Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 1,826
Language of Description: English
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
  1. Rozalia Nowak-Becke: copy personal papers

    This collection of copy personal papers of Rozalia Nowak-Becke, holocaust survivor, consists of her Polish passport, references, letters and newspaper cuttings.

  2. Dr. Lilli Segal: correspondence and papers

    This collection consists of mostly copy correspondence between Lilli Segal and various individuals and organisations covering such subjects as the debate over how many people were murdered during the Holocaust; the activities of Nazi doctors; the extermination of Jews, Gypsies and Russians in Auschwitz; and concentration camp memorials.

  3. Breendonk Camp, Belgium: Copy report by Headquarters 21 Army

    Report on Breendonk concentration camp containing the following sub-headings: atrocities committed against the civilian population of Breendonk; details of life and conditions within the camp; particulars of Germans and collaborators mentioned in the report; appendices including statements and summaries of statements made by former inmates.English 79 pagesThe front page of the report describes the author as 'Headquarters 21 Army Group' and bears the date, 1944. It has been annotated 'secret' and there appears to be an archival reference number. A note accompanying the report has the followi...

  4. Exhibition of 20th Century German art: flyer

    The exhibition to which this flyer refers took place at the 'New Burlington Galleries', London W1, from 8 July 1938 for a month.

  5. Ernst Benedikt collection

    Photocopies of documents about Ernst Benedikt's life and of his publications, as well as digitised photographs of him and his family.

  6. Erich Berges: Report re experiences in concentration camps

    This report describes conditions in Buchenwald then Mauthausen for this former prisoner. The collection also includes a handwritten summary of the contents in English.

  7. Miscellaneous leaflets

    This collection of leaflets and other printed ephemera contains both German material, advertising art exhibitions and the like, c1930s, and British armed forces information leaflets etc.

  8. Reverend M.L. Perlzweig: Conference address transcript

    Transcript of a speech given by Reverend M. L. Perlzweig from London given at the Conférence de la Jeunesse Juive de France, Paris, 11 April 1938, in which he exhorts his audience in the light of the antisemitism sweeping across Europe, to defend justice and liberty against tyranny 2 pages

  9. Copy Oskar Schindler's list

    This is a photocopy of Oskar Schindler's list of Jewish workers who were employed by him at the concentration camp Gross Rosen and the work camp Brünnlitz. Inclusion on the list was a guarantee of safety. The list includes the names of 297 women and 800 men, the women's names being listed alphabetically. The list is thought to be a jumble of inaccuracies, false birth dates, and altered identities. Some of the mistakes are intentional; others apparently resulting from confusion or disinformation, or simply typos. There are German spellings, Polish spellings and Hebrew transliterations into b...

  10. Mrs Inge Samson: Diaries

    These diaries are written in a manuscript gothic script. The first part covers life in Germany and the second life in Great Britain.

  11. Josef Rosenbaum collection

    Correspondence and identity documents

  12. Antisemitism in Poland, pre-war: Unidentified document

    This document appears to be part of an address by a member of Rote Hilfe, a Polish socialist organisation. It attempts to demonstrate that the pogroms at Pizitik, Cracow, Lemberg and Radom were linked with the murder of the Polish working classes and that the Polish proletariat was not anti-Semitic and that the call for anti-Semitism comes from the government. The author exhorts Polish Jews not to emigrate, stating that they have a right to stay.

  13. Press cuttings re the internment of refugees

    Collection of press cuttings regarding the internment of aliens and refugees c1940

  14. Julius Kunig: POW Diary

    Julius Kunig: POW diary and enclosures

  15. Miscellaneous copy reports re Wehrmacht activities in occupied Europe

    These papers emanate in the main from the offices of regional commanders in occupied Belgium and deal with a variety of issues relating to problems encountered by the Nazi occupation forces.

  16. German Jewish families: various copy papers

    This collection of copy documentation relates mainly to the Mecklenburg family. Also included are smaller collections from other German Jewish emigre families.

  17. Clothing industry in Frankfurt: articles

    These accounts of Jewish involvement in Frankfurt's (ladies) wholesale garment and textile industry during the 19th and 20th centuries include descriptions of all the major firms and players.