Breznik and Zylberglajt families collection

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EHRI Partner


The collection was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2016 and 2017 by Yoram Bar Gal.

Scope and Content

Two limestone sculptures done by Arie Breznik (donor’s maternal cousin) from Boremel, Ukraine; one of the sculptures is symbolic grave for his family; Ink Drawing: done by Moshe Breznik (Arie’s 10-years-old brother), depicting Theodor Zeev Herzl. Arie kept it throughout the war in USSR. Correspondence: letters and postcards from Zylberglajt family in Warsaw, where Jankel Zylberglajt (donor’s paternal grandfather) was an owner of toy company at 51 Nowolipie Street; dated: 1936-1941 in Yiddish and Polish; other letters and postcards are from Zeev Zylberglajt’s friends and relatives, before the war and during the war from USSR and after the war from Poland, Germany and Cyprus. Among the survivors was Leon Zylberglajt (donor’s paternal uncle); Dawid Bajtsztok (paternal cousin) and Arie Breznik (maternal cousin); Photographs: depicting Breznik family in Boremel, and different friends Arie befriended in the Feladafing DP camp and in the Cyprus transit camp. [Accretion: poesie book, photographs, correspondence, book for Library] [Accretion: 1 sculpture]


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