers in 1941; their release; deportation with her mother, aunt, and grandmother to Theresienstadt in October 1942; seeking "normalcy" in cultural and social activities, despite starvation, disease, and deportations; strained relations between national groups; meeting her future husband; deportation with her mother to Auschwitz/Birkenau in May 1944; living in the family camp, then a woman's la...

  15. Frieda W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frieda W., who was born in Paris in 1934. She recalls the conflict she experienced as a child between her Jewish and French identities; an early attempt to put her into hiding with other Jewish children; and her constant awareness of her Jewishness, especially in public. She relates her flight with her mother from Paris to a small town; the German bombing and invasion of France; and being sent by her mother to hide in a convent in Switzerland. She describes living as a Catholic in the convent; her declining attachment to the Jewish religion as time went on; her postwa...

  16. Ludwig C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ludwig C., who was born in L'viv, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1925, one of three children. He recounts Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion; his father's arrest and incarceration for four weeks; mass killings near their home; forced labor; his brother's escape; a large round-up in August 1942; ghettoization; brief hospitalization for typhus; witnessing Germans hanging Jewish policemen; slave labor in a factory; his brother's return; his sister's murder in a mass killing in March 1943; his parents' escape with assistance from Polish friends; transfer to Janowsk...

  17. Hans N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans N., who was born in Hannover, Germany in 1921. He describes his youth in an assimilated and comfortable family with a strong Germany identity; little or no antisemitism prior to Hitler's rise to power; the dramatic change and his efforts to avoid drawing attention to himself as a Jew; expulsion from his sports club; hearing of concentration camps; expulsion from school in 1936; working for a non-Jewish acquaintance; and non-Jewish friends who assisted in his emigration. He recalls two Americans who also helped; his parents accompanying him to New York in 1937; at...

  18. Rosalyn C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosalyn C., who was born in Paneve?z?ys, Lithuania in 1930 and raised in Kaunas. She recalls a comfortable childhood; attending Yiddish school; Soviet occupation in 1940; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; one brother being taken in a round-up (they never saw him again); forced labor; escaping the 1944 round-up of children because she looked older; her other brother's death at the Ninth Fort; hiding underground with her parents in 1944; exposure; transport to Stutthof; separation from her father (she never saw him again); slave labor in Malki; a death march in Ja...

  19. Esther T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther T., who was born in Thessaloni?ke, Greece in 1914. She recalls her father's death in 1933; working as a seamstress; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; smuggling food; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in March 1943; separation from her mother and aunt; interpreting for Greek inmates; removing empty Zyklon B cans from the gas chamber area; observing selections by Dr. Josef Mengele; feigning recovery from typhus to leave the hospital; her sister's death in the hospital; her younger brother's privileged job which led to extra food and favors from a German; re...

  20. Leo Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo Z., who was born in W?oc?awek, Poland in 1920 one of seven children. He recalls German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to Kolmar (Chodziez?) for forced labor in 1941; transfer to Poznan?, then Auschwitz/Birkenau, in 1943; a beating for an escape attempt; transfer to Buchenwald, then Essen; slave labor in a Krupp factory for about eighteen months; liberation from a train by United States troops; returning home seeking relatives; learning no one survived; traveling to Germany; living in Landsberg displaced persons camp; and emigration to the United States. Mr. ...