General Zionists
- Zionist Organization in Poland
Dates of Existence
Founded in 1916
The General Zionists, founded in 1916 under the umbrella of the World Zionist Organization, was aiming to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. In Poland, Zionists strove for national and cultural autonomy, protected Jewish economic rights and interests, strengthened national identity, and organized emigration to Palestine. General Zionists were divided into three factions: Et Liwnot (A time to build), the moderate group; Al Hamishmar (On guard), which had a leftist social program; and the New Zionist Organization (Revisionists), the radical right wing.
The Warsaw ghetto : a guide to the perished city / B. Engelking, J. Leociak. – New Haven, 2009. – p. 836