Prins, Izak

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  • Verzameling affiches en pamfletten van Joodse verenigingen.

    Deze verzameling bevat affiches, pamfletten en folders met betrekking tot allerlei politieke, religieuze, sociale en culturele activiteiten georganiseerd door Joodse organisaties in Antwerpen in de jaren 1932-1934. Het gaat om zowel politieke meetings en debatten als tentoonstellingen, concerten, filmvoorstellingen, bals, dansavonden, theater (o.a. Jiddisch theater van de Vilna groep), voordrachten, uitstappen en reizen, … Onder de vermelde organisaties noteren we o.a. B’rith Trumpeldor, Vereniging van Joodse Handwerkers, KKL, Agudath Zion, Agoedas Jisroel, Comité tot verdediging van de rec...

  • Private collection Izak (Isaac) Haim Prins.

    This collection includes thousands of notes written by Isaac Prins, a large quantity of newspaper clippings and a lot of material on Dutch and Belgian Jews, topics in which Prins was very interested. One will find documents such as newspaper clippings, reports of activities, correspondence, notes, manuscripts and publications concerning the Jews in Belgium from the 16th century onwards, although most of the documentation pertains to the interwar years, the Second World War and post-war period. We find documents pertaining to onomastics, such as a telephone directory from Antwerp and the pro...