FAST Subjects

FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) is a faceted subject heading schema derived from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). FAST consist of approximately 1.7 million headings across all facets. The individual terms in the FAST vocabulary are divided into eight distinct categories or facets: Chronological, Corporate Names, Events, Form/Genre, Geographic Names, Personal Names, Titles, and Topics. Since 2013 OCLC added FAST headings to WorldCat bibliographic records, including WorldCat identities.

Usage of RAMP Since EHRI Project’s Personalities Authority Files were generated using RAMP (Remixing Archival Metadata Project) editor. In the process of creating the Authority Records, basic Named Entity Recognition is being done and pull in data from external sources like VIAF and WorldCat Identities. The user is presented with a list of potential matches and can select which ones to add to the EAC-CPF record. Apart of the selected WorldCat identities, the associated FAST subject headings with the WorldCat identities were pulled in as well.

Selection method: A total of 221 FAST subject headings were connected to EAC-CPF files of EHRI’s personalities. The FAST subject headings can be roughly divided into these categories: Terms (105), Countries (28), Events (22), Occupation (18), Persons (17), Organization (13), Place Names (10) and Sites (8).

The subject headings were selected considering these principles:

  1. Subject heading which are included in the Thesaurus terms of EHRI (not necessarily an exact match of strings)
  2. Terms and subject which are holocaust related explicitly : Events between 1939-1945, or that have explicit connection to the holocaust, Jewish terms and holocaust terms (Ghettos, Jewish question), Organizations related to the holocaust, Sites related to the Holocaust (such as concentration camps)
  3. Country names and Place names