Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 50,081 to 50,100 of 58,959
  1. Ruth S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth S., who was born in Sinsheim, Germany in 1933. She recalls Kristallnacht; her father's imprisonment in Dachau; her imprisonment, with her family, in Ladenburg in October 1940; her grandfather's emigration to the United States; deportation via Mannheim to Gurs with her parents and sister; being smuggled out with her sister by OSE (they never saw their parents again); living in an OSE orphanage, then with a non-Jewish family in Faverges-de-la-Tour as Christians using false names; their return to the OSE orphanage when neighbors grew suspicious; living as Jews again...

  2. Joseph A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph A., who was born in Lithuania in 1919. He recalls attending yeshiva in Kelme?; attending gymnasium; draft into the Lithuanian military in 1939; Soviet occupation; transfer to the Soviet military; leaving the military; German occupation; ghettoization; being selected with other men for forced labor in Germany; a rabbi encouraging them to help each other; frequent beatings; receiving extra food from friends; transfer to Auschwitz; transfer with other non-Polish-speaking prisoners to clean up the remains of the Warsaw ghetto; observing shootings of Jews who had hi...

  3. Sam A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam A., who was born in 1921 and served with the United States Army 21st Armored Infantry Battalion in World War II. He recounts approaching Mauthausen concentration camp on May 5, 1941, after German troops had left; the pervasive odor; gas chambers; pits filled with naked bodies; ovens with rollers to deliver bodies in an assembly line; and emaciated, dazed inmates. Mr. A. recalls three months of rotating guard duty at the camp while billeted in Linz; gradual improvement in the inmates' condition after treatment by military medical units; and realizing later that the...

  4. Irwin W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irwin W., who was born in Sladkow Maly, Poland in 1920. He recalls a difficult, but socially rich, life; ghettoization; escaping from a mass killing with his brother; hiding with farmers; joining the Polish underground as a non-Jew; leaving when exposure was imminent; entering Kielce concentration camp; forced labor for HASAG; sabotaging production; transfer to Cze?stochowa; evacuation to Buchenwald, then Stassfurt; working in coal mines; being abandoned by the guards on a death march in Czechoslovakia; attempting to enlist in the Soviet army; rejection due to ill hea...

  5. Judith G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith G., who was born in Munkacs, Czechoslovakia (presently Mukacheve, Ukraine) in 1933, an only child. Ms. G. recounts her mother was a United States citizen; their intention to move there; Hungarian occupation; her mother choosing not to go the U.S. rather than leave Ms. G. behind; her father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1941; German invasion in March 1944; relocation to a facility for foreign citizens in Budapest (a Swiss safe house); her aunt hiding with them; transfer to a prison in Koma?rom in December; a death march on which her mother wa...

  6. Yasha M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yasha M., who was born in Szczuczyn, Poland (presently Shchuchyn, Belarus) in 1920. He recounts attending school in Vilna; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation; being sent to Lida to work in a factory; German invasion; fleeing with a friend to Baranovichy; traveling on a train with other Jews to the Warsaw ghetto; escaping; returning to Szczuczyn via Hrodna; forced agricultural labor; a round-up and mass killing of the Jews (he, his father and stepmother were selected for work); transfer to Lida in May 1942; working as a carpenter; escaping to the fore...

  7. Jack S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924, the oldest of three children. He recalls their poverty; his father's death before the war; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor; deportation of his mother and siblings; his deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; observing suicides; transfer three weeks later to Dachau; receiving food from Germans while working outside the camp; liberation by United States troops; living in Feldafing displaced persons camp; emigration to the United States in 1950; marriage to an American; and the births of two daughters. Mr. S. discus...

  8. Lusia G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lusia G., who was born in Brody, Poland in 1922. She recounts attending public school; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; her father instructing her, her brother, sister, and her sister's fiancé to evacuate with the Soviet troops; transport to Kursk; working on a collective farm; her sister's marriage; her brother's and brother-in-law's military draft; moving to Saratov; food and clothing shortages; her brother-in-law's return; his earning extra food; the birth of her sister's daughter (she died two days later); moving to Poltava; her sister's depart...

  9. Margie A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margie A., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1928, one of nine children. She recalls Hungarian occupation; some of her brothers being drafted into slave labor battalions; a deportation order; a non-Jew offering to take her and one brother; her father refusing to separate the family; another non-Jew taking their valuables (he returned them after the war); transfer to the Munka?cs ghetto, then Auschwitz; separation from her family except her sister; her sister's emotional breakdown; their transfer to Gelsenkirchen; slave labor loading barges; transfer to Essen; slave la...

  10. Emanuel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emanuel R., who was born in approximately 1911 in Moscow, Russia. He recounts a pleasant pre-revolution life; his bar mitzvah in 1924; emigration to Paris after Lenin's death; his family's Zionism (his father purchased land in Palestine in 1925 where he lives today); attending boarding school; marriage in 1927; French military enlistment; his daughter's birth; posting to the German border in 1939; retreating during German invasion; traveling to Vichy with an admiral; military discharge; reunion with his wife in Toulouse; registering as a non-Jew; joining the undergrou...

