Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 49,721 to 49,740 of 58,959
  1. Shoshana K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shoshana K., who was born in Prešov, Czechoslovakia in 1925, one of five children in a Hasidic family. She recounts attending a Jewish school; visiting relatives in Bardejov; transfer to a public school; anti-Jewish restrictions; confiscation of her father's store; deportation with her family by the Hlinka guard to the Dęblin ghetto; slave labor; a German officer allowing her to eat extra food; giving her soup ration to her mother; slave labor at an air strip; separation from her family (she never saw them again); transfer to the labor camp; assistance from a prison...

  2. Erwin B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erwin B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926, the youngest of seven children. He recounts his father's death in 1936; his mother's struggle to support the family; being accepted at the Korczak orphanage; German occupation; ghettoization; leaving the orphanage; watching Janusz Korczak's deportation with the orphans; smuggling food for his family; fleeing to the Wyszogro?d ghetto; joining his siblings in the P?on?sk ghetto; working as a non-Jew for a Polish farmer; deportation with his mother and siblings to Auschwitz in late 1942; separation from his mother and sis...

  3. Léo W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Léo W., who was born in Kellersberg, Germany in 1923, the youngest of three children of Polish immigrants. He recounts his family's move to Liège when he was three months old; cordial relations with non-Jews; his father's death in 1936; apprenticing as a tailor immediately after, German invasion; fleeing with his mother, sister, and her children to Toulouse; remaining there with his mother for ten months; returning to Brussels; anti-Jewish restrictions; working in a factory, hoping to avoid deportation; deportation in August 1942 to Dannes-Camiers, being told three ...

  4. Gilbert H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gilbert H., who was born in Paris, France in 1941. He speaks of his parents, who emigrated to France from Warsaw; his father's arrest and deportation to Auschwitz in 1941; his mother's arrest seven months after his birth; hiding with his grandparents in Parisian suburbs with assistance from French non-Jews; his grandfather's arrest and deportation to Auschwitz; fleeing with his grandmother to Lyon; hiding in a small town near the Swiss border; his grandfather's return after liberation; and emigration with his grandparents to Argentina after they learned his parents ha...

  5. Aliza R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aliza R., who was born in Zbaraz?, Poland (presently Zbaraz?h?, Ukraine). She describes life in a wealthy, politically aware family; attending secular school; attending law school at the University of Krako?w; marriage to another attorney; and life as a successful professional couple in the Warsaw area. She relates her journey from Warsaw to Zbaraz? at the outbreak of the war during which her daughter was born in a farmer's house; living in Zbaraz? under the Russian occupation; her feeling they should leave Poland prior to the German invasion; her refusal to register ...

  6. Leon H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon H., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland, in 1919. Mr. H. tells of prewar antisemitism; becoming a carpenter like his father and brothers; his family's move to the ?o?dz? ghetto in 1940; starvation; a German soldier who refused to believe that Jews could be tradesmen; witnessing atrocities while doing carpentry at the local Gestapo headquarters; his mother's death after a beating; and surrendering to join his father and siblings when they were rounded-up. He details conditions on the deportation train; separation from his father and sister at Auschwitz; selection and t...

  7. Arkadi︠i︡ P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arkadi︠i︡ P., who was born in Chashniki, Belarus in 1923. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending public school; earning teachers' certification; teaching third grade; visiting Minsk in June 1941; German invasion; riding trains with German soldiers to Barysaŭ; walking to Lukomlʹ; staying with an aunt for three days; returning to Chashniki; anti-Jewish regulations; forced labor in a peat factory; a non-Jewish woman who offered to help him; hiding with his mother and sister during a mass killing in February 1942; his mother forcing...

  8. George G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George G., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1922. He describes being the oldest child of three in a traditional family; the family move to Poznan?; anti-Semitic incidents in public school and law school (he attended for only three months due to the outbreak of the war); returning to ?o?dz? in September 1939; ghettoization in 1940; forced labor managing a clothing factory; H?ayim Rumkowski's role; starvation and epidemics; round-ups, first of the sick, then of entire areas; buying black market food to enable his family's survival; and mass deportations in 1943. Mr. G....

  9. Mary L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mary L., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. She recalls her large, extended family; their orthodoxy; attending a Jewish school; one sister's emigration to Palestine; observing the destruction after Kristallnacht; being sent with her older sister to the Netherlands (her parents planned to join them); placement in a children's home; her sister leaving since she was too old; transfer to a refugee home in Rotterdam, where her sister lived; placement with a foster family in Haarlem; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; transfer to a Jewish home for girls in Amsterdam; ...

  10. Rose R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose R. who was born in Luxembourg in 1927. She recalls her family's candy factory; attending Catholic school until Jews were expelled; her father's belief that the Germans were just passing through; her older brother's emigration to Chile; the family's move to Brussels; attending school there for a year; her sister being hidden by priests; the family's flight to Roubaix, France; and her arrest (she was about twelve). Mrs. R. recounts deportation to Majdanek; being brutally beaten; a guard who saved her from being gassed; forced labor in coal mines for a year; having ...

