Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 761 to 780 of 1,826
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Rosa Glueck: Copy Theresienstadt id card

    Copy identity card issued by jüdisches Siedlungsgebiet Theresienstadt for Rosa Glueck, born Leipzig 1878, countersigned by Leo Baeck as Judenältester 

  2. Löwy/ Cohen Family collection

    This collection includes a report about the experiences in Bergen Belsen, family correspondence, family photographs and material about the history of Sombor's Jewish community

  3. Hanau and Wallach family papers

    This collection contains papers relating to the Hanau family of Friedberg, Hesse and other related Jewish families including the Wallach family of Alsfeld, Hesse and the Rosenberg family of Kassel, Hesse.The material consists of family trees, memoirs, copy official documents and correspondence.

  4. Nuremberg War Crimes Trial: documents

    This collection comprises authenticated copies and translations into English of Nuremberg War Crimes trial documents which specifically pertain to the fate of European Jewry. The collection contains both contemporary documentation (eg correspondence, directives and orders between Nazi authorities) and post war affidavits from witnesses. Section A: "Racism and Antisemitic Propaganda" (Including: Anti-Jewish research. Indoctrination. Promotion of anti-Semitism abroad. Denial of anti-Jewish activities. Reactions to the foregoing.) 1655/1-286.Section B: “Discrimination” (Inc...

  5. Herbert Malinow collection

    This collection comprises material which documents the period when Herbert Malinow was interned as an enemy alien and subsequently transported on the infamous ship, HMS Dunera to Australia. It includes diaries, correspondence and press cuttings

  6. Copy documents re Heinrich Himmler

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection comprises 3 parts, which correspond to files or folders. The first 2 folders [501(1) and (2)] contain a variety of documentation of and about Heinrich Himmler, both before and during his time as Reichsführer SS. This had been collated from a number of archives and subsequently deposited by Roger Manvell, co-author of Heinrich Himmler, William Heinemann Ltd., 1965. Each document is preceded by a detailed description and/ or summary in English. Note that many of the doc...

  7. Sekretariat Warburg, 1938-1941: account of its activities by Robert Solnitz

    This typescript report gives an account of the activities of the Sekretariat Warburg, a charitable institution, whose objective was to assist Jews in Hamburg during the Nazi era and was funded by the Warburg banking family. The author is Robert Solnitz, former head of the organisation. It was written in Los Angeles in 1975.

  8. Medical prescription from German-Jewish doctor

    Medical prescription from German-Jewish doctor 

  9. Hugo Gryn Memorial Lecture by Trevor Phillips

    This document is the text of a lecture put on by the Wiener Library in memory of Rabbi Hugo Gryn at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS, on 21 June 1998 and given by Trevor Phillips.

  10. Jewish Community Reunion, Wertheim: Papers

    Jewish Community Reunion, Wertheim: Papers 

  11. Hechaluz: Various documents

    This microfilm collection of documents relates to the activities of the Hechaluz, the umbrella organisation founded in 1917 to propagate the settlement of Jews from the Diaspora to Kibbutzim in Palestine.The documents deal with the possibilities of agriculture and artisan training open to young Jewish people during the Third Reich, on farms or in workshops organised under the auspices of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland. The documents are accompanied by a letter from the Irgun Olej Merkas Europa, to the Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz in 1976, in which a number of quest...

  12. Paul Plaut: correspondence

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThe collection is entirely non-political. Unintentionally it is, however, a vivid illustration of the 'brain drain' which hit Germany and Austria a few years later. A large number of contributors were amongst the best known emigrants. Some did not survive the Holocaust.The responses are arranged alphabetically by correspondent into folders, 647/1-25. A few of the responses which are not related to Plaut's book have been subsumed into the main alphabetical series. At folder 647/26 there are some unidentified let...

  13. Gerd Ramm collection

    This collection comprises testimonies from former hidden Jews who survived the war thanks to the efforts of Gerd Ramm; also contained is covering correspondence.

  14. Copy documents and draft for research projects

    Copy documents and draft for research projects entitled Das traditionelle Judentum in Deutschland im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert, by Dr. M Breuer and Dr. J Walk, and Die anti-jüdische Gesestzgebung im Dritten Reich, by Dr. Shaul EshThe papers include copy documents from German archives and drafts of project plans for research into traditional Judaism in the 19th and 20th century and ant-Jewish laws in the Third Reich respectively.

  15. Hay internment camp, New South Wales, Australia: copy camp magazine

    This collection appears to consist of two separate deposits, the provenance of which is not known. The first item is a copy of the Camp 7 Hay magazine Boomerang. The second is a woodcut image of the camp, dated 1940-1.

  16. Cohn/ Baer family papers

    The material consists mostly of birth and death certificates, permits and travel documents. Included are papers which document the increasingly oppressive measures taken by the Nazis against the Jews. At 628/9 is Martha Cohn's identity card with the conspicuous “J” on the cover denoting Jew and which bears the additional information that she was ‘evacuated' from Berlin on 16 December 1942. At 628/10 is the order from the Amtsgericht, Berlin, that she must adopt the forename ‘Sara' to identify her as a Jew, dated 11 Jan 1939. At 628/11 is an order stamped by the Gestapo that she must leave G...

  17. Book: 'Juden in Freiburg im Breisgau' with enclosures

    This book Juden in Freiburg im Breisgau was published in Trier by Gebrüder Maas & Companie, 1890

  18. Albert Steiner: Extracts from Terezin diary

    Excerpts of a diary kept by Albert Steiner during his time at Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto (1667/1) and family photograph (1667/2).