  11. Brigitte W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Brigitte W., a Romani, who was born in 1937, the youngest of seven children. She recalls childhood in Erfurt; frequent air raids; hiding in the forests; deportation of many relatives; liberation by United States troops; and continuing hostility toward Romanies.

  12. Otto S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Otto S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921. He recounts his parents' move to the United States in 1899; his brother's birth there in 1911; their return visit to Austria before World War I; his father's draft when war broke out; his return in 1918 with injuries which precluded their return to the U.S.; Viennese welcoming Hitler during the Auschluss in 1938; anti-Jewish laws; his brother's incarceration in Buchenwald; release as a U.S. citizen provided he left immediately; his father's death in 1941; his mother's emigration to the U.S.; hiding with his girlfriend'...

  13. Susan P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan P., who was born in Felso?go?d, Hungary in 1930. She recalls attending public school there and in Va?c; visiting relatives in No?gra?d with her brother; her family's strong Hungarian identity; anti-Jewish restrictions; briefly attending school in Budapest; a round-up of all Jewish men (she never saw her father again); orders to move to Va?c in 1944; transfer to Go?do?llo?; pervasive terror and fear; a horrendous train trip to Auschwitz; separation from her family (she never saw her mother again); friendship with other Hungarian girls; fantasizing together about ...

  14. Geiselle M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Geiselle M., who was born in Z?ilina, Czechoslovakia in 1912. She describes her affluent family; Jewish life; her education; her mother's death in 1938; marriage in 1939; moving to Trenc?i?n; and the German takeover. She details her husband's importance to the Germans since he was a plumber; her pregnancy; arrangements through a priest, with whom her husband had attended school, to have the child registered Catholic at birth; aid received from friends and employees; entrusting her son to a former employee; deportation to Auschwitz, via Sered,? with her father, stepmot...

  15. Mania G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mania G., who was born in Strzemieszyce Wielkie, Poland in 1927 to a family of eight children. She recalls German invasion; ghettoization in 1942; forced labor digging ditches; her mother and youngest brother escaping from the ghetto (they did not survive); the ghetto's liquidation in 1943; separation from her father and brothers when she was deported to Ottmuth; forced labor in a munitions factory; sharing bread with her friend; working with her at an ammunition factory in Ludwigsdorf from the end of 1944 onward; rescuing her from selection in February 1945; disappea...

  16. Lillian R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lillian R., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1922, one of four sisters. She recounts her family's affluence; her mother's grandfather, a prominent rabbi in Warsaw; attending private Jewish schools; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in September 1939; forced relocation with her family to De?bica in December; moving to Radom; ghettoization; her mother's deportation (she did not survive); transition of the ghetto into a camp; deportation with her father to Szyd?owiec; their return to Radom, due to her sister's influence with a German official; marriage in 1943; hi...

  17. Fanya H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fanya H., who was born in Skala, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1924. She recalls her family's affluence; their focus on education; antisemitic incidents; Soviet occupation; joining Komsomol; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; hiding with eighteen family members during a round-up; her father introducing her to a Ukrainian policeman he trusted; receiving food from him; hiding with her brother in the policeman's house; his arrangement to hide her family with a farmer in Troyitsya in March 1942; hiding in a hole when the house and barn were searched by Germans; fleein...

  18. Andree D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andree D., who was born in Paris, France in 1927. She recalls her early childhood in Egypt; moving to Paris after her parents' divorce; pleasant summers with her grandparents in Egypt; her mother's remarriage to a Catholic in 1937; attending boarding school; the school's relocation to a castle near Vichy after the German invasion; joining her mother and stepfather in Bordeaux in 1940; obtaining false papers as her stepfather's child; moving to Arcachon, then Paris; attending schools in Vichy and Paris in 1942 and 1943; feeling fortunate that she did not have to wear a...

  19. Gitta B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gitta B., who was born in Rudnik, Poland, in 1923. Mrs. B. describes moving at the age of five to Reichenberg, capital of the Sudetenland; the German cultural orientation of the Jews there; difficulties experienced by her father because of his east European Jewish orientation; and increasingly widespread antisemitism. She relates her family's move to Prague following the German occupation of the Sudetenland; the German occupation of Prague and the resulting anti-Jewish actions; her father's efforts to remain religiously observant despite prohibitions; and continuing a...

  20. Jenia G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jenia G., who was born in Švenčionys, Poland (presently Lithuania) in 1927, one of four children. She recounts her large, extended family; attending a Tarbut school; her father visiting a sister in Palestine in 1939; his inability to return due to the war; Soviet occupation; joining Komsomol; German invasion; her mother hiding her during round-ups; refusing to hide with a non-Jewish farmer; transfer with her family to former military barracks in Švenčionėliai, then to the Polygon; her mother arranging her return to Švenčionys with her younger brother four days ...