  11. Renee B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renee B., who was born in Duisburg, Germany, in 1927. Mrs. B. recalls her discomfort as the only Jew at a Catholic primary school; older Jewish friends who left Germany in the 1930s; fleeing with her parents on Kristallnacht to a former housekeeper's home; commuting daily to a Jewish school in Cologne after 1939; detention in a slaughterhouse before deportation; and arrival at the Ri?ga ghetto in December 1941. She describes her family's narrow escape from a selection; seeing the bodies of Jewish policemen executed for an attempted uprising; transfer to a railroad wor...

  12. Pierre B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pierre B., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1916. He recalls disenchantment with Rex, an extreme rightist political movement; marriage and birth of a daughter; military service; returning to Brussels when his regiment surrendered in May 1940; forming a Resistance unit; arrest; imprisonment in St. Gilles, Essen, Bochum, and Hameln; Allied bombings; praying to maintain his morale; prisoner discussions of food and recipes due to their hunger; transfer to Esterwegen, then Blechhammer, where he observed Jewish prisoners; Allied bombings; a trial in G...

  13. Irmgard K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irmgard K., who was born in Breslau (presently Wrocław, Poland), Germany in 1915, the youngest of five children of a Jewish father and Christian mother. She recounts attending synagogue and learning Hebrew; her father's death in 1924; antisemitic harassment; active participation in Social Democratic Party youth groups; her siblings' emigration to France in the early 1930s; her mother joining them; several arrests for anti-Nazi activities; engagement to a non-Jew; the Nuremberg laws prohibition against their marriage; her fiancé's arrest for anti-Nazi activities; one ...

  14. Peter P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter P., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1927. He recalls his parents' divorce; childhood poverty; the Anschluss; anti-Jewish violence; leaving for Czechoslovakia in summer 1938; his mother's successful application as an au pair in England; traveling with her and his sister to Brussels; staying there with his grandmother; obtaining tickets to join their mother on May 17, 1940; German invasion on May 10 ending their plan; their grandmother's death; living as street children, stealing food; his arrest in 1943 (his sister subsequently was hidden in a convent); deport...

  15. Leon L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon L., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1923. He recalls his affluent, orthodox family; antisemitic incidents; one sister's emigration to Palestine; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; joining the underground; denouncement by a Jew as a black marketeer; imprisonment; release; living with his parents in the ghetto; deportation with his family; jumping from the train after his brother did (he never saw his parents and sister again); hiding with his father's Polish friend; returning to the ghetto; reunion with his brother; their transfer to P?aszo?w; his brother s...

  16. George G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George G., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1924. He recalls his close, extended family; celebrating Jewish holidays; speaking Polish at home; participating in a Zionist youth group; attending gymnasium; German invasion; traveling with his father to Warsaw; returning to Be?dzin alone (he never saw his father again); joining Betar; his sister's marriage; Rosh ha-Shanah services in an orphanage (the synagogue had been burned); deportation to a labor camp in Germany in 1941 (he never saw his mother or sister again); transfer to Gross Masselwitz in December, to Klettend...

  17. Hans F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans F., who was born in Breslau, Germany (currently Wroc?aw, Poland) in 1928. He recalls antisemitic street violence; the destruction during Kristallnacht; his father's six week incarceration in Buchenwald; his emigration to Cuba upon release; embarking in Hamburg with his mother and sister on the St. Louis to join his father; Cuba denying landing permission; returning to Antwerp; traveling to France; living by himself in an OSE children's home in Montmorency; joining his mother and sister in Laval after German invasion; embarking for Cuba; a week on Ellis Island en ...

  18. Eva K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva K., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1936. She describes her close-knit, extended family; moving to Budapest; her father's conscription for forced labor; being sent to her grandparents in Transylvania; returning to Budapest; hiding with neighbors; and capture with her mother when they attempted to escape using false papers. Mrs. K. recounts transfer to a brickyard; separation from her mother while marching to Germany (she never saw her again); another woman caring for her; feeling isolated in Ravensbru?ck because no one spoke Hungarian and she was the only child; ...

  19. Zezette L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zezette L., who was born in Belgium in 1929. She describes the German invasion and her surprise at being sent by her parents to hide in a Catholic convent; her attempts to fit in by imitating the other girls during her stay of a year and a half; and leaving the convent on April 1943 for a visit to her parents, during which the three of them were discovered on Easter Sunday, arrested, and immediately deported to Malines. She tells of the train journey to Auschwitz; separation from her parents; and her mother's selection for gassing. She details her solitary, mute and i...

  20. Rose A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose A., who was born into a large, Orthodox family in a small village in the Carpathians in 1916. She describes life on the mill/farm which was her home; the invasion of the Carpathians in 1939; acts of open antisemitism; and her deportation to Poland in 1941. Mrs. A. recalls her life with the Jews in Poland; smuggling herself back into Czechoslovakia; and the resumption of life with her family until the German occupation in 1944. She tells of her deportation (after Passover 1944) to the ghetto/brick factory in Beregovo; her transport to and arrival in Auschwitz, whe...