Belgische Senaat, Sectie Archivering en Historiografie / Sénat de Belgique, Section Archivage et Historiographie
- Belgian Senate, Archiving and Historiography Department
- Archives du Sénat
- Archief van de Senaat
Archival and Other Holdings
The Archiving and Historiography Department aims to document and publish the history of the Senate, by cooperating in publications, activities and making accessible archival sources. The Department's range from 1831 to today.
Opening Times
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. only by appointment
Conditions of Access
In order to consult a document that is not accessible online, researchers must contact the Senate Archivist who will reply to their request within 15 working days.
If the archivist refuses access to the records, they must provide a reason. Researchers, if they so wish, can then lodge an appeal in writing with the Clerk of the Senate.
Once researchers have received a permission to consult the requested document(s), they must make an appointment with the Department in order to view the documents in our reading room.
For further information on the regulations related to the consultation of unpublished documents held by the Senate Archives, see: (in Dutch) (in French)
Reproduction Services
Copies of documents may be requested.
Belgian Senate website consulted on 24/07/2019
Pierre-Alain Tallier (dir.), Gertjan Desmet & Pascale Falek-Alhadeff, Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique/Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Joden en het Jodendom in België, 19de-21ste eeuw, Brussel, ARA-AGR/Avant-Propos, 2016, 1,328 p.