Institut d’Études du Judaïsme

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  • Record Center.

    Ce fonds comprend des documents émanant de diverses organisations juives de Belgique. On y trouvera également des dossiers relatifs à la bibliographie des professeurs de l’IEJ, comme les listes des publications de ces professeurs. Anna Kempinska a par ailleurs rassemblé de la documentation concernant des associations juives en France, dont les mouvements de jeunesse juifs comme le Bne Akiva, le Dror, l’Hashomer Hatzair, les Éclaireurs Israélites de France et l’Ihud Habonim. Ces dossiers comprennent des pamphlets, des publications des organisations, des affiches, de la correspondance et des ...

  • Fonds Eichmann trial

    • Fonds procès Eichmann

    This fond holds the transcription of the court hearing of the Eichmann trial and all documentations related to the trial.

  • Oral History and interviews

    This fond contains interviews on audio tapes and their transcriptions, as well as notes taken by researchers of the institute during the interviews. These interviews were part of the project "Oral History of the Jews in Belgium" (Histoire orale des Juifs de Belgique). The interviews were mostly conducted by Daniel Dratwa et Bernard Suchecki, and reviewed by Willy Bok. The main themes of the interviews were oriented towards the personal lives of the interviewees, their family, their home country, their profession, education, their relation to Judaism and their level of religiosity, their mig...