Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 221 to 240 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Dr Salo Windschauer: copy examination certificate

    Copy doctor's examination certificate of Dr Salo WindschauerWhen this copy document was deposited it formed the frontispiece to a photocopy extract from Totenbuch Theresienstadt I Deportierte aus Oesterreich, the original of which the Wiener Library already holds.

  2. John Davey: Copy papers

    Copy papers re John Davey's attempt to prove that Hitler was alive in 1953. (1990s)

  3. Jüdische Gemeinde: copy letter re the rescue of the Torah scrolls from the Friedenstempel

    Copy letter from the Jüdische Gemeinde, Berlin re the rescue of the Torah scrolls from the Friedenstempel synagogue.

  4. American Friends Service Committee: Refugee hostel papers

    This collection comprises copy material relating to refugee hostels founded by the American Friends Service Committee.

  5. Leopold Danziger collection

    Red Cross letters from father in Berlin  to children in UK, 1940s

  6. Stern family: First World War letters from the front

    Stern family correspondence including letters from Rudolf Stern from the front during World War I to his father, Robert and sister, Hedwig (1911/1); letters from Fritz Bernstein to Robert and Hedwig Stern (1911/2); translations of this correspondence (1911/3)  

  7. German Jews in Austria: miscellaneous papers

    This material documents the plight of German Jewish refugees in Austria, 1933-1934.

  8. Rudolf Hess: letter re education matters

    Nothing is known about the provenance of this material.

  9. Dr Alfred Kerr: Letter

    Dr Alfred Kerr: letter

  10. Deutsche Arbeitsfront: Copy warning re boycotting Jewish companies

    Copy letter from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Westfalen, addressed to Willi Maddesi, to warn him that as he was still placing orders with a Jewish firm he ran the risk of losing his business and he was to deal with firms that bore the sign of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront on their windows 

  11. Kobylinski family: correspondence during internment

    This collection consists of correspondence between Else and Sigismund Kobylinski, German Jewish refugees, during their internment on the Isle of Man in Summer and Autumn 1940. The correspondents came to Great Britain in 1939, their children having emigrated some years earlier.

  12. Report re Nazi propaganda, Amsterdam

    Typed sheet of a confidential report from Amsterdam on Nazi propaganda, mentioning in particular van Heemskerk Duecker who was leader of the Nationalsozialistischen Studentgruppe in Wageningen, Holland. Before that he worked with the Flemish organization in Belgium and in close contact with Rost van Tonningen. There is also a report on Barends who was in close contact with the organization ‘Michiel de Swaen', whose aim was to unite all Flemish speaking countries and was pro Nazi.German 1 pageFormer Wiener Library reference: 211D/ 